

Presented To

Department of Business Administration and Management


The development of SMEs has become an important factor in nation’s building and economic 
development. While developed nations have leveraged on the growth of SMEs, survival rates 
has been less than 10% in Nigeria despite various government intervention programmes. This 
study evaluated the effect of entrepreneurial strategies on the development of SMEs on selected 
firms in Ogun state Nigeria.
Survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study consist of 2425 
middle and top level staff of 7 selected firms. Stratified random sampling technique was 
adopted to select the sample size of 446. Respondents were determined using Taro Yamane 
formula for sample size. Data was collected using self-administered structured questionnaire 
and validated for a response rate of 94%. Cronbach Alpha reliability for major constructs had 
an average value of 0.83. The data collected was analysed using linear and multiple regression.
Findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between entrepreneurial strategies and 
SME development (R = 0.535, at p<0.05).The adjusted R2 =.285 value (alpha) of 44.670, the 
coefficient of independent variable (beta = 0.491) and F-Value yielded 163.890. Competitive
strategy had significant relationship on return on investment and this effect was statistically 
significant at (R
2 = 0.160, p < 0.05, B = 0.360, F = 77.727). There is a significant relationship
between human resource strategy and employee productivity (R
2 = 0.184, p < 0.05, B = 0.385, 
F = 91.833). The effect of market orientation strategy on market share shows a positive 
relationship with p < 0.05, R
2 = 0.242, B = 0.395and F = 130.155. A positive and significant 
relationship was established between adaptation strategy and business policy with R2 = 0.553, 
p < 0.05, B = 0.717 and F value = 504.339.
The study concluded that, entrepreneurial strategies have strong positive relationship on the 
development of SMEs in Ogun State. The study recommends that SMEs should adopt 
entrepreneurial strategies in the form of competitive, human resource, market orientation and 
adaptation to increase survival rate.
Content Page
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgements iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x
11 Background to the Study 1
12 Statement of the Problem 3
13 Objective of the Study 6
14 Research Questions 7
15 Hypotheses 7
16 Scope of the Study 8
17 Significance of the Study 10
18 Operationalization of Variables 7
19 Operational Definition of Terms 10
21 Conceptual Review 12
211 Entrepreneurial Strategies 12
212 Competitive Strategy 13
213 Human Resource Strategy 14
214 Market Orientation Strategy 15
215 Adaptation Strategy 16
216 SME Development 21
217 Return on Investment 21
218 Employee Productivity 24
219 Market Share 25
Content Page
2110 Business Policy 25
22 Theoretical Review 29
221 The Organizational life-cycle theory 29
222 Resource Based View Theory 33
223 Dynamic Capability Theory 35
224 The Survival-base theory 37
225 Knowledge Based View Theory of the Firm 40
23 Empirical Review 42
231 Entrepreneurial Strategies 42
2311 Competitive Strategy 42
231 2 Human Resource Strategy 43
2313 Market Orientation Strategy 44
2314 Adaptation Strategy 45
232 SME Development 46
2321 Return on Investment 47
2322 Employee Productivity 48
2323 Market Share 48
2334 Business Policy 49
233 Entrepreneurial Strategies and SME Development 50
234 Overview of the Nigerian SME Sector 52
24 Summary and Gaps in Literature 54
25 Conceptual Model 54
31 Research Design 56
32 Population 56
33 Sample size and sampling Technique 57
331 Sampling Technique 58
332 Sampling Frame 59
34 Method of Data Collection 59
35 Research Instrument 59
36 Pilot Study 60
37 Validity of Research Instrument 61
Content Page
371 Reliability of Research Instrument 61
372 Pre-test reliability Analysis 62
38 Method of Data Analysis 62
381 Model Specification 63
382 Conceptual Model 64
39 A priori Expectation 64
310 Limitation of the Methodology 65
311 Ethical Consideration 65
41 Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation 67
42 Demographic Data of Respondents 68
43 Data analysis, Interpretation and discussion 69
44 Summary Table of Findings 96
51 Summary 97
52 Conclusion 100
53 Recommendations 101
531 Policy Makers 102
532 SME Sector 102
533 Society 103
54 Contribution to Knowledge 103
55 Limitation of the Study 105
56 Suggestion for Further Studies 105
References 107
Questionnaire 122

11 Background to the Study
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have increasingly become a powerful engine for 
economic growth and development in today’s rapidly growing and dynamic competitive global 
economy (Khan, Obaidullah & Alam, 2011) On the contrary, the performance and
effectiveness of small and medium scale enterprises as an instrument of economic growth and
developmentinNigeria haslongbeen under academic scrutiny This intense scrutiny has been against
the backdrop of the low performance and inefficiency that characterized small and medium
scale enterprises particularly in assessing its role on economic growth and development (Small
and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria, SMEDAN;2010) The future of 
entrepreneurship is a moving target and a work in progress that is widely expected to lead 
through innovation and adaptation for the development of entrepreneurs (Snyder, 2011) 
The work of Snyder (2011) further noted that majority of job losses in America occurs in large 
companies which form less than 20% of American businesses while majority of jobs were 
created by small businesses An entrepreneur is an innovative person who maximizes his/her 
profit by following strategies on venturing into commercial undertaking (Dabson & Wilcox, 
2012) The characteristics of an entrepreneur include risk taking, curiosity, imaginative, 
persistence, goal setter, hardworking, confident, flexible and independent A study by 
Kauffman foundation in 2011 examined the relationship between economic growth and 
entrepreneurship and came to the conclusion that nations with higher level of entrepreneurship 
activity have better rate of economic growth Clifton (2009), noted that what the whole world 
need is a good job and good jobs are unavailable as entrepreneurs have not been able to develop 
the needed strategies for job creation Good jobs have become necessary because social 
contracts between big companies and their employees have changed overtime Therefore, the 
best job available is that where you are owner and
self-employed (Clifton, 2009) Dabson and Wilcox (2012) noted that most developing 
countries use entrepreneurship as an economic development of last resort For Nigeria to develop through the use of entrepreneurship like other developing nations the leaders must take 
cognizance of the people’s ability to create wealth, the process through which growth is 
achieved, the community where the activities take place and policies and practices that foster 
entrepreneurship in both public and private sectors (Dabson & Wilcox, 2012)
An SME according to the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is one whose capital employed excluding land 
is between â‚Â�1 million and â‚Â�150 million and employs not more than 500 persons (Ebitu, Ufot, & Olom, 
2015) Ogundele (2007), noted that SMEs represent 90% of the enterprises in African, Caribbean and 
Pacific (ACP) countries Also, SMEs provide 70% of employment opportunities for the citizens and 
promote the development of local technology Oyedijo (2012), have observed that small businesses 
employ 53% of the private workforce and account for 47% of sales and 51% of private sector gross 
domestic product SMEs possess great potential for employment generation, improvement of local
technology, output diversification, development of indigenous entrepreneurship and forward integration
with large scale industries (Central Bank of Nigeria quarterly publication, (2011)
Entrepreneurial strategies on the other hand is the means by which an organization establishes and re-
establishes its fundamental set of relationships with its environment characterized by changes in the 
pattern of decisions taken by the organization These strategies include competitive strategy which 
involves the ability of the organization to achieve leadership status in the dynamic and uncertain 
market they operate; human resources strategy which capitalizes on the use of the employees to 
achieve the organizations aims and objectives; market orientation strategy involves aligning the 
organizational output to suit the market and customers need and adaptation strategy which involves 
the use of innovation to allow the organization becomes relevant all in a bid to achieving SME 
SME development is the growth of a SME with the systematic use of scientific and technical knowledge 
to meet specific objectives or requirements of the organization 
SME development in this study is measured with the organization’s return on investment (ROI), 
employee’s productivity, market share and the business policies of the firm A major gap in Nigeria’s 
industrial development process in the past years has been the absence of a strong and virile small and 
medium enterprises sub-sector (SMEs) due to financial constraints explained by high lending rates, 
high loan requirements and lack of viable entrepreneurial skills which does not allow SMEs to possess 
the much needed competitive strategies
Furthermore, SMEs cannot employ the full arsenals of their entrepreneurial strategies due to 
constraints such as lack of adequate credit for SMEs, traceable to the reluctance of banks to extend 
credit to them This situation arises due to poor documentation at project proposals because the 
human resources strategies are poorly implemented or inadequate Matanmi and Awodun (2005) 
posit that if Nigeria desire to move out of the disturbing high level of unemployment and ravaging 
level of poverty, adequate attention must be given to the growth of entrepreneurship They concluded 
that Nigeria still remain in the doldrums because of the combination of ignorance, low capacity 
building and lack of encouragement for entrepreneurship coupled with lack of entrepreneurial 
This work will focus on SMEs within Ogun State and analyze entrepreneurial strategies in the form of 
competitive strategy, human resources strategy, market orientation strategy and adaptation strategy 
and how it relates to the development by considering market share, return on investment, business 
policy and employee productivity
12 Statement of the Problem 
Akingbolu (2014), Okezie, Odii, and Njoku (2013) has documented that 70% of SMEs fail in their first 
three years of operations in Nigeria because of their economy of scale This is coupled with the 
dynamic nature of the environment, greater competitive firms and the need for continuous 
innovation Product customization and growing use of ICT, forces firms to face challenges of improving 
their competitiveness These difficulties are greater for the highly competitive environment for small 
scale businesses which negatively affect their Return on Investment (ROI) The inability of top 
management of SMEs to properly analyze the market is one of the leading causes of reduction in 
Return on investment (ROI) for SMEs (Aaker, Kumar & Day, 2008) This is as a result of their
inability to formulate and implement appropriate competitive strategies for diversification, to fulfill 
their role of being an industry low cost provider, developing expertise and creating a niche for their 
companies that will allows for SME Development
Mwangi and Omhui (2013) posit that inability of small scale and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) to 
gear effort towards applying effective competitive strategies reduces return on investments because 
of the severe competition they face from multinational companies in the market and the need to meet 
consumer's requirement for quality, quantity and price has been a major challenge that has led to the collapse and eventual failure of many SMEs The entrepreneur’s inability to put in place adequate 
competitive strategy that would lead to responsive customer satisfaction, revenue growth and 
increased returns on investment is a factor that leads to failure (Offor, 2012)
With greater competition in the globalized market, emphasis on firm management employing human 
resource strategies through recruitment and selection, employee retention, compensation in SMEs 
have been insufficient and this inhibits their performance and diminishes finances (Apulu, Lathan & 
Moreton, 2011)
Asiedu-Appiah, Aduse-Poku and Abeeku-Bamfo (2013) in their study revealed that majority of SMEs 
do not follow formal recruitment and selection practices It was also evident that existing recruitment 
and selection practices were not systematic and lacked consistency as these practices were based on 
the understanding of owner-managers who had little or no expertise in the subject These lackadaisical 
human resource strategies does not allow for the input of the best entrepreneurial team that will lead 
to increasing financial performance for the SMEs
Despite, its significant position as the giant of Africa, in terms of natural resources, majority of firms 
predominantly small and medium scale enterprise still underperform while others wind up within first 
five years of business in Nigeria Only five to ten percent survive to achieve maturity stage, even with 
available financial resources (Ayanda & Danlami, 2011; Onugu, 2005), due to lack of strategic human 
resource planning (Okpara, 2011) and this lack of human resource strategies has not given room for 
increasing performance by the SMEs The poor performance of Nigerian small and medium enterprises 
(SMEs) is an issue of serious concern to all Nigerians and other
stakeholders (Ibru, 2013) The current chief executive officer (CEO) SMEDAN, Nadada (2013), 
admitted the following problems facing SMEs in Nigeria to include, among others poor market 
orientation strategies, inadequate knowledge of managing firms, poor marketing skills, low 
entrepreneurial spirit and the absence of this leads to reduction in their market share
Dzisi and Ofosu (2014) posit that SMEs are still lacking in so many spheres in Nigeria, as their 
perception of marketing has not shifted from mere advertising unto formulation and implementation 
of market orientation strategies SMEs fail to utilize market orientation strategies derived from 
marketing research and new product development that could attract the improved market share and performance thereby leading to inadequate exploitation of its benefits as well as not giving 
appropriate value to the entrepreneurs (Leopoulos, 2006) 
A study by Ebitu (2015) exposes that in the southern part of Nigeria, marketing problems such as 
difficulty in managing firm’s advertising, lack of adequate marketing research, unawareness of 
competition, poor branding and packaging, low level of knowledge on business market analysis, poor 
promotion, poor segmentation strategy, poor pricing technique and unplanned distribution 
contribute negatively in affecting SMEs’ profit margin and their sales volume Ebitu (2015) further 
observed that most of these problems were as a result of the fact that most of the managers of the 
SMEs are not knowledgeable about the principles and practice of marketing orientation strategies
Today’s organizations have to deal with dynamic and uncertain environments In order to be 
successful, organizations must be strategically aware They must understand how changes in their 
competitive environment are unfolding and they have to innovate so as to enhance their performance 
thereby increasing their market share The adaptation strategy of innovation can be used by small and 
midsized firms over large firms which is one area that has been underexplored (Papulova &Papulova, 
Uchegbulam, Akinyele and lbidunni (2015) in their study posited that with Nigeria's business 
environment situated in the midst of a challenging economic landscape and intense competition, 
Managers are increasingly seeking for strategic approaches to
accomplish, improve and sustain organizational performance which is lacking in most SMEs therefore 
causing underperformance, under productivity and inefficiency of the SMEs Currently, business 
environment is perceived to have been rarely exceeded in complexity, turbulence and rapid in change, 
all Nigerian organizations (large or small) must pay greater attention than ever before to their 
environments when formulating and implementing policies and strategies in order to survive and grow 
(Otokiti & Awodun, 2003)
Otokiti and Awodun (2003) posit that the performance of Nigerian companies is predicated on factors 
such as low-sales, high cost of production, low capital utilization, lack of foreign exchange to source 
needed inputs, poor power supply, and low quality of goods and services, among others These issues 
have led to lack of proper integration and coordination of various corporate subsystems in Nigerian organizations, resulting in the failure to achieve the stated goals and objectives Enterprises are 
subsumed in the environment with which they interact by importing inputs and exporting outputs 
Thus, the vagaries and the extremities of the environment affect the fortunes of organizations unless 
adaptive strategies are implemented to mitigate this (Kennerly & Nelly, 2003) Therefore, given the 
important contributions of SMEs to the economy and the survival rate of SMEs in Ogun state for the 
period 2010-2013 at 22% when compared to Lagos 54% and Oyo at 73% (Nadada, 2013) and 
considering the proximity of Ogun State which is between Lagos and Oyo States, investigation in the 
state is unavoidable 
This research aims at determining the relationship between entrepreneurial strategies and 
development of SMEs in Ogun State, Nigeria
13 Objective of the Study 
The main objective of the study is to evaluate the impact of entrepreneurial strategies on the 
development of SMEs in Ogun State, Nigeria The specific objectives are to:
1 examine the effect of competitive strategy on Return on Investment;
2 identify the effect of human resources strategy on employee productivity;
3 evaluate the effect of market orientation strategy on market share;
4 determine the effect of adaptation strategy on business policy and
5 examine the effect of Entrepreneurial Strategies on SMEs development
14 Research Questions
The study answered the following research questions:
1 What is the effect of competitive strategy on Return on Investment for SMEs 
2 How does human resources strategy affect employee productivity for SMEs development?
3 What is the effect of market orientation strategy on market share for SMEs development?
4 What is the effect of adaptation strategy on business policy for SMEs development?
5 How does Entrepreneurial Strategies affect SMEs development?
15 Hypotheses
The hypotheses for the study are as follows:

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