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a contrastive analysis of the sentence structure of english and igarra languages

ABSTRACT This research work is divided into five sections. Section 1- 5 and are referred to as Chapters wheel the last part deal with bibliography. The first chapter is background of the study, statement of the problem, statement of hypothesis, purpose of the study, significance of the study and lastly scope and limitation of the topic Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

a pragmatic analysis of slang and catchy phrases used in some selected nigerian hip-hop songs

A PRAGMATIC ANALYSIS OF SLANG AND CATCHY PHRASES USED IN SOME SELECTED NIGERIAN HIP-HOP SONGS. ABSTRACT Slangy expressions and catchy phrases are deliberately used in hip-hop songs in order to reduce the degree of vulgarity in the content of the song so as not to disrupt society moral norms, and to increase the rate of acceptability of such s... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

the impact of environment on the performance of secondary school students in english language

This study sought to identify factors that affect effective teaching and learning of the English language in the secondary schools in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State. The study was carried out using seven secondary schools as a random selection from schools located in both urban and rural areas. One hundred (100) English language stude... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

terror and tragic optimism as sustaining constructs in camus’s the plague and soyinka’s season of anomy

ABSTRACT Camus’s The Plague has been read variously as an allegory of Nazi terror in France as well as a depiction of Camus's absurdist philosophy. Many critics of Soyinka’s Season of Anomy strangely also have interpreted the text as an allegory of the Nigerian civil war inwhich terror is seen as a political weapon. Although these modes of readin... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

semantic and lexis used in selected household adverts aired in the television media houses in nigeria

The study of language, which constitutes the underlying platform for this research work, is one concept which has defied all forms of easy definition as is done in all other concepts of life. The use of language is what distinguishes man from the monkey, the baboon, the ape and other higher animals; hence it is purely human. Language is the one sig... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

comparative study of student performance in waec biology chemistry and english

ABSTRACT Comparative study of student performance in WAEC biology, chemistry and English from 2004 – 2008 in Enugu North Local Government Area. In this study the researchers want to know to what extent the student performance in English varies from the student’s performance in biology and to what extent the student performance in English vary f... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

feministic issues of textual analysis in ama ata aidoo’s changes and sefi atta’s everything good will come

The issue of feminism springs up from women’s consciousness of their situation in the society and various oppressive acts against them. In traditional Africa the woman is an object of constant scorn, degradation and physical torture. In the past, women did not exist as individuals with personalities to defend. They rather existed as me... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

study of some syntactic problems on english usage among university undergraduates students

This work is titled "study of some syntactic problems of English usage among university undergraduates in Lagos State University (LASU)" was set up to investigate the drift from Standard English among University undergraduates using Lagos State University (LASU) Ojo, Lagos State, as a case study. One of the syntactic problems is the problem of... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

a conversation analysis of “turn-taking” in the electronic media

ABSTRACT Turn-Taking in conversation varies from one language to another because Turn-Taking is usually bound by natural etiquettes attributable to the people‘s culture. Turn-Taking in Yorùbá conversation is no exception. It reflects to a large extent the culture of the Yorùbá People. Hitherto, politeness, honorific pronouns, greeting, proverbs, p... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

social and community development, problems and challenges

Chapter one: Introduction 1.1 Background of Study Community development policies in Nigeria over the years have shown that our policy makers have either not really understood the problems of community, ray. Community developments are deliberately ignoring the problems of community development in Nigeria. Even the nongovernmental organizat... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

a comparative analysis of the academic performance of computer science, integrated science and english language of junior secondary school students

ABSTRACT This research work was conducted to ascertain the comparative analysis of academic performance in English language and computer science in junior secondary school, Enugu North Educational Zone. A survey design was adopted for the study. A sample of 42 teachers both English language and computer science 110 students were drawn from 7 (se... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

a study of ideological embedding in the guardian and daily trust editorials

ABSTRACT This work is a study of ideology and its workings in two Nigerian Newspapers: The Guardian and Daily Trust using Modality as the analytical element. Modality as a property oflanguage use is generally exploited by language users and its role in newspaper editorials is of importance in that editorial writers tend to make use of it to establ... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

the use of stylistic devices in the novel wizard of the crow by ngugi wa thiong’o

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Language is the distinctive quality unique to man. It is what enables man to express him/herself and communicate with his/her fellow man, and it is acquired naturally. According to Fromkin et al “…language is the source of human life and power” (3). They also state that “we use language to... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

teachers’ and students use of school libraries for developing reading culture in senior secondary schools

This study investigated the teachers and students’ use of school and class libraries for developing reading culture in senior secondary schools. The study employed a descriptive survey research design. An instrument titled: Teachers and students’ use of school and class libraries for developing reading culture in senior secondary schools (TSUSCLDR... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

a study of black consciousness and racism in richard wrights native son and ralph ellison’s invisible man

The twentieth century American literary scene is characterized by the emergence of black writers who are concerned with creating what is called "Black Consciousness". This concept became a form of literary expression associated with the Afro-American movement whose concern was for the discovery of the meaning of black man's experience. Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

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