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development and design of a database driven electrical power distribution information system

CHAPTER ONE GENERAL INTRODUCTION Introduction This chapter presents the introduction to the study. It presents that theoretical background, statement of the problem, aim and objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, organization of the research and definition of terms. Continue Reading

Computer Science

a geographical information retrival system (girs)

A Geographical Information Retrival System (GIRS) CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY According to Chang, K. T. (2008), Geographic Information Retrieval System (GIRS) is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage and present all types of geographical data. The acronym GIRS is sometimes used for geographi... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of an automated capital budget system


A Budget being the planning of how to spend revenues and incoming capitals so this makes is necessary to make sure that it is done with extra care. Budgets and the methods of preparing a good one has been a problem to most organization both private and government, the implementation of a faulty budget has brought man companies to a close door point... Continue Reading

Computer Science

an appraisal of the role of information communication technology as a change agent for quality education in tertiary institution in nigeria

ABSTRACT The research provides a conceptual and theoretical study of the role of ICT as an agent of change for quality education in tertiary institution in Nigeria. It provides a structural study on quality education as pivoted in the educational development of tertiary institution and the role of ICT towards achieving quality education in terti... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of an intelligence based system for students performance evaluation

Performance in schools is increasingly judged on the basis of effective learning outcomes. Information is critical to knowing whether the school system is delivering good performance and to providing feedback for improvement in student outcomes. The OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) has launched the Review on Evaluation ... Continue Reading

Computer Science

automated loan lending management system

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction Lending is the principal business activity for most commercial banks. The loan portfolio is typically the largest asset and the predominate source of revenue. As such, it is one of the greatest sources of risk to a bank’s safety and soundness. Whether due to lax credit standards, poor portfolio risk mana... Continue Reading

Computer Science

computerized personnel management system

CHAPTER ONE GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.0 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The major task facing the present day management is getting developed and maintaining of statistical personnel. It has been discovered that many organizations have a detailed written and computerized policies for production, finance, public relations, etc. but do away with mak... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and contructions of a robot control system using rf module

DESIGN AND CONTRUCTIONS OF A ROBOT CONTROL SYSTEM USING RF MODULE ABSTRACT The robot control using an RF module is simply a robotic system whose control and functioning is achieved by the use of a radio frequency based remote. This project implements the principle of artificial intelligence to develop a mobile robot that is controlled using t... Continue Reading

Computer Science

ticket management system for universities

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction The safe, efficient transportation of students to and from school is a challenge faced by school districts across the country. Providers of public and human services transportation also aim to deliver their services efficiently. While there are a number of ways in which efficiency may be improved, ... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of a digital library system

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A DIGITAL LIBRARY SYSTEM ABSTRACT Libraries have been an important part of educational and information sector of any school. The success of any library largely depends on proper management. Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of an integrated pest control and management system

1.0 Introduction This chapter presents the introduction to the design and implementation of an integrated pest control and management system. It also presents the introduction, theoretical background, statement of the problem, aim and objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, organization of the research and definitio... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of face detection and recognition system

ABSTRACT Face recognition and detection is one of the most important fields of the modern applications. Face recognition system uses two sub-systems named face detection system and image database system. Face recognition can be of feature based and image based. Feature based method uses features like skin color, eyes, nose and mouth to detect... Continue Reading

Computer Science

impact od organizational reward system on staff productivity in business establishment

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Workers in any given organization like to feel appreciated and valued, and one of the ways for an organization to express this to the workers is by having a reward and recognition system (policy). A manager must continuously recognize and reward good performance by giving praise and positive feedba... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of the pay as you go call billing system

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PAY AS YOU GO CALL BILLING SYSTEM (A Case Study Of Nigeria Telecommunication Limited Enugu) ABSTRACT It is obvious that the trend in techniques today has gone beyond the ordinary to extraordinary expect are working unrelenting to postulate new theory, disorder or manufacture new technology to satisfy the hu... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of a control system for maintainence of computers using digital center

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Preliminaries According to Dorf and Bishop (2011), a control system is an interconnection of components forming a system configuration that will provide a desired system response. In the context of this research study, a control system for the maintenance of computers is an interconnection of software modules, ... Continue Reading

Computer Science

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