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the effects of language diversity on national development

ABSTRACT This research work focuses on the Effect of Language Diversity on National Development. It adopts descriptive and comparative approaches in analyzing the nature of Language and the policy situation in Nigeria, considering in clear terms the complex ethno linguistics setting. Sequel to the look warm attitudes of both governments over the... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

the linguistic features of nigerian english and their implications for 21st century english pedagogy

Abstract Like its users, one important feature of language is its dynamism. Thus, language adapts to situational constraints as its users vary across regional/geographical, social, educational, occupational, etc. domains. English is such a typical language that, as a result of vast geographical distribution, has often assumed the peculi... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

the linguistic features of nigerian english and their implications for 21st century english pedagogy

Abstract Like its users, one important feature of language is its dynamism. Thus, language adapts to situational constraints as its users vary across regional/geographical, social, educational, occupational, etc. domains. English is such a typical language that, as a result of vast geographical distribution, has often assumed the peculi... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

a phonological analysis of the sound system of jaba language

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study This study focuses on describing the sound system of Jaba. The research comes under the purview of phonology which is a branch of language study. Language is a major cultural phenomenon in the human society and therefore, an important regulator of individual consciousness and social inte... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

interpreting theatre as a communication medium

Abstract Communication as a social tool includes a wide range of functions such as instruction, persuasion, education, entertainment, development and so on. Over the ages, all the communication mediums have evolved themselves to accommodate the various functions of communication and this is true of the theatre as well. This paper is a h... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

oil in nigerian prose fiction: a study of helon habila s oil on water and kaine agary s yellow yellow

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study Since prehistory, literature and the arts have been drawn to portrayals of physical environments and human-environment interactions. The modern environmentalist movement as it emerged first in the late nineteenth century and, in its more recent incarnation, in the 1960s, gave rise to a r... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

music and revolution: a study of fela anikulapo kuti

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION What is music? Music a general melody of sounds that unify the mind and soul,not even language differencescan’t stop music fromreaching out to her selected audience, even before recorded history, people created music, whether through drumming, singing or chanting. Some of our strongest emotions may be brought on ... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

pragmatic study of bovi and basketmouth

CHAPTER ONE GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.0 Preamble This study examines the pragmatics of comedy. Adrian Akmajian conceives of pragmatics as a term that “covers the study of language use, and in particular the study of linguistic communication, in relation to language structure and context of utterance.”(361)When Charles Morris proposed his ... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

prevalence and correlates of sexual harrassment of female students by lecturers in the tertiary institutions

CHAPTER ONE GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study The social vices called sexual harassment is not a new topic to the generality of people today especially in the tertiary institutions such as universities, polytechnics, monotechnics and colleges of education.As observed by Taiwo and Omole (2014:1) ,the fact is that Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

sms texting among gsm users in nigeria: a morpho-syntactic

Abstract The gradual shift from the offline to online communication such as text messaging has given way to innovative language-short forms whose morph-syntactic aspects have permeated the linguistic characters of the texters. For about a decade now, there exist a growing body of research on mobile phone text messaging by linguists but ... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

social and community development, problems and challenges

Chapter one: Introduction 1.1 Background of Study Community development policies in Nigeria over the years have shown that our policy makers have either not really understood the problems of community, ray. Community developments are deliberately ignoring the problems of community development in Nigeria. Even the nongovernmental organizat... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

sociolinguistic situation of nigeria: the bilingual conditions among nigerian speakers of english

CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Over half the world’s population is bilingual and many people are multilingual. They acquire a number of languages because they need them for different purposes in their everyday interactions. The research had it that most of African nations are multilingual. Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

deictics and stylistic function in j.p clark-bekederemo's poetry

1. Introduction There is no doubt that J.P. Clark-Bekederemo is one of the leading lights of Nigeria’s first generation of writers. This thesis springs from his historicity, the quantity and quality of his literary procreations and the prodigious critical attention and acclaim these works have attracted across the globe. However, unli... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

syntactic innovation processes in nigerian english

ABSTRACT This study investigates the syntactic features of Nigerian English which have been created through the following processes �“ the use of subjectless sentences, reduplication, double subjects, Pidgin-influenced structures, discourse particles, verbless sentences, and substitution Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

the differences between linguistic and grammatical theories

Abstract This paper attempts to make a discussion of the differences between linguistic and grammatical theories. Although there exist relationships between grammatical theories and linguistic theories in their attitudes towards language, their goals, and their methods, they are both independent of and interacting with each other Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

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