There have been series of historical and visual documentations on motifs for body decoration in Nigeria like, the Onyyaa body markings of Bekwarra in South- South of Nigeria, Uli forms and patterns of the Igbo in the South-East of Nigeria, Ona Yoruba patterns in the South- Western part of Nigeria and Durbar decorative motifs of Northern Nigeria amo... Continue Reading
The study entitled Development of resist decorated fabrics for modern fashionable clothing in some selected parts of Kaduna and Kano States in Nigeria was inspired by the need to identify, and assess the decorated fabrics for use in fashionable clothing for occasional and everyday wears. In Samaru Zaria, Kaduna and Kano municipal Kano state, the ov... Continue Reading
This thesis is intended to investigate and explore the various architectural problems and the processes involved in Furniture Making and to provide some suitable solutions. Basically, the programme is aimed at covering up the design of a furniture factory for the production of school and office furniture to be sited at the light Industrial area of ... Continue Reading
The wind of change is blowing accross the globe in all spheres of human disciplines. This change is towards increasing demand for comfort. Hence, the University library which is the heart of the process of education must not bo loft out in this increasing conciousness for comfort. This thesis is therefore, centered principally, around the comfort n... Continue Reading
The trend of Library Architecture from the ancient history reveals the metamorphosis it has undergone. This trend can be likened to the trend of human knowledge right from the stone age (Primitive age) to the age of iron and steel and finally up to our present day age of Computer. The advancement in knowledge has resulted in seeking new dimensions ... Continue Reading
Alkali Vershima The development of ceramics prototype gas stove using locally available resources. The entire thesis is made up of 57 pages, six tables, eight figures, five pictures, seventeen references. The problem of this study is to develop a prototype ceramics gas stove using locally available materials. Ceramic objects are made of brittle mat... Continue Reading
A study was carried out to investigate the suitability of the maize cob (Zea mays) for particle board manufacture. The purpose was to examine general limits within which a satisfactory board can be made with this agricultural residue. The maize cob was found to consist of pith, wood-blast and cortical layer or chaff. Samples of particle board were ... Continue Reading
The concept of Green Architecture has rapidly become an important component of tourism. In resort design Green Architecture has also become very prominent, although the principles of Green Architecture have not been fully integrated into most waterfront resorts in Nigeria. This proposed thesis focuses on the application of Green Architecture princi... Continue Reading
Water transport in the world has increased considerably in recent years, particularly Rivcrport terminals, from small ports to increasingly complex ones. Problem ranging from strict environmental constraints to escalating labour and construction cost beset today's rivcrport terminal facilities. Nigeria is endowed with rivers Niger, Benue, Katsina-.... Continue Reading
Abuja, a metropolitan area and the nations Federal Capital Territory, is a focus of life were about 3,000,000 people meet there major needs, desires and ambition. In many aspects people within Abuja probably enjoy belter living conditions in terms of good hygiene, better schools, housing and basic amenities, but one can still notice the immense emo... Continue Reading
Urban renewal is the redevelopment/revitalization of blighted property of areas in a city. It's an issue currently faced by both developing and developed countries. The urban problem posed by the destroyed Central market Jos is one such example. Effectively carrying out the task of urban renewal like any other challenge requires team effort largely... Continue Reading
Human activities have resulted in environmental deterioration and depletion of the natural resources which the earth is endowed with,Construction activities play significant roles in this aspect by destroying natural reserves and causing pollution to the environment. The Architect and other professionals in the building industry should ensure that ... Continue Reading
There is dearth of information on output level of building operatives in Nigeria, consequently, the output constants currently used for preparation of construction estimates are remnants of British colonial heritage or derived from untested experiences. Therefore this study aims at empirically determining output constants for floor finishes (screed... Continue Reading
The study focuses on, possible methods of extracting and processing resins obtained from Musaceae (banana plant), precisely: Musa Cavendish Dwarf and Musa Paradisiaca to be used as pigment binder and its fastness properties when printed on cotton fabrics. Additional purpose of the study was to determine the quantity and quality of resins extracted ... Continue Reading
The planning and design of hospital outdoor spaces to assist in the healing process of children is new in Nigeria but full of prospect in the health care sector. It is of particular importance to health care providers and designers as it could result in better patient management and care. However, its potentials have not been fully exploited. The s... Continue Reading