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quality control analysis of some commercial detergent sold in enugu metroplis


This work is an attempt to determine the quality and standard of the chosen test detergent product in our market. Two samples of detergent power were used and blue OMO detergent powder. Tempo detergent is produced by PZ = Plc while OMO is produced by unilever Plc. The first stage of the analysis entailed a qualitative examination to ascertain first... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

growing of commercial sycamore occidentalis) in slt center for agriculture and bioscience research, imt, enugu

The growing of commercial sycamore plant(Platanus occidentalis) in SLT centre for agriculture and bioscience research in IMT Enugu was studied. The plant seedlings were obtained from horticulture garden in SLT botanical garden, IMT Enugu was studied. Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

bacterial contaminats associated with commercial poultry feed from three different companies

The bacterial contaminants associated with commercial poultry feeds from three companies in Nigeria (vital, Guinea and Top) were studied using streak plate techniques. The culture media used were Nutrient agar and Mac Cokey agar. The aim/ objective of the study is: To ascertain the microbial safety of commercial poultry feeds produced by companie... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

design and construction of an eletronic digital display system (moving message display)

The aim of this project work is to design and construct an electronic digital display system, based on light-emitting diodes connected in an array that forms the information to be displayed i.e. Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

the effect of pesticides dichlorodiphenyl trichloroeyhane (d.d.y) and benzene hexachroride (bhc) on the microflora of the three types of soil

The effect of pesticides, chchlorodipheny trichloroethane (DDY) and Benzene hexaxhoride (BHc) on the microflora of the three types of soil (loamy, clay and sandy soil) was conducted. The serial dietitian technique was employed up to 10-3 using nutrient agar, potato dextrose agar and sabourand agar plates. Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

preparation of buffer solution (tris buffer solution)

Tris buffer solution was prepared in the laboratory by dissolving 4.6g of boric acid, 6.5g of EDTA and 60.5g of trisma base in 1000cm3 of distilled water. Comparative study were done on the commercially produced tris buffer solution, using and laboratory produced tris buffer solution, using pH meter for the p H and by carrying out genotype test for... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

microbiological examination of underground water source (well-water) at campus 3 of imt enugu

The examination of underground source (well water) at campus 3 of IMT Enugu was carried out, by using ten samples of the water sample. For viable plate count for presence of pathogenic organisms and organisms indicating organic matter pollution, plating technique of poor plates were used. Also presence of coliform groups and escheriachria coli were... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

fungal infustation on bakery product dream

This project work which is all about the fungal infestation of bakery product BREAD, explain the kind or type of fungal organisms that are responsible for the spoilage on contamination of bread. The infestation of fungal organism on bread depends on the kind and number of the agent present and upon the environment about them. Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

the effect of petroleum by-products (fuel and kerosene) on the haemoglobin of african cat fish (clarias gariepinus)

The effects of petroleum by-products (fuel and kerosene) on the hematology of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) was studied. Ten juvenile fishes were introduced in each aquarium, and held for 24hours in the laboratory, inside these aquaria, filled with 10 litres of unchlorinated well water. After 24hours, fuel and kerosene (500ml each) were in... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

construction of rlc (resistor, inductor and capacitor) in oscillatory circuit in parrel and in series

This is the construction of an RLC and RC circuit network use in generation is different signal in RLC mod. After the complete construction of the system, the deviation between the expected result and the actual result was very close. The performance and efficiency was beyond expectation and from every ramification, the construction of RLC circuit ... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

isolatioin and characterisation of bacteria associated with hawked suya- meat


This project work is carried at the isolation and characterization of pathogenic bacteria from hawked suya meat, were bought in full from the sellers and was collected in raps of aluminum foil. It was then taken to the laboratory for analysis the samples were homogenized and serial dilution of the sample was made out using 5 ml sterile pipette and... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

the microbiological quality control of soymilk beverage sold in insititue of mangement and technology campus 3 enugu

The study is aimed at evaluating the microbiological quality control of soymilk beverage sold in I.M.T campus 3 Enugu. The soymilk samples were collected randomly from all the soymilk hawkers in campus 3 I.M.T Enugu. 30 soymilk samples were collected and used for the study. Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

detergent effluent bioconcentration on docosahexanoic acid (dha) of mackerel fish

The toxicity of commercial detergent effluent, a household cleaning agent was investigated with emphasis on its effects on the Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) of juvenile Makerlfish with the mean weight of 15+0.3kg and standard length of 8.0+0.5cm. After series of range finding test, the fishes were exposed to lethal concentrations of 0.00mg/l, 0.01mg/l... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

maize adjunct in sorghum beer brewing

This research work was on maize (Zea may) abject in sorghum vulgare) beer brewing the sorghum was malted and milled. Malting was achieved by sleeping the grains in water at 280c for 48 germination of the grain was allowed for 72 hrs and kilmed in air oven at 550c for 48 hrs. Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

evaluation of current techniques in diagnoses of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)

A study was carried to ascertain the potency of some techniques used in diagnosis of Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Two hundred and five samples (203) were collected from the patients from the university of Nigerian teaching hospital and was analysed using Elisa kit, which has the ability to detect antibodies and antigens in the patients seru... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

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