Search result(s): 1 - 15 of 395 » Department » Accountancy

budgeting in local government administration

It is the aim of this study to find out problems that have characterized the budget implementation process in local government administration. This research work has three chapters. Chapter one contains a general discussion of budgeting by the Nigeria government. It went further to state the problem and functions of local government administration.... Continue Reading


leasing as a major financing device for small scale industries in enugu urban


Small-scale enterprises like Hapel Nigeria limited generally suffer from lack of adequate finance. The introduction of the structural adjustment programme compounded the problem such that the enterprise could hardly finance the fixed capital requirements. Continue Reading


auditing efficiency for improving company"s performance

We have witnessed in recent times drastic changes in business trend, in our country. The reasons for these may be fraud, misappropriation of fund, lack of accountability and general company crises. It has been discouraged that management inefficiencies has been the root cause of company poor performance in Nigeria. Continue Reading


the role of auditors and the method of internal control in local governments


The subject of this research investigation is Continue Reading


progressive decay of education in nigeria (causes, effects and remedies)

There are problems which this research work will be concerned with. One of the obstacles is time factor. Since this research is to be carried out alongside with normal school work, it is not possible for the researcher to cover so many areas as touching this particular topic. Secondly, financial constraints is not left out. This will prevent the re... Continue Reading


the essence of effective auditing in community banks


Auditing could be seen as an indispensable tool in the management of any business venture or organization. The management of business and organization, provided systems of checks and counter chocks. The users of financial statements i.e. (Bankers, Customers, Shareholders, public government and creditors) repose their unflinching confidence and high... Continue Reading


the role of the central bank of nigeria in the development of money market

The project is aimed of achieving the following to their solutions to the central bank of Nigeria through the government with a vie to implementing those projects that will help in the development of a highly organized money market in Nigeria. To help the entire population understand the activities of the central bank of Nigeria in the development ... Continue Reading


the role of control bank of nigeria in effecting the stabilization measure in the economy

This project is aimed at educating Nigeria on the success of the stabilization measures introduced in the economy and to show the role played by the Central Bank of Nigeria. This topic was selected by the author due to the appalling ignorance displayed by studies and a lot of the Nigerian citizen and infact, professionals in various fields includi... Continue Reading


problems of obtaining bank loans in nigerian banks

This research aims at tracing the problems that borrowers do encounter while obtaining loans from banks and the causes of these problems. The researcher trims to view these problem emanating from the borrower method of application vis-à-vis the central bank credit guidelines and the commercial bank principles and practice of lending. Continue Reading


the role of auditor in computerized accounting systems

Computer is an electric device, which accept and process data by following a set of instruction (programmers) to produce an accurate and efficient result (information). It is very systemic and complex and operates within a system theory. It has input, control processing units, output and the backing storage. Continue Reading


the importance and roles of insurance industry in nigerian economy

The research work also treated the types of insurance industry in Nigeria, here the researcher compared it with the types operated overseas, and the method used to the standard. Also the project work, focused on the problem encountered by the industry and all the necessary measures that can be used to improve Nigeria insurance up to the world’s s... Continue Reading


the role of computer in accounting information processing

The investigation of the role of computer in accounting information processing, hope that the result of this study will kindle the interest of other institution, public and private is the utility of computers. This if is be leaved would assist in the realization of the technology transfer dream of the country in the year 2000. Continue Reading


a study of accounting records in small scale business in enugu state

This research project A study of accounting records in small business firms in Enugu.Set out to investigate the accounting records, system of small firms (in Enugu) with a view to outline its adequacy and chapters. Chapter one is the proposal which contains introduction, the statement of the problem i.e. what problems hinder small firms from keepi... Continue Reading


budgeting and budgetary control as tools for accountability in government parastatals


This research work was focused on investigation on the use of budgeting and budgetary control as tools for accountability in governmentrnParastatals. (A case study of Enugu State Housing Development Corporation). Budgetary control is a quantitative expression of plane of action prepare in advance of period to which it relate. The organ... Continue Reading


problems and prospects of accounting for the students of accounting in tertiary institutions

It is a clear fact that accounting as a course of study in accountancy department is faced with so many problems ranging from the method of imparting it to the students. The purpose of this research is therefore to investigate and give recommendation on how these problems should be tackled. Continue Reading


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