DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ICT ASSISTED DATABASE FOR SENIOR CITIZENS IN RIVERS STATE, NIGERIA ABSTRACT The aim of this project is to develop a database for indigenes of rivers state that are above 60 years of age which will in turn help the government to conduct a free, adequate and sumptuous medical care for the... Continue Reading
SMART PHONE UTILIZATION IN NEWS GATHERING AMONG JOURNALIST CASE STUDY OF MINNA , NIGER STATE ABSTRACT This study is based on smart-phone utilization in news gathering, with specific focus on media organizations in Minna, Niger State. The study became imperative because despite the enormous potentials of new media technologies in relation... Continue Reading
SMART PHONE UTILIZATION IN NEWS GATHERING AMONG JOURNALIST CASE STUDY OF MINNA , NIGER STATE ABSTRACT This study is based on smart-phone utilization in news gathering, with specific focus on media organizations in Minna, Niger State. The study became imperative because despite the enormous potentials of new media technologies in relation... Continue Reading
PERSUASION OF ONLINE ADVERTISEMENTS AMONG INTERNET USERS CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study According to Kleppner (cited in Okpoko, 2008, p.7), the practice of advertising is as old as man. The urge to advertise seems to be part of human nature. The oldest method of advertising is by town cr... Continue Reading
INFORMATION ANS COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY(ICT) UTILIZATION IN AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION DISSEMINATION CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the study The role of information in our societies today cannot be overemphasized. This is due to rapid growth in the area of Information and Communication Technology (ICTs).... Continue Reading
INFORMATION ANS COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY(ICT) UTILIZATION IN AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION DISSEMINATION CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the study The role of information in our societies today cannot be overemphasized. This is due to rapid growth in the area of Information and Communication Technology (ICTs).... Continue Reading
INFORMATION ANS COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY(ICT) UTILIZATION IN AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION DISSEMINATION CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the study The role of information in our societies today cannot be overemphasized. This is due to rapid growth in the area of Information and Communication Technology (ICTs).... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ENHANCED STUDENT RESULT GENERATION SYSTEM ABSTRACT Problems such as results delay, errors and human mistakes encountered with results management system in some academic environment are complex and worrisome. This fuelled the need for this project which has favorable addressed some of this problems. This... Continue Reading
OVERVIEW OF ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SYSTEM IN NIGERIA-ACCEPTABILITY AND RETAIL PAYMENT SYSTEM ABSTRACT The use of electronic payment systems provide a lot of benefits to its users but despite these, the Nigeria economy is still regarded as cash-based where majority of its people prefer to carryout daily transactions with cash. T... Continue Reading
INFLUENCE OF ACADEMIC INTERACTION ON FACEBOOK AMONG UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS CASE STUDY OF FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY MINNA CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Facebook was introduced in early 2004 as a social network site just for Harvard University students(Zywica & Danowski, 2008 ... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTOMATED MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVING LICENSING SYSTEM ABSTRACT Considering the fact that our country is still developing, there are a lot to be done to improve the way information is processed in our licence wait before been attended to. In view of this project work analyses the current procedure used in our motor li... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTOMATED BANKING MODEL (A CASE STUDY OF OSPOLY MICROFINANCE BANK, IREE) ABSTRACT All commercial application developed (irrespective of the programming environment used) are to business models. Applications help to computerize business models. It is the computerization process that empowers a business model to ... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SIMPLE SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR. ABSTRACT This work was centered on the Design and implementation of a simple scientific calculator for education organization. The study traced calculator system as a tool to completely change mathematical knowledge and sophisticated problems solving strategies had advanced the field... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMPUTERIZED HOTEL FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM A CASE STUDY OF HOTEL PRESIDENTAL ENUGU. ABSTRACT This project “Hotel front Office Management System” tends to deal with the system of all the information needs of the different sections of a hotel. The hotel presidential ltd (which is a large and fast growi... Continue Reading
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF COMPUTERIZATION OF LIBRARY CIRCULATION AND CATALOGING SYSTEM CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION The library is a social institute that is in charge with the responsibility of acquiring, organizing, storing, preserving, and dissemination information storing in human intellectual record. Certain inte... Continue Reading