Search result(s): 106 - 120 of 339 » Department » English and Linguistics

culture and discrimination against women in buchi emecheta s the joys of motherhood and chimamanda adichie s purple hibiscus

ABSTRACT Over the years, the major challenge facing the female folk is discrimination and unfair treatment in the society. This work discusses cultural practices that discriminate against women. This research work is a critical analysis of two African novels: Buchi Emecheta’s The Joy of motherhood, and Chimamanda Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus. F... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

emergent tradition and the african poetry, a case study of tanure ojaide s the fate of vultures and endless song

ABSTRACT This work looks into the themes and central ideas of emergent tradition and the African poetry. It aims at examining the message of Ojaide’s as on emergent writer and his opinion about political themes and cultural themes in relation to literary tradition in African poetry. Used in this research work is the writer’s realist ideas,... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

facts and fiction in akachi adimora ezeigbo s children of the eagle and the last of the strong ones

ABSTRACT This research work addressed itself to the way people tend to see fictional works. People see fictional works as being fictitious, but they are over laid with fact. This long essay, using Akachi Adimora. Ezeigbo’s works as guide, demonstrated the impact of the intermeddling of fact with fiction in literary works. They do not always ob... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

feminism using buchi emecheta s ‘the joys of motherhood and zaynab alikali s ‘the still born

CHAPTER ONE GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction This chapter will look into the background and the general introduction of feminism using Buchi Emecheta and Zaynab Akali’s ‘The Joys of Motherhood and ‘The Stillborn’ respectively. Also, it shall discuss purpose and scope of the study and finally the biography of the two author... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

feminist aesthetic in zaynab alkali s the stillborn and the virtuous woman

Abstract The study has examined the extent of the marginalization of the African woman in a sexist society which relegates womanhood to gender roles. It has discovered, for instance that the persistent inequality between men and women in the Nigeria society which Alkali works portray, has contributed to the general disempowerment of women. Alkal... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

feminist aesthetics in ola rotimi s our husband has gone mad again and femi osofisan s morountodun

ABSTRACT Feminism as a concept gained approval the help of some male feminist writers who write for the sake of women liberation but this concept has its limitations. Feminist aesthetics thereby came into full realization in the work of some female writers who actually wants other women’s value. This work has attempted explore feminists aes... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

feminist perspectives in ama ata aidoo s changes and ifeoma okoye s behind the clouds

Abstract There are different perspectives to gender issues, but this work has limited its review to the womanist perspective in Aidoo’s CHANGES and Okoye’s BEHIND THE CLOUDS. In establishing the perspective, a study of both writers looking critically into their literary and their ideology on womanism is carried out. The writers standpoint ... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

folklore and the quest for re-invention a study of wole soyinka s death and the king s horseman and hope eghagha s death not a redeemer

ABSTRACT Folklore as an aspect of the African oral tradition has been traced to traditional African society handed down by customs, beliefs and an aspect of culture handed down by our for forefathers through orature. Conflict that arises over death and the quest for re-invention in the plays of Wole Soyinka’s Death and the King’s Horseman (... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

gender discourse in the nigerian society (a case study of the female gender in tess onwuemes go tell it to women)

ABSTRACT Genderism, an apt neologism for gender equilibrium in literary discourse and creativity is a sequel to feminism following the emergence of gender studies in the last quarter of the twentieth century. Since 1975 �“ declared by the United Nations as the international women’s year, there has been an uprising in the global ferment of ... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

gender ideology and social crises in ifeoma okoye s behind the clouds and men without ears

ABSTRACT Academic exploration into gender issues in literature and culture has taken a new dimension. The trends in writings and discourses have been to observe the female sex at domestic background. The roles played by the women as mothers, sisters, custodian, home managers, family maintainers are enumerated through character portrayal in liter... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

politics and aesthetics in selected plays of wole soyinka

ABSTRACT This study has been embarked upon to present the politics and aesthetics in selected plays of Wole Soyinka paying much attention to his The Beatification of Area Boy and Kongi’s Harvest. The study has been able to extract and discuss the ways in which Wole Soyinka applied cultural artifacts to political issues to depict the happenings... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

post colonialism and literary aesthetics (a study of soyinka s death and the king s horseman and a dance of the forests)

ASTRACT Post-colonialism and Literary aesthetics are integral aspect of literature which has contributed immensely to the development of African’s culture by combating the residual effect of colonialism on African’s culture and in turn reviving it. This work examines magical realism as a concept under post-colonial theory as portrayed in Soy... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

pragmatic features of nigerian english (a case study of selected poems of bayo adebowale)

ABSTRACT This essay focused on the pragmatic features of Nigeria English as used in literatures, using the selected poems of Bayo Adebowale as a case study, to see how these pragmatic features have helped in projecting Nigerian cultures and worldviews in Nigerian literary works. The pragmatic features identified by Adedimeji (2007) were used in ... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

symbols of decadence in ayi kwei armah s the beautiful ones are not yet born

Abstract This work introduces the major variable in this research topic as well as gives a brief background of the text adopted for critical analysis. The text selected for the study, therefore will focus on the concept of symbol and decadence as well as its relevance to the novel. This research examines symbols of Decadence in this novel: Ayi K... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

syntactic and lexico-semantic analyses of selected sms text messages

ABSTRACT Words form the basis for a Linguistic analysis at any level of language study. The aim of this essay was to identify the various Lexical and Syntactic elements that make up personal text messages among the students of the University of Ilorin. Lexical features, Lexical relations, Word-formation processes and Word Sequences were employed... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

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