A Palace is defined as a large grand house where a ruling king or queen officially lives. A palace is designed to serve not just the residential needs of the king or ruler but also serve as an administrative centre and for various social and religious/ritual ceremonies. The palace is also a symbol of authority in any given society, it serve as a so... Continue Reading
This project aims at the design of an educational institution on the basis of certain Islamic principles which have been used throughout the centuries in the design of various buildings in different Islamic regions. Although the environment and physical needs of each region are different, there are some basic Islamic principles that are always used... Continue Reading
Today, the muslims society is witnessing a deterition in Islamic teachings on morality and other injunctions Drought by the holy prophet (S.A.W). It has been observed in the previous years that it was because of lack of Islamic knowledge that all these immoralities are increasing in the society now that more than the number expected have acquired t... Continue Reading
As urban areas in Nigeria continue to grow, the need to meet increasing water demand for the population has become a major problem of concern to Urban Managers. The State water agencies who are supposed to provide adequate and potable water supply to urban population have records of poor performance and institutional challenges. To achieve the nati... Continue Reading
Industrialization has been regarded by many developing countries as a key towards rapid socio-economic development Many governments have thus bean perusing various policies aimed at promoting industrial development,, The policy instruments used include the provision of certain incentives and inducements. It also involved the establishment of indust... Continue Reading
This research aimed at appraising the development , and management of organised open spaces in Kaduna metropolis and to recommend appropriate strategies for implementation. To achieve the afore-mentioned aim, the following objectives were set: 1 - To review the concept and classification of open space. 2 - To examine the system and distribution of ... Continue Reading
Every human needs to engage in different forms of recreation at various points in his life, in the bid to make productive use of leisure time. The result of this is a rejuvenating experience. A resort is essentially developed for the sojourn of visitors and tourists, providing multiple facilities for their recreation, accommodation, leisure, and ot... Continue Reading
urban renewal programme is an intervention package to solve problems confrontinf blighted parts of Urban Centres. The problems are physical, environmental, socio-cultural and adminsitrative in nature. The problems of blight include inadequate and low maintenance level of infra-structural facilities, inadequate planning and implementation of develop... Continue Reading
Public Private Partnership (PPP) has been identified as a potential and practicable solution to tackling the difficulties and problems in the progress of housing development especially in developing countries. The involvement of the private sector will help to reduce burden on government and accelerate the provision of affordable housing for all. I... Continue Reading
Using Teaching Aids in Learning, is a case study concerning Samaru area only, is a research carried out to find out the influence and usage of Teaching Aids in nursery schools in and around samaru village. The types of visual aids provided,how they are manipulated and cared for among others were all investigated. To achieve this aim some questionna... Continue Reading
Physical Planning is relatively a young profession in Nigeria. Its acceptability and practice is beginning to gather momentum in the three tiers of government which should however be vertically related and co-ordinated with the state and federal roles, responsibilities and practices. This hierarchical function in physical planning will no doubt enh... Continue Reading
EVALUATION OF THE EXISTING MINNA MASTER PLAN TO DETERMINE ITS ADEQUACY WITH REGARD TO OFFICE AND RESIDENTIAL LAND ALLOCATION Minna, a town which came into existence in 1914, is located in Niger State. It has under-gone a lot of changes. Firstly, its initial development was due to its location and a railway junction but later it acquired some admini... Continue Reading
Implementation is a very complex and important aspect of Physical Planning, because it covers different activities by different agencies, therefore, it's successful implementation cannot be assured at the early stage. The success of any plan depends on it's translation into reality, the it gain from the policy makers, Financial resources available,... Continue Reading
The disparity between planning theory and planning practice creates problems in Jos which are typical of those in Nigerian urban area3 and probably other urban areas elsewhere in the world. This thesis constitutes an attempt to study the processes of preparing and implementing urban development plans in Jos urban area, and the nature of problems en... Continue Reading
Industrialization is a major process for economic development of any Nation. The present economic situation has prompted the Federal Government to seek for ways of diversifying the economy base, hence the emphasis on industrialization and agricultural development. Oil Palm, (Elaeis guineensis) thrives in the tropics. From Senegal, Nigeria, Serra Le... Continue Reading