Search result(s): 166 - 180 of 626 » Department » Environmental Design

redevelopment of sokoto airport terminal building

The problem of very high wind velocity is not new to Sokoto and its environment. Windstorm had been a seasonal affair, and has become a very serious regional hazard . Despite the seriousness of this phenomenon, the authorities concerned have done nothing to see that this pehnomenon is thoroughly investigated, and appropriate solutions found to prev... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

redevelopment of television village bus terminal (an architectural redevelopment proposal to new trends in socio-economic development)


The gateway into any city is the circulation terminals where humans, vehicles and goods interact usually in large numbers all year round. This interaction may be harmonious or chaotic depending on how well organized the activities in these terminals are. Being the gateway into the city such terminals should speak well of the cities they serve. Bus ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an assessment of the variability of cost and time related items of preliminaries in building contracts in nigeria

Preliminaries in building construction contracts are allowed for the support services provided on to the main work. Some studies show that they account for as much as ten percent (10%) of the total cost of the contract. There has not been any precise approach to the determination of the total cost of what should consist of preliminaries. This study... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

relationship between continuous assessment scores and performance in art


This study seeks to investigate the relationship between continuous assessment (C.A.) scores and examination performance among students in J.S.S. in Plateau State. Five hundred and seven (507) students were randomly selected and tested from thirteen schools in nine of the thirteen Education Inspectorate Zones of Plateau State. Their C.A. scores for... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

relationship between theory and practice of teaching fine arts in secondary schools


The research is a Descriptive Survey. It concerned with the relationship between theory and practice of teaching fine arts. It aimed describing in a systematic manner the facts about the state of arts teaching. The study was interested in describing the relationship between theory and practice of teaching fine arts in secondary school in Kano State... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

nigerian airforce base, yola (architecture for defence)

Since the end of world war II (1939-45), brought to an end to a certain degree by the dropping of the 'atomic bomb1 on Hiroshima and Nagasaki both in Japan by the American Airforce, the role of the airforce in military warfare has taken on a new dimension, with the various world powers taking advantage of it's inherent potentialities to perpetuate ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

the prison environment and reformation prison complex calabar

Of all the influences on mankind, the environment is one of the most bearing on him. The environment, as defined by psychologists ranges from one's immediate physical surroundings, e.g. buildings, walls, colour of walls, to relationships with other people. How one perceives and reponds to these eventually moulds his character. Hence the objective o... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

enhancing social interaction through architecture


In an academic environment accommodation is of immense importance because student needs a place to retire to after a hectic day of taking lectures or other extra curricular activities. Social activities have always been an integral part of any educational institution throughout the history of mankind. Man needs to exercise his limbs, mind and his c... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an approach to communal living in hostel design


The student’s accommodation will be such that the students are grouped in small dynamic communities within a village that is administered by the students themselves under the supervision of warders and lectures. From the architectural point of view, this means a clear separation of the following activities whose combining effect would revolve ro... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an evaluation of some sustainable rural development components in the design of the hadeja-nguru wetlands conservation programme

Hadeja-Nguru Wetlands Conservation Programme was initially designed by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (in the U.K.) to conserve the wetlands as a habitat for migratory waterbirds, as well as the water-resources of the Komadugu-Yobe basin in general. However, along the line, some rural development components were later introduced into... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an analysis of the planning and implementation of the "waterfront settlements redevelopment scheme" in port harcourt

Squatter settlements in cities is a phenomenon in most countries experiencing urbanisation. Efforts have been made to eliminate them through housing policies which include urban renewal schemes. Urban renewal schemes have been in the form of conservation, rehabilitation, upgrading and site and services, and redevelopment. The adoption of any of th... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an evaluation of the advertising media in nigeria (print and television)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relative effectiveness of the graphics and copy appeals used by advertisers with regards to the degree to which the audience responded to them in print and television media. The specific objectives were to: (a) evaluate the relative effectiveness of the graphics and copy appeals that appeared in print a... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of colour in contemporary nigerian magazine advertisement design

The right or wrong choice of colour can mean the difference between award-winning design and failure in advertising. Agreeably aesthetic enthusiasts, must note that choosing colour schemes is for most people a little like using a dictionary to carry-out a conversation. In this study however, which sought to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

partnership frame-work for the provision and management of urban infrastructure in abuja city

This research work is on the widely accepted strategy, that is, the participatory framework to planning and development. The approach is not new in the world. However, community participation has only been either at the concept level or on a micro-scale and formalised. But the new approach is on macro level and has been made formal and involves loc... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

financing urban infrastructure development projects : an analysis of the strategies used in kaduna

The study set out to appraise the existing strategies for financing infrastructure development projects in Kadunu Metropolis. This covers the choice of sources of fiance, methods of deployment of finances, and the terminal aspects such as recovery, repayment e . t . c . The study begins with a general review of the various strategies for financing ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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