

Presented To

Department of Business Administration and Management

The major concern of this research work is to assess the role of Warri North Local Government Area of Delta State in rural development of its constituent communities. In achieving this, the research work relies on descriptive approach and structured questionnaire and interview for data collection. A simple size of one hundred and fifty (150) respondents was used for the study. Our findings revealed that the council has not performed well in developing the rural areas over the years. Various recommendations were made based on the findings among such are, increase in revenue allocation by both Federal and State governments, serious commitment be made by such staff toward internally generated revenue and the use of direct labour (council engineers) in carrying out projects in place of contractors. Improvement of infrastructure by the councils is also recommended.
Title Page - - - - - - - - i 
Approval Page  - - - - - - ii  
Dedication - - - - - - - - iii 
Acknowledgement - - - - - - - iv 
Abstract - - - - - - - - vi 
Table of Content  - - - - - - - vii 
CHAPTER ONE: Background of Study  
1.1  Introduction - - - -  - - -  
1.2  Statement of Problem - - - - - -  
1.3  Objectives of Study - - - - - -  
1.5 Significance of the Study - - - - -  
1.6 Operational Definition of Concept - - - -  
1.7  Literature Review - - - - - -  
1.7.1  Local Government and Rural Development  - -  -  
1.7.2  Inadequate Finance and Rural Development  -  - -  
1.7.3  Paucity of Skilled Manpower and Rural Development - -  
1.8 Theoretical Framework - - - - -  
1.9 Hypothesis  - - - - - - -  
1.10 Research Methodology - - - - - -  
References - - - - - - - -  

CHAPTER TWO: History and Organizational Structure of  
        Warri North Local Government    
2.1 Evolution of Local Government in Nigeria - - -   
2.2 History of Warri North Local Government Council - -  
2.3     The Organizational Structure of Warri North Local Government  
References - - - - - - - -  

Warri North Local Government and Rural Development  - -  
References - - - - - - - -  

4.1  Data Analysis - - - - - - -  
4.2  Testing of Hypotheses- - - - - -  
4.3 Discussion of Findings   - - - - -  

CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation 
5.1 Summary - - - - - - -  
5.2 Conclusion - - - - - - -  
5.3 Recommendation - - - - - -  
 Bibliography - - - - - - -  
 Appendix  - - - - - - -  

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