The study was aimed at examining how the Nigerian Library Association affects Professional Development of Information Professionals in University Libraries in the North Central States of Nigeria.Survey method was used in this study.The study sought to find out among others the types of Professional Development Programmes the NLA organises for its m... Continue Reading
The fabrication of this candle moulding machine was based on creative activity, which entailed integrated knowledge and application of material science, strength of material, property of material and elements of design. However, this project offered us the opportunity to use a great wealth of experience, intuition, ingenuity and aptitude-test to p... Continue Reading
The physicochcmical characteristics of water in rivers of middle Galma basin were monitored at twelve stations during a period of two years. These stations were located at various points on river Shika, river Kubanni and river Galma. The parameters measured were pH, electrical conductivity, temperature, total dissolved solids, nitrates, phosphates,... Continue Reading
A survey of concrete practice on selected construction sites in Nigeria has been undertaken. It was aimed at establishing whether or not good concrete practice is being followed. Fifteen sites were Investigated to review the following�” storage of dry materials, transportation modes, mix design and mixing practice of concrete and the background tr... Continue Reading
The Niger Delta is amongst least well served in the Country. Successive governments have exploited the natural wealth of the Delta but put very little back in terms of infrastructure and service. Over recent years, the natural environment has been seriously damaged by mineral extraction and deforestation the latter due in large measure to oil compa... Continue Reading
Tax or taxation whether from Personal Income or Company Tax forms part of the items in the National Income required for the servicing of the economic activities and development of any country, Nigeria inclusive. Tax is a compulsory exaction of money by a public authority for public purposes. Tax is used for redistribution of wealth in countries; it... Continue Reading
This study will highlight on the relevance of feasibility studies and co operative formation investment drive. This will be of immense benefit to those wanting to engage in new ventures. It will also help in minimizing business failure among co operative, since people will appreciate the need to embark on feasibility studies in the course of co... Continue Reading
This Research work is carried out to show and analyse the various types of services rendered by banks in Nigeria with special reference to commercial banks and Savannah Bank of Nigeria Pic. in particular and to Indicate whether or not such bank services are seen by beneficiaries or Customers to be adequately carried out. Further more, the study... Continue Reading
In this investigation, the effect of season, time of the day and topography has been examined. Two lines, one on water of length 1098.650 meters and the other 1287.05 meters on land were selected for the study. Coefficient of refractions on these two lines for different time of the day - 0800 hours to 1600 hours and for different seasons - dry and ... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 INSIGHT INTO LIBRARY SYSTEM A library can be defined as a room or building where books are kept and referenced. It is an area of multifarious activity on book management. A library as a repository of knowledge, houses collections of books, both reference and general, technical reports, periodicals... Continue Reading
The objective of the research is to appraise, the appreciation of inventory control principle in business organization. It is also the purpose of this to find out whether the method the companies are can be justified on the basis of found accounting principles. The study will also find out, if through the control and accruing benefits it any, the c... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLANTATION OF A COMPUTERIZED PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (A CASE STUDY OF NNPC) CHAPTER ONE 1.1 INTRODUCTION In most organizations particularly business organizations, most of what goes on consists largely of transactions. A transaction is a recorded event having to do with routine business activities. This includes e... Continue Reading
The study identified some edible fresh wild green leafy vegetables and fruits and determined their nutrients, antinutrients and food toxicants content. The proximate, micronutrients, antinutrients and food toxicants contents of these fruits (Olax viridis (“Osenga”), Gongronema species (“Aado”), Ficus carpensis (“Akankolo”), Napoleona... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION According Jantz (2001) the emergence of computer based information system has changed the world a great deal, both large and small system have adopted the new methodology by use of personal computer; to fulfill several roles in the production of information therefore computerizing the documentation of patient record to ... Continue Reading
This project looked into the role of marketing co-operative in economics development of Nigeria. (A case study of Rice Marketing Co-operative in Ugbawka, Nkanu East). A survey was conducted on the type of marketing co-operatives in Ugbawka Nkanu –East and the management and organization of Ugbawka marketing co-operatives, to obtain relevant ... Continue Reading