Search result(s): 46 - 60 of 626 » Department » Environmental Design

developing paintings from yoruba music

Developing Paintings From Yoruba Music By Ajayi Adewale Olusegun Developing paintings from Yoruba Music is an experimental study in painting carried out to develop visual concepts as well as to reveal the level of interelatedness between painting and music. The Juju Music of Chief Ebenezer Obey was used and his songs which are considered educative ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

use of cultural elements as sources of forms in the design of cultural centre


Since the evolution of human society, existed culture; where the handing of opinions, beliefs and customs from generation was practiced as tradition. Thus, every community has its own cultural elements. However, the elements of a particular culture could be strong ones (those that can easily be identified) or weak ones. Most of such elements of cul... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

desert encroachment and settlement form


The alarm now being raised by governments and peopie will with regards to the threat of drought, dessication and desert-encroachment on the settlement form in Nigeria and especially Borno State is undoubtedly genuine. Desert-encroachment results largely from climatological, ecological and anthropogenic vagaries. This study look at the impact of des... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

availabilty of housing financing funds for private estate developers


Housing development involves huge capital expenditure, finance is therefore an essential ingredient in housing development. The cost, extent of which capital is provided and availability of finance for real estate development can influence the viability of such project. The study examined the concept of Housing Financing, the various sources of Fin... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

exploring the design and development of directional signs using medical pictograms and bilingual inscriptions


The purpose of this study was to investigate the state of the directional signs in Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria. The aim was to develop bilingual signs using English and Hausa languages and supporting pictorial symbols that would be capable of impacting visual meaning on the target audience �“ especially towards easing wayfindi... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

the adaptation of selected decorative motifs used in durbar related objects for painting

Decorative motifs and forms found in objects used in durbar show form the inspiration and indeed the basis for the conduct of this study. Some of these beautiful decorative motifs, which may be found in use in the arts of other cultural groups in Nigeria and around Africa, consist of various kinds of circles, chevrons, zigzags, spirals, and the fam... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

enhancing the landscape of barau dikko specialist hospital, kaduna for therapeutic and healing effects

In Nigeria, therapeutic landscape development is a grey area both in research and design implementation, and is yet to be given recognition in this part of the world. Therapeutic landscape is an aspect of landscape architecture that deals with healing through a conscious design process, simulating nature to provide a convivial environment for healt... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of tourists perception of the yankari game reserve as a tourist destination

The study assessed the Yankari Games Reserve as a tourist destination by investigating the perception of the tourists who patronize it. The assessment used indicators including the level of patronage in number of tourists attracted annually, wildlife resources of the reserve, infrastructure, facilities and safety. The method employed reconnaissance... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of the implementation of the new millenium city master plan, kaduna

The New Millennium plan is packaged as master plan, against this background, the package would have been packaged as development plan as there cannot be a master plan in a master plan since there is a master plan for Kaduna metropolis. As such this study will address the New Millennium Development Plan as Master Plan as prepared and package. Plan i... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

evaluation of the relationship between delayed payments and cost and time overruns

This study was undertaken to establish the relationship that exist between delayed payments and time and cost overruns. Data were collected from seven hundred and fifty (750) construction projects in Nigeria completed between 1989 and 2005. After a careful study of the data on the seven hundred and fifty (750) projects, data on one hundred and fift... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of the implementation of the central area development plan of the federal capital city, abuja

Capital City Central areas planning provides a sound basis for policy making that leverages the social and economic capital of the overall city. The framework for the F.C.C. Abuja’s central area development plan provides the base for effective development of the area and measurable policy targets for the F.C.T region that are cognisant of the glo... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an evaluation of national poverty eradication programme (napep)


This study assesses the effectiveness of National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) in relation to urban poverty reduction and its urban management implications in metropolitan area of Kaduna State. The methodology adopted were statistical inference that involved survey research, through the use of structured questionnaire and interviews for th... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

assessment of the impact of contraventions of building regulations on the architecture of mixed landuse areas of kano metropolis

(A CASE STUDY OF Nigeria (1990-2009))

The orderly growth of cities involves the design and construction of buildings for various purposes such as residential, commercial and industrial. This calls for development control regulations which include land use and building regulations. The study was set out to identify the nature of contraventions of the regulations in the selected district... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an evaluation of art education programmes in some selected post-primary schools


In this study art education programmes were evaluated in some selected post primary schools in Taraba State. It involved an indepth survey of the status of art teachers in terms of qualification(s), numerical strength; availability of art materials, studio/art rooms; art syllabus, teaching methods of evaluation by teachers; among others. A total of... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

the design and fabrication of tile making machine

This study is centre on the design and construction of an extrusion tile-making machine, following specific design standards, design considerations, design theories and calculations, to improve the level of efficiency of production in ceramic industries and institutions of higher learning in Nigeria. Mild steel, stainless steel, cast iron and wood ... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

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