Presented To
Department of
Environmental Design
This research aimed at appraising the development , and management of organised open spaces in Kaduna metropolis and to recommend appropriate strategies for implementation. To achieve the afore-mentioned aim, the following objectives were set: 1 - To review the concept and classification of open space. 2 - To examine the system and distribution of pattern of open spaces in Kaduna metropolis. 3 - To analyse the development and management of organised open spaces in Kaduna metropolis. 4 - To compare the development and management between publicly and privately organised open spaces in Kaduna metropolis. 5 - To highlight the general problems of open spaces in Kaduna. 6 - To recommend some policy guidelines and provide a frame work for their implementation. The methodology of this study consists of two basic components: The theoretical aspect which discussed . various concepts, and classifications of open spaces through an inventory of the existing literature, and the impirical component which involved a study of the iii existing situation of organised open spaces using structured and informed interview, reconnaisance survey, personal observations and other secondary data sources. The study revealed that both human and natural factors provide potentials as well as constraints for the development of open spaces in Kaduna. The population growth and its heterogeneity provide potentials for the development of various open space types. Also the natural physical conditions such as the climate, geology, and vegetation provide the greatest potentials for open spaces development in Kaduna. Despite these potentials, the study revealed that there is inadequacy in the supply of organised open spaces in Kaduna metropolis. It indicated that organised open spaces represent 2.5% of the total landuse in Kaduna. This is far below the acceptable standard of 7 - 8 % for the provision of open spaces in cities with the population of between 500,000 - 1,000,000 within which Kaduna falls. Inspite of their inadequacy, some of the open spaces especially water bodies and their flood plains are being encroached and destroyed as a result of urban developments. iv - The study also revealed that there is very poor attendance and underutilisation of the existing publicly organised open spaces. It also revealed that privately developed open spaces are better organised and efficiently managed than publicly organised open spaces. Most of the publicly organised open spaces are wrongly located, poorly designed, illequipped and in deplorable conditions and their management is poor. This is because of the duplication of responsibilities and lack of coordination between . the government organisations responsible for their development. Consequent to the above findings, the following proposals and recommendations were made: More organised open spaces should be supplied by the government to reduce the large deficit. 1% additional open space was proposed to make a total of 3.5%; this is because there is no enough space to meet the 7 - 8% within the metropolis. The proposed open spaces should be distributed in areas that lack organised open spaces within the metropolis such as Mando, Malali, Rigasa, Nasarawa, Sabon Tasha, Hayin Banki etc. Secondly, the study proposed some set backs along all water bodies based on an earlier study by the green belt committee and the field survey of the existing situation. The study also recommended that the conditions of the existing public open spaces be improved by providing park equipments, parking spaces, sitting areas and staff that will maintain the quality of parks to make them more attractive and better utilised by the people. It also recommended the establishment of a Commission to be known as
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