The major problem associated with cassava starch stabilized bricks is the high rate of water absorption. The effect of high rate of water absorption make the bricks to be soluble in water and limits its use for only internal partition walls not out doors. This study therefore evaluates the effects of three binding media on compressed stabilized ear... Continue Reading
The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the determinants of user satisfaction in university residence halls. Academic performance of any tertiary institution must necessarily be influenced by the quality and quantity of the residential accommodation (an aspect of learning environment) of the students. Hostel is an inexpensive shared room?s a... Continue Reading
The construction industry is characterised with inherent risk and uncertainties as a result of its fragmented and competitive nature. This therefore makes it difficult to accurately estimate the cost of construction project. To achieve the objective of having work completed most especially within cost and quality, contingency sum is apportioned to ... Continue Reading
This thesis titled Examination and Remodeling Structural and Decorative Designs on Ladies Garments in Kaduna Metropolis” was undertaken to address the production problems in garment making in terms of techniques, materials, equipment and tools used in placing structural and decorative designs on ladies? garments by fashion designers and tailors i... Continue Reading
The construction industry by its nature is male dominated and the low level of participation of women within it has attracted a lot of attention globally. In recent years, the industry recorded a slight increase in women participation but this is still insufficient to meet the challenges faced by the Industry on a daily basis. This research therefo... Continue Reading
Technology istakingovereveryaspectofhumanendeavorincludingarchitecture.Thus buildings are beginning to lose their architectural characteristics relative to their external climatic factors. This creates unfavorable comfort conditions within the building making it unbearable for the users without use of artificial means. It has also been succinctly n... Continue Reading
The unquestionable human reliance on the natural world throughout history has reinforced the intuition of the human affinity for nature and the notion that human physical, psychological and even moral well-being is largely dependent on experiencing a diverse and healthy natural environment. This connection has ultimately influenced the decisions we... Continue Reading
Solid waste management has become the greatest problem facing many urban and semi-urban areas in Nigeria. The management of solid wastes in recent time has become a very big challenge. The problem of waste generation, handling and disposal has reached a disturbing level in Nigerian urban centers. The study analyzed domestic solid waste management s... Continue Reading
Healthcare services are aimed at improving wellbeing and preventing potential human health risks and environmental hazards. In the process, however, wastes that are potentially harmful are generated. Poor management of these healthcare wastes (HCW) exposes the health workers, patients, waste handlers and the general public to health risks. Thus, th... Continue Reading
Research has shown that construction contractors face challenges when attempting to manage their present and future financial requirements, via cash flow (CF) forecasting and/or the use of cash flow forecasting (CFF) models. Consideration for risk factors impacting on CF forecasts/CFF models has also been identified as a key issue affecting contrac... Continue Reading
Faculty of science in a higher institution of learning can be seen as an academic unit containing a number of related disciplines which are concern with specific phenomena such as technological milieus, laboratory culture and other science policies. And because faculty of science is multidisciplinary and interdisclinary the need for a multi-user sp... Continue Reading
This study appreciated Masquerades and Artistic Elements and the manner in which they are presented and their stream of impart on Carnivals. Interest in the research was motivated by the prominence accorded masquerades during carnival festivals in Abuja National Carnival, Carnival Calabar and the Rivers State Carnival from 2008 to 2012: their role ... Continue Reading
Scholars posit for the reengineering of the traditional management concept that is still significantly applied in managing building projects. Blending with the conventional understanding of the theory of production and the uniqueness of construction projects, the concept clogs the wheel of progress in the practice of construction art. Apart from be... Continue Reading
Technology is taking over every aspect of human endeavour including architecture. Thus regions are beginning to lose their identity and history to mediocrity and homogeneity. Critical regionalism is an approach to architecture that strives to counter the lack of use of sense of place but focus on local need and think about the long term implication... Continue Reading
In the last decades, knowledge about the ionosphere has grown considerably thanks to the use of GNSS measurements, and in turn the GNSS have highly benefited from this improved knowledge. This Dissertation studied the TEC value for the Nigerian GNSS Permanent Reference Network (NIGNET) over a period of four and a half years (January 2010 to June 20... Continue Reading