The raw mineral used world-wide in the production of plaster of Paris is gypsum. This is available in Nigeria. Constant importation of plaster of Paris constitutes a drain on national economy and an added cost on ceramic mass production. Its availability has prompted the central direction of this project to analyse, in a comparative way and to see ... Continue Reading
The renewed attempt by the Plateau State Government to further review the implementation of the Greater Jos Master Plan has made the opportunity for the inclusion of appropriate way-finding signs in to the entire design process imperative. This has given rise to this study, which is to determine whether the some existing Directional Signs in Jos me... Continue Reading
This research seeks to explore charcoal market in painting using a restricted palette. The palette consists of gray and subdued primary colours employed to build up a structure in painting that evokes a somber mood and aesthetically document a charcoal market. The inspiration was derived from an environment that is overwhelmingly black and capable ... Continue Reading
The management of people at work is an integral part of the management process. The aim of this research is to evaluate the motivational factors of employee consultants in the Nigerian construction industry, with a view to improve motivational practices which leads to growth and sustenance of the Nigerian construction industry. The objectives of th... Continue Reading
Value management is widely accepted as a technique in achieving value for money. In accordance with the stipulation of the Public Procurement Act in Nigeria that value for money practices should be followed in procuring public assets and services, this study aims to assess the Nigerian construction industry’s readiness to adopt value management p... Continue Reading
This research work assessed the level of participation in outdoor recreation in Yenagoa town, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. The study covered ten wards in which the town is organised, using one ward each for investigations into the availability of outdoor recreation facilities, access to them and the general pattern of recreation practices among the resi... Continue Reading
This research considers the possibilities of creating aesthetics in painting using doodle. The main thrust is to establish a new mode of artistic expression in painting by recreating the doodles made by a select number of people, while the objectives include to, identify images in doodles, explore line and texture as design elements inherent in doo... Continue Reading
Shopping plazas are major developmental facilities of urban landscape and they provide leisure, entertainment and shopping for users. The amount of energy to run such equipments are excessively high coupled with the inconsistent nature of power supply from the central electricity supply. Buildings that promote good shopping activities can be achiev... Continue Reading
Due to our socio-cultural peculiarities, patients in this part of the world need (apart from formal caregivers) informal caregivers who are often family members of the patients that stay with them almost every hour of their hospitalization. These family caregivers play important role in patients? recovery process. Patients depend on family caregive... Continue Reading
Biomorphism a division of organic architecture and sustainability, concerns itself with the mimicry of an organism be it a plant or animal in form as well as character. Believing that fundamental principles of structure lay hidden in the natural world art and architecture could only survive if contacts with the principles are re-established. Artist... Continue Reading
Buildings have a lot to answer for in terms of the amount of natural resources consumed, the amount of pollution created, the amount of energy wasted and the amount of wastes generated. Construction activity is known to have a major impact on the environment and is a major consumer of a wide range of naturally occurring and synthesized resources. D... Continue Reading
This study, “Socio-cultural and economic impact of the “Anger” woven fabric production on Kwande people of Benue State” is an attempt to assess the level of the socio-cultural and economic implications that the production and utility of the “Anger” woven fabric has on the Kwande people in Benue State of Nigeria. The research is necessit... Continue Reading
Sculpture, over time, has evolved and through the period of its evolution sculptors have derived inspiration from diverse sources, Pablo Picasso and Amideo Modigliani explored African mask for their paintings and sculptures, this direction has influenced to a large extent the trend of contemporary sculpture. The problem of this research therefore, ... Continue Reading
The research is an attempt made to appraise the installation Art of Ayo Aina and to find out the socio-cultural relevance of his work to the Nigerian society. Related literature on the artist were reviewed coupled with oral interview. From this research work, the role played by the artist and the relevance of his work to the Nigerian society is hig... Continue Reading
The occurrence of disasters and emergencies has increased in frequency and intensity in the last decade, especially recent times. Rapid population growth, urbanization and social political issues compounded by ethnic plurality has been resulting in fierce competition for scarce resources leading to deteriorating livelihoods, social marginalization,... Continue Reading