This project focus in computerization of the customer relation department that leads or aims at reducing time constraints job involves in the organization including improving inadequate records maintenance in the system that leads to the system problem inadequate production of the product that will satisfy the customers. A computer model will be de... Continue Reading
A Budget being the planning of how to spend revenues and incoming capitals so this makes is necessary to make sure that it is done with extra care. Budgets and the methods of preparing a good one has been a problem to most organization both private and government, the implementation of a faulty budget has brought man companies to a close door point... Continue Reading
Student need to be made to know that physics is one subject that we must practices because practices makes perfect, although there are also good teacher, while some students are sample lazy. There is need for a computer software that can help out in some of the work, making the student to understand as long as the students are given values to work ... Continue Reading
In Nigeria today, it’s a well known fact that mathematics is one of the subjects that student find difficult to understand and pass for one reason or the other. The reason why student have this problem varies possible due to lack of good teachers and teaching styles of lectures and orientation. Some teachers might be good mathematician but m... Continue Reading
The world is dynamic/versatile where nothing remains the same for too long. Information storage and retrieval was done manually decades ago. Today, it is been phased gradually in all areas of our day to day activities everything is undergoing computerization so there is need for auditing personnel auditing. Continue Reading
With the trend of technology growth in the world of today, virtually every facet of human work has been affected; even the remotest of it all, and the production circle cannot be left out. This study was carried out to verify all the manual processes involved in financial accounting system and to seek a way of automating the system for effective o... Continue Reading
With the advance in technology more in particular in the field of computer related organization, a lot of things are now automated. As a matter of fact, Information technology has a vital role in the design and implementation of computerized Registration application for school enrollment. Almost all our Higher Institution has gone into computerized... Continue Reading
This study was carried at to verify all the manual processes involved in personnel database management for a tertiary institution and to seek for away of automating the system for effective operations. Since there is continuous advancement, high productivity of labour and operations is best using machines in this revolution. An indispensable tools;... Continue Reading
Basically on this project is written to help hospital in the areas they encounter problems in keeping their attendance scheme for patients and the solutions given to tackle those problem. Attendance management is the act of managing attendance or presence in a check up and treatment setting to minimize loss due to employee downtime Continue Reading
This project work, is a computerization it an asynchronous pin code generating system of an organization. Full duplex asynchronous data transfer system based on a single-phase two-line coding. (a) Data is transmitted from a primary module PM to a secondary module SM, while data is transmitted from the secondary module SM to the primary module PM i... Continue Reading
This research work shows us the potential benefits we may obtain from the computerization of the out-patient information system of the Hansa Clinic Enugu. The out-patient department otherwise called OPD is a place where the out-patient that is patients that receive treatment at the clinic without staying overnight, wait for the doctors to attend to... Continue Reading
A multi database system (MDBMS) is a facility that allows users to access data located in multiple autonomous database management systems (DBMSs) at different sites. To ensure global atomicity for multi database transactions, a reliable global atomic commitment protocol is a possible solution. In this protocol a centralized transaction manager (TM)... Continue Reading
The legal practitioner is a research and law teaching, where Lawyers & Judges study about cases on-line. They insert in any newspaper, periodical or any other publications and advertisement offering as a member of the Bar to undertake confidential inquiries; to write for publication or give an interview to the press or otherwise cause or permit to ... Continue Reading
This project is written to help sports scheduling and reporting especially Nnamdi Azikiwe stadium Enugu in the areas they encounter problems in keeping their duty scheduling and reporting and the solution given to tackle those problem. Continue Reading
The work presents a design of a computerized account payable system for IMT Enugu. A computerized account payable system for IMT Enugu is concerned with the computerization of account payable records appraisal in order to achieve the aims and objectives of the organization. Continue Reading