The project on the realities of privatization and commercialization on the Nigerian Economy is an evaluation and digestion of the newly introduced system of privatization and commercialization with an insight view on it’s effects, merits, demerits, problems and prospects. Continue Reading
The objectives of the research work therefore covered the pace of providing financial and banking services and other facilities to communities that were inadequately supplied with such services, the rapid enhancement of the development of productive activities in rural areas, the promotion of emergence of an effective integrated national financial ... Continue Reading
The Nigeria tax system had its share in terms of being adequately mobilized for an increased revenue and fiscal actions. The State tax revenue is no exemption or Exception to the fact that the revenue generating ability is grossly inadequate to meet up its government functions.rn Taxation which is seen as compulsory payment made by the citize... Continue Reading
In order to successfully accomplish the purpose for this research study, on the role of the Nigeria accountant question were formulated and a questionnaire comprising statement drawn from the research questions were prepared as well from the following problems are be setting public sector. Appointment of unqualified accountants to act as account su... Continue Reading
This project was tailored at designing bank lending policies and recovery procedures in nigeria. The piece of work looked into bank services and the rules that guide their monetary policies. Research was carried out on ways of improving bank lending policies and good measures on how money could be recovered. Recommendation for the future improvem... Continue Reading
An economy moves as efficiently on inefficiently as the people who manage its affairs. Business cannot thrive if we do not have an adequate number of men with their requisite knowledge, skill and competence. It is in recognition of these fact that an effort is made in this research work to show the impact of Auditing in public sector. For t... Continue Reading
Revenue collection method in most government establishment has over the years been the bane of the old Anambra State government in achieving optimum internally generated revenue for both recurrent and capital development. This forced the government to dissolve most of her boards and commissions in 1981 as well as set Revenue Commission and of inve... Continue Reading
This research work was designed to study and investigate precisely the Role of Audit for the proper Accountability of Company’s Fund with special emphasis on Department of Petroleum Resources. Prudent fund management requires that available resources be equitable allocated to all activities or proposals such that each ill not suffer under ov... Continue Reading
This research work was carried out to find out the impact of industrial training on accountancy students of IMT Enugu. The project was divided into three chapters, chapter one dealt with background of the study, scope of the study. Chapter two also talked about the historical background of industrial training fund, industrial work experience sche... Continue Reading
The purpose of this research work is to find out whether there is significance level of fraud in Nigerian banks, to know whether Nigerians practice, aid or abate fraud and to consider the adequacy of the internal control system in detecting and preventing fraud in the bank. Continue Reading
This work was done to determine impact of remuneration in the manufacturing sector. To guide the study, four research questions were formulated. A review of related literature was also done to expose the researcher to what has already been done to ensure sound bases for reviewing book journals etc. Continue Reading
The motive of this study the overview of local government finance in the new millennium is to know the extent of finance management at the local level. At the local government level, finance have not been sufficiently provided for. Even the little funds at their disposal are not adequately used. Continue Reading
The practice of accounting has been a practical one since the inception. This is one of the notions in the writers mind when carrying out this study. Here, practical involvement in this work works unveils to her most of the accounting operations as are being obtained in real life situation. The scope of this work – accounting procedure in... Continue Reading
The study is aimed at examining the extent to which consumers can be influenced by the use of testimonials in advertising. If the use of testimonials can make consumers to either buy or not. It is a known fact that advertising is money generating sector to any functional media house; It helps to sustain the media houses. Continue Reading
The main objective of the project are to enable the readers companies, the government and the general public at large to have full understanding of value added tax (VAT) as a form of tax and find out weathered this tax system has any significant effect on industries. Continue Reading