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the effectiveness of compensation package on workers performance in an organization

This study was carried out to know through empirical examination the relationship between the following variables among junior and senior officers of the Nigeria Police Force. Perceived compensation cum incentives, which is regarded as an indicator of the degree of felt disjunction between approved ends and available means. Employee voice and r... Continue Reading


assess depreciation accounting practices and profitability of selected smes

Depreciation is one of the most controversial and troublesome areas in accounting. Depreciation was actually a cost of doing business. Business executive tended to view depreciation as a matter of setting aside something during prosperous periods for the replacement of depreciable assets. When earnings are high, large amounts of depreciation might... Continue Reading


factors affecting the performance of small and medium scale businesses

CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Statement of Problem 5 1.2 Aims and Objectives of Study 8 1.3 Research Questions 9 1... Continue Reading


the impact of trade liberalization on employment growth in nigeria

The issue of employment is very germane to any economy; this is why one of the main macroeconomic objectives of any country is to attain full employment. The issue of employment is paramount to Africa and Nigeria in particular, where high-level poverty is obvious with rising unemployment rates. Continue Reading


entrepreneurial development and its impact on our economy

The worldwide economic depression of the early 80’s caused a rapid detonation toNigeria economy. Thus, industrial output Shrank to an extents on local and commercial activities were consequently opportunities in the country.

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an investigation into the challenges of ifrs adoption and implementation amongst small and medium scale enterprise owners in nigeria

Small and medium scale enterprises are the engine that drives most economies of the world. Their importance to the economy of Nigeria cannot be overlooked. SMEs activities-both international and local have contributed immensely to the gross domestic product in the economy as they participate in manufacturing, importation, exportation, Continue Reading


problems and prospects of corporate social responsibility of nigerian manufacturing industry

Academics and practitioners have been striving to establish and agreed upon definitions of the concept of corporate social responsibility for over 30 years. Davis (1960) suggested that social responsibility refers to businesses’ “decisions and actions taken for reasons at least partially beyond the firm’s direct economic or technical interest... Continue Reading


impact of pure water production on the economic development of nigeria

Almost every nook and cranny in Nigeria is littered with sachet water nylon, popularly called “pure water”, As noted by Edoga et al. (2008), about 70 percent of Nigerian adults drink at least a sachet of pure water per day resulting in about 50 to 60 million used daily across the country. this has significant impact on the economy of Nigeria. ... Continue Reading


the role of female entrepreneurs in poverty alleviation in rural communities


The study assessed the role of female entrepreneurs in poverty alleviation in rural communities of Awka South Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria. It specifically analysed the socio-economic characteristics of women entrepreneurship and assessed the contribution of female-owned businesses to poverty alleviation in the study area. The m... Continue Reading


the impact of venture financing on small and medium scale enterprises nigeria

The study looked at the Impact of Venture Capital Financing on SMEs in the Uyo Local Government area. Efforts by successive Government to improve on the performance and growth of SMEs had led to the enactment of different policies and act including the Venture Capital Fund to assist SMEs. SMEs still in Nigeria have been faced with liquidity and fin... Continue Reading


impacts of effective financing of small business enterprises on national economic development

n view of the importance of SMEs, government has been playing an appreciative role in promoting their survival and growth, various policies towards this has enunciated plan and the ongoing three year rolling plan, priority was accorded industrialization with emphasis on SMEs. Continue Reading


the impact of bank loans on small and medium scale enterprises in nigeria


This project work was carried out primarily to assess the role of commercial banks in financing small scale industries with particular reference to UBA Plc Awka Branch. In this exercise two vital categories of functional areas were investigated. The two groups under investigation were the staff and customers of UBA. They were considered to stand be... Continue Reading


financial sector liberalization and capital market development in nigeria

This Research study was carried out to find the link between financial sector liberalization and capital market Development. As part of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) of 1986, the Nigerian Government initiated a large scale restructuring Of the financial sector and the liberalization of the regulations concerning financial institutio... Continue Reading


an evaluation of production scheduling and control in manufacturing industry

For any industry operate successfully there is need for it to be knowledgeable in the field of production, what it intends to achieve models, process, areas of application in production. This project looks into two different aspects of production i.e production scheduling and control. Production scheduling and control as a part of the function o... Continue Reading


an appraisal of success criteria for entreprenuership business in nigeria

Management School of EntrepreneurshipThe management school suggests that an entrepreneur is a person who organizes or manages a business undertaking, assuming the risk for the sake of profit (Webster, 1966). Within this perspective, it is believed that entrepreneurship can be developed through conscious learning. In most cases, Continue Reading


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