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antimicrobial activities of garlic and ginger extracts

Garlic (Alliums Sativum) and Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is hardy perennial of Asiatic origin, belonging to the plant family liliaceae. They are grown in northern Nigeria as medicine for both human and animals. They are primarily used for seasoning and also for its medicinal property. Anti-microbial activities of garlic and ginger were carried out... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

production of mosquito repellent using orange peels

The purpose of this work is to produce mosquitoes repellent using orange peels (cestrum) wastes perse, which will save the cost of production and purchase, thereby increasing it’s availability especially in the rural areas.rnIf the work is successful, production of mosquitoes repellents using orange peels will provide source of employment to ... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

trace elements content of neem leaves (azadirachta indica)

The global scenario is now supporting the development of modern drugs from less toxic plant products with proven medicinal properties. Each part of the neem plant (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) reportedly has various medicinal properties and has been in use in many continents for centuries. In this project work, water extract from Neem leaves (Azadir... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

recalibration of 250ml volumeter flask

Recalibration of 250ml volumetric flask from time to time is very vital for determination of its accuracy and precision compared with its original manufacturers calibration. It gives a sound understanding of modern measurement methods and knowledge of equipment used. Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

construction of a transistorized power regulator (240 v)

A step-by-step approach to the construction of a type of transistionized power regulator of known output voltage. A power regulator is described in the course of this project. The zener diode reverse voltage breakdown is used to the advantage to produce a power regulator diode. That is to say, it is possible to use a zener diode to produce a relati... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

isolatioin and characterisation of bacteria associated with hawked suya- meat


This project work is carried at the isolation and characterization of pathogenic bacteria from hawked suya meat, were bought in full from the sellers and was collected in raps of aluminum foil. It was then taken to the laboratory for analysis the samples were homogenized and serial dilution of the sample was made out using 5 ml sterile pipette and... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

isolation and identification of rhizopus from decaying bread

The Isolation and Identification of Rhizopus from a Decaying Bread were conducted. The black mould used in the practical was collected from bread. It is allowed to stay in moist environment or at room temperature for 2 to 3 days. The mould is then inoculated in the nutrient egar (N.A.) incubated and was isolated and view under the microscope for... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

effect of potash on microbial activity on cooked brown beans

This work was on the effect of potash on microbial activity on cooked brown beans. Two samples: A and B for Beans cooked with potash and without potash respectively were used. Pour plate techniques and Biochemical tests were carried out to isolate and confirmed the presence of Microccus luteus and Entrobacter aerogens in the samples. Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

determination of the presence and concentration of some phytochemicals in avocado pear (persea americana mill) seed

Phytochemical screening to determine the presence and concentration of tannins, saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, sterols and cardiac glycosides in Persea americana was carried out. The sample was prepared by cutting the seed into small pieces, drying and grinding with Thomas Willey milling machine. The ground sample was stored in an airtight contai... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

construction of an incuned plane

An inclined plane is a simple machine, which is used, in conducting experiments to determine static/dynamic friction; also it does not require energy to do work. This shows that a little effort is applied to do a large work. The construction of the inclined plane was carried out using locally available materials mainly plywood (mahogany) and dime... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

the effect of petroleum by-products (fuel and kerosene) on the haemoglobin of african cat fish (clarias gariepinus)

The effects of petroleum by-products (fuel and kerosene) on the hematology of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) was studied. Ten juvenile fishes were introduced in each aquarium, and held for 24hours in the laboratory, inside these aquaria, filled with 10 litres of unchlorinated well water. After 24hours, fuel and kerosene (500ml each) were in... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

microbiological examination of underground water source (well-water) at campus 3 of imt enugu

The examination of underground source (well water) at campus 3 of IMT Enugu was carried out, by using ten samples of the water sample. For viable plate count for presence of pathogenic organisms and organisms indicating organic matter pollution, plating technique of poor plates were used. Also presence of coliform groups and escheriachria coli were... Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

the effect of pesticides dichlorodiphenyl trichloroeyhane (d.d.y) and benzene hexachroride (bhc) on the microflora of the three types of soil

The effect of pesticides, chchlorodipheny trichloroethane (DDY) and Benzene hexaxhoride (BHc) on the microflora of the three types of soil (loamy, clay and sandy soil) was conducted. The serial dietitian technique was employed up to 10-3 using nutrient agar, potato dextrose agar and sabourand agar plates. Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

development of a mask sampling method for collection and quantification of mycobacterium tuberculosis in respiratory droplets

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is transmitted via the airborne route in thernrespiratory droplets expectorated by active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) patients.rnTo date, there is still lack of an established method for sampling respiratoryrnaerosol droplets and measuring the Mtb concentration in them Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

production and chemical quality assessment of aspirin

This work is in such a way as to help the readers understand the role of aspirin in human health and the chemical component of the drug in reaction. It also deals extensively with the definition and background of study, the statement of some problems, the aims and objectives, the limitation and hypothesis. Continue Reading

Science Laboratory Technology

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