Search result(s): 1 - 15 of 78 » Department » Business Administration and Management

investigate the effects of micro financing on small business survival, growth and expansion in south-west nigeria

The study provides insight into microfinance and small business survival and growth, as well as provides a measure of the effects of microfinancing on small business performance and productivity in Nigeria. It covers MSEs that have access to microfinance for a period of at least five years (2004 �“ 2008). The population for the study includes the ... Continue Reading

Business Administration and Management

an assessment of the choice of performance of women entrepreneur in technological and non-technological enterprise in lagos, nigeria

This study aims to present micro level perspective and analysis on gender related challenges on the performance of the female entrepreneurs in Lagos state. It examines structural and factor affecting women entrepreneurs and how specific women interviewed in selected cities, perceive and respond to these. This research helps to identify both human a... Continue Reading

Business Administration and Management

problems and prospects of small and medium enterprises in nigeria


The major purpose of this study is to determine factors influencing small and medium enterprises in Nigeria. To determines the extent finance house strick condition have affected the development of small and medium enterprise in Nigeria and also assess the extent poor financing has affected small and medium business operations. This study will help... Continue Reading

Business Administration and Management

the effect of strategic planning on organisation productivity


Failures of the corporate business organization in Nigerian a trend that is now becoming a rule rather than the exception in our national life. It has assumed such a phenomenal dimension that now threatens the fabric of national economy. This traffic development has induced fear into the minds of many potential investors (government and individua... Continue Reading

Business Administration and Management

impact of recapitalized commercial banks on sme development in nigeria

The primary objective of the study is to examine the effects of bank recapitalization on small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria. Bank fraud, poor lending and credit management practices in the Nigerian banking sector forced the Central bank of Nigeria to revisit the capital structure of commercial banks in Nigeria. These among other thingsle... Continue Reading

Business Administration and Management

study of cash flow management as an imperative for the growth and profitability of business

The purpose of the study was to appraise the management of cash flow: An imperative for business growth in Nigeria economy. Some of the key indicators were identified to be investment, business transactions, saving effective operations of the business etc. Related literatures were reviewed for a better appreciation of the conceptual framework of t... Continue Reading

Business Administration and Management

the effect of fuel crises in nigerian economy


The time has come for us to adopt an authentic measure and reorganize our method of approach to fuel distribution. It is high time we (Nigerians) set up and put both out human and material resources together in order to curbe the problem that face people during fuel crisis. This project is divided into three chapters. The first and second chapter... Continue Reading

Business Administration and Management

influence of organisational behaviour on the management of employees in selected commercial banks in southeast

In all the areas of organisational behaviour, the handling and management of emotions and behaviour seem neglected. These are required for organisations to survive otherwise personal tensions and conflicts may result. People experience great difficulties in copying with fierce even outrageous impulses. Researches have been conducted on organisation... Continue Reading

Business Administration and Management

the impact of employees participation in decision making and organisational productivity


Decision is the point at which plans, policies and objectives are translated into concrete action. It is noted that Managers, do consider decision making to be the heart of their job in that they must always choose what is to be done, they influences the ordinary employees in decision making.rnThe objective of the research is to know the impac... Continue Reading

Business Administration and Management

government regulation and control of business in a developing economy


The significance of government regulation and control of business in a developing economy lies in the fact that with laid down rules (laws) guiding the operation of business organization particularly in developing economy, their would be all sorts of business malpractices that will not hinder the growth and development but also drawn the economy.... Continue Reading

Business Administration and Management

a study of relationship between psychological contract and organisational citizenship behaviour among arts teaching faculty

The teaching profession is a selfless, noble profession, in which also psychological contract plays a significant role in explaining the OCB. The study is focused on understanding the effect of Psychological Contract on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. This study is done on the arts faculty. A standard questionnaire for measuring Psychological... Continue Reading

Business Administration and Management

the role of marketing strategy in determining consumer purchasing behaviour


The performance of marketing functions basically marrying consumer needs and wants with the appropriate products and services. It is the duty of the form to adopt appropriate marketing strategy to attract customers to it’s product and since it is generally believed that marketing strategy affects the consumer buying behaviour.rnThis project ... Continue Reading

Business Administration and Management

problems facing students in higher institution


Academic implication vary in various institutions as problem varies amongst student it could be social, psychological, philological or nature. These problem need identification of cause and finding of suitable solutions to them according. This is in turn will obviously increase the student ability to give read answers to similar problems. Most stud... Continue Reading

Business Administration and Management

the effects of remuneration on the performance of employees on the private sector

The aim of this research work is to work into the effects or remuneration on the performance of employee in the private sector. To this end. If tried to trace the history of remuneration of employee is the public sector in Nigeria. The old system used to have seven steps within a grade. During the year 1988, the administration of Ibrahim Babangida ... Continue Reading

Business Administration and Management

an evaluation of staff and manpower training and development in nigerian organizations


This research work was designed to study training and development of employees in service organization. This study titled “An Evaluation of the effect of manpower training and development in service organization A case study of Nigeria Port Authority of Nigeria (NPA) Lagos zone is of the view of finding out the way by which training and developme... Continue Reading

Business Administration and Management

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