The management of daily labour productivity variability on site is an important aspect of lean thinking. The lean construction technique suggests that reducing variability gives better labour performance. Therefore, this work examines the analysis of labour productivity data of four cement-based activities which are; block laying, concreting, wall ... Continue Reading
AN APPRAISAL OF ATYAP PERFORMING ARTS OF ZANGON KATAF KADUNA STATE, NIGERIA 1950 �“ 2013,By Samuel Caleb.(N.C.E. Fine and Applied Arts KSCOE Kafanchan, B.A.Fine Arts, M.A Art History A.B.U Zaria) This study explored the activities of the Atyap performing arts, defining what they are by name. Chapter one introduces the background history of the Aty... Continue Reading
The raw mineral used world-wide in the production of plaster of Paris is gypsum. This is available in Nigeria. Constant importation of plaster of Paris constitutes a drain on national economy and an added cost on ceramic mass production. Its availability has prompted the central direction of this project to analyse, in a comparative way and to see ... Continue Reading
The research is an attempt made, to survey the styles and functions of Kano ancient city wall and gates. The research is carried out to document the remains of the wall and gates, thus the problem of the study, putting into consideration the aims and objectives of the study. The aim of the study is to survey the styles and functions of the ancient ... Continue Reading
Niger state government achievement in Public housing delivery for its citizen since its creation in 1976 has been very minimal�“with just 3,000 houses provided for a population of 3,954,772 so far. Changing its delivery strategy from being the sole provider of housing, the government in 2007 opted for a new strategy of Public-Private Partnership (... Continue Reading
The word “high-tech” with one accord to architecture looks upon as a restoration emissary of modernist functionality; the high-tech generalization is based on simple minded plans that strictly incorporate the use of technologically enhanced building materials and its characteristic materials are steel and glass, and that it puts a high priority... Continue Reading
Building projects in Ahmadu Bello University are experiencing astronomical cost of construction resources especially materials, manpower, machines and overheads. Therefore clients commissioning building projects are cost-conscious and will not want to be saddled with avoidable and unnecessary expenses termed in this research as unproductive costs. ... Continue Reading
Recent efforts to secure tenure and enhance real property markets are under pressure from increasing demand and competition for land. While limited success in implementing land administration reform in the FCT have led to inefficiency, incoherent and poor land management, have been recognized as one of the key obstacles hindering change and also un... Continue Reading
Nigeria produces cotton seed and groundnut in abundance, especially in the northern part. This project Gusau Oil Mills aims at designing a factory for processing these oil seeds. In the process of doing this, more products will be realized and wastage will be minimized. The sub topic is Architectural considerations to hygiene in Industries. This ha... Continue Reading
The unquestionable human reliance on the natural world throughout history has reinforced the intuition of the human affinity for nature and the notion that human physical, psychological and even moral well-being is largely dependent on experiencing a diverse and healthy natural environment. This connection has ultimately influenced the decisions we... Continue Reading
Buildings are responsible for at least 40% of energy used in most countries, in Nigeria construction activities has pervaded most urban centres as in the case of Abuja. Evaluating passive design principles in buildings is the clever way in designing energy efficient building that will be peculiar to the local climate of a region. Most shopping mall... Continue Reading
In the Traditional Architecture of any settlement, one can find a very strong relationship between the forms of architecture and the local climate. The form of shelter decides the bulk of its energy consumption. The climate becomes the dominant forces in finding the solution when there is scarcity of available resources. The modern buildings’ unr... Continue Reading
Human beings, unlike machines do not have replaceable spare parts as such, the need forrest becomes necessary after the hustle and bustle of modem day living. The resultant tourism, although a global economic phenomenon, is still at infancy on these shores, as the few destinations are seriously degraded through human activities. This thesis seeks t... Continue Reading
Muyideen Adio Jaji is a contemporary sculptor, who has been producing sculptures, both in naturalism and abstraction. He has also delved into the exploration of stunted figures. The problem of this research therefore, is to outline the context that locates his stunted sculptures. The research, thus aims at analysing the content of Jaji’s stunted ... Continue Reading
The problem of very high wind velocity is not new to Sokoto and its environment. Windstorm had been a seasonal affair, and has become a very serious regional hazard . Despite the seriousness of this phenomenon, the authorities concerned have done nothing to see that this pehnomenon is thoroughly investigated, and appropriate solutions found to prev... Continue Reading