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viability of strongyloides stercolaris ova from bovine stool

This project is based on the determination of viability of hookworm egg S. starcolaris from ova of borine stool using the egg counts method to determine and count the number of eggs in a known amount of stool sample (drug), this is possible using the borine floatation method of egg count by Cheesbrough (2000). The egg culture techniques were also u... Continue Reading

Science Technology

prevalence of intestinal helminthasis in enugu metropolis


The question on whether the rate of intestinal helminthes in man is increasing or decreasing had caused a lot of controversies over years especially among children in Enugu metropolis. The investigations were conducted at the section in park lane hospital Enugu. Continue Reading

Science Technology

the prevalence of streptococcus pneumoniae in pneumonia patients in enugu metropoli


The prevalence of streptococcus pneumonia in pneumonia patients using university of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) Enugu as a case study was carried out based on the fact of the pneumonia is one of the commonest afflictions of the aged people and children worldwide. A total of 50 samples were collected. 12 (24%) of the sample were from sputum whi... Continue Reading

Science Technology

microbial examination of spoilt avocado fruit

Microbial examination of spoilt Avocado fruits was carried out to obtained the causal organism. A total of 60 avocado from Ogbete Main market and New market Enugu were examined by culturing on nutrient agar and sabourand dextrose agar (SM), for bacteria and fungi causing post – harvest spoilage on the fruits; six bacterial species and six f... Continue Reading

Science Technology

design and construction of automatic polythene sealing and cutting machine

The aim of this project is to designed and fabricate a machine that will automatically and simultaneously seal and cut sheets of polyphone into a required from. The machine is designed to compete to some extent with international standard. Continue Reading

Science Technology

construction of wheatstone bridge meter

This work started with an extensive literary research in an attempt to find out facts about the instrument. This led to probing the history of wheat stone bridge meter, how it was developed up till the point where wheat stone bridge meter of different designs were made. Continue Reading

Science Technology

collection, identification, and preservation of medical plants

The collection, identification and preservation of medical plants native in Enugu state were carried out between June and July 2005. Identification of local herbs as used in traditional medicine, was carried out through consultation with practitioners. These include the herbalist and aged natives. The specimen or plant sample were collected from va... Continue Reading

Science Technology

invitro determination of bacteriocidal effect of garlic on staphylococcus aureus

Invitro determination of bacteriocidal effect of garlic extract on staphylococcus aureus causing skin and urinary tract infection (UTI) on some female patients were studied. High vagina swab (HVS) samples were collected randomly from selected number of patients who had symptoms similar to that of Staphylococcus aureus activities. The samples were... Continue Reading

Science Technology

isolation and identification of bacteria associated with wound sepsis

The isolation and identification of bacteria associated with 150ml sepsis studies were carried out to 250 patient at National Orthopedic Hospital Enugu. (250) Two hundred and fifty patients with 150ml sepstis was grouped in to in patients and out patients. Continue Reading

Science Technology

bacheriological examination of idodo river

This work was aimed at assessing microbial coal of Idodo river in Enugu state Nigeria. The samples of river was obtained from the arc of low activity, and a place where human activities are very high. The samples were collected very early in the morning and afternoon. They were examined to determined the bacterial organisms that are pathogenic t... Continue Reading

Science Technology

construction of a uhf antenna (yagi)

An antenna is a device to transmit and/or receive electromagnetic waves (often referred to as radio waves). Antennas also radiate energy as possible because radiation is the primary function of the transmitting antenna. This Yaghi antenna constructed can operate with the range of UHF cannels or band. It has a high gain factor that can be in all ... Continue Reading

Science Technology

comparative analysis of antimicrobial strength of three most common antibiotics used in enugu


In comparing the antimicrobial strength of three most common antibiotics, which includes: streptomycin chloranphenicol and gentarccin. Samples of urine and high vaginal swab (H.V.S) were collected from park lane Enugu. The organisms isolated were pure culture of staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli Continue Reading

Science Technology

production of bleach solution and comparative study of comercially produced bleach solution

Bleaching is the process in which net oral colouring matter is removed from a fiber, yana or fabries. It ranges from simple to complex type depending on the ingredeient moderal the bleach solution chosen in this research work is oxochtorale: (i) acid solution (Hocl). Continue Reading

Science Technology

extraction of oil from african star apple (chrysophyllum africanum) seed using solvent extraction

Oil is extracted from locally purchased African Star apple using Sochlet extractor. Knowledge and information regarding the elemental composition of the fruits are very essential both to the human nutritionist and the horticulturist since minerals play vital roles in the life of both the human being and plants. Continue Reading

Science Technology

analysis of waste water for pathogenic bacteria in enugu etropolis


Analysis of wastewater in Enugu metropolis for pathogenic bacteria were carried out, samples of wastewater were obtained from Abakpa Nike Housing Estate sewage pond. The wastewater samples were collected with sterile urine container screw capped bottles. Continue Reading

Science Technology

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