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analysis of twin deficit and manufacturing sector of nigerian economy(1981 - 2015)

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between twin deficit and manufacturing sector of Nigerian economy for the period of 34 years (1981 to 2015). The study adopted the time series data using the OLS estimation technique to analyze the data. The model was estimated using a linear specification methodology. It was discovered Current ac... Continue Reading


firm age and profitability: evidence from nigeria

Abstract This study sought to investigate firm Age and Profitability: Evidence from Nigeria. The main objective of this study is to determine if firm age affect the profitability of non-financial companies in Nigeria and also to know if older firms out performs younger firms. Age can have adverse effects on performance also because of the organiza... Continue Reading


a study of an analysis of the occupational schedules for secretaries

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken as a result of what appears to be the attitude of some typist and stenographers towards acting as personal secretaries in Amabra State civil service. This occupational schedule for personal secretaries” in Anambra state civil service. It is accepted that some civil service in Anambra state employ some g... Continue Reading


impact of population growth on the unemployment level in nigeria (1981-2013)

The alarming rate of population growth and unemployment in Nigeria currently calls for great concern among policy makers to formulate effective and efficient economic policies to arrest this ugly trend. In recent time, one of the greatest problems of population growth in Nigeria is not simply a problem of numbers, it is a problem of human welfare ... Continue Reading


the effect of exchange rate on balance of payment in nigeria

Abstract This project examines the effect of exchange rate on balance of payment in Nigeria. The broad objective of the study is to ascertain the extent to which exchange rate determines the balance of payment and also to determine the relationship between national income and balance of payment. The problem of foreign exchange inadequacy, dep... Continue Reading


a study on co-operative thrift and loan society

ABSTRACT This research project titled “Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society of Federal Ministry of Industry and Technology, Owerri, Imo state. The study was motivated by the necessity of requirement for the award of Higher National Diploma in Co-operative Economics and Management of Institute of Management and Technology (IMT), Enugu. It aim... Continue Reading


a study of the role and performance effectiveness of professional secretaries

In this world it is known that professions have remarkable features that differentiation them from other professions depending on the effectiveness of the profession. The layman’s idea about a profession is the nature of the job carried out by the members of the profession and its importance to the society. This is the reason it is mostly agreed... Continue Reading


cooperative as an instrument for poverty alleviation and economic development in nigeria

Primary Objective: To assess how cooperatives function as instruments for poverty alleviation and economic development in Nigeria. Specific Objectives: To evaluate the role of cooperatives in reducing poverty among their members by providing financial services, employment, and education. Continue Reading


effect of exchange rate fluctuation on imported goods in nigeria

ABSTRACT The major aim of this research work is to know the effects of exchange rate fluctuation on imported goods in Nigeria. It is also aimed at ascertaining the level of relationship between the depreciation value of Naira and the pricing of imported goods in Nigeria. The fluctuating nature of exchange rate appears to be responsible for the exp... Continue Reading


the role of nardb in the financing of agricultural co-operatives society in nigeria

ABSTRACT The study is aimed at examine the role of bank in the financing of agricultural production with a view of determining the part played by the Nigeria agricultural and rural development bank NACRDB as the apex agricultural lending institution in the state. The researcher aimed to examine the nature of problems inherent such as illiteracy,... Continue Reading


the importance of studying co-operative economics and management

Co-operative Economics and Management in tertiary institutions help to improve the co-operative growth and development, quality manpower in co-operative. The importance of studying co-operative in schools and tertiary institutions could as well known as co-operative education and is at the heart of co-operative for work motivation, growth, devel... Continue Reading


capital market and economic growth in an emerging economy: evidence from nigeria

Abstract This research work examines the role of the forensic accountant in fraud detection in Nigeria with comparative analysis of public and private sectors. Forensic accountant plays a significant role in the Nigeria organizations whereby he investigates with the use of technological equipment in its assignment. The researcher employs primary d... Continue Reading


the effectiveness of monetary policy as a tools for controlling inflation in nigeria (1980-2004)

ABSTRACT This study is designed to empirically analyze the effectiveness of monetary policy as a tool for controlling inflation in Nigeria. To investigate on this, hypothesis were formulated as follows: Ho: Monetary policy measures adopted over the years have no significant impact in inflation control in Nigeria. Hi: mon... Continue Reading


the role of non-governmental organizations (ngo) in community development

ABSTRACT This study examined the role of Non-governmental organization (NGO) in community development. (A case study of DEC, Enugu). There of heterogeneity rather than homogeneity with Non-government organization, making the tack of developing, consistent and workable policies to be difficult. In order of such policies to be developed, dear unde... Continue Reading


feasibility studies a requirement for starting a new cooperative business in nigeria

ABSTRACT The project is focused on feasibility studies: a requirement for starting a new cooperative business in Nigeria. The importance of a well prepared feasibility study in the cause cooperative information and investment drive cannot be over emphasized. Continue Reading


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