LIST OF TABLES -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- V
LIST OF FIGURES -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- V
ABSTRACT -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- VI
1 BACKGROUND -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1
11 Statement of the Problem -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2
12 Objectives -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3
121 General Objective -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3
122 Specific Objective -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3
13 Significance of the Study -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3
2 LITERATURE REVIEW -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 4
21 Lubricating Oil -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 4
22 Used Lubricating Oil -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 5
221 Lubricating oil Properties-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 5
222 Degradation of Lubricating oil -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10
223 Contaminants in Used Lubricating Oil -- -- -- -- -- -- 13
224 Physical and Chemical Tests of Used Lubricating Oil -- -- -- -- -- 15
225 Impacts of Used Lubricating Oil -- -- -- -- -- -- 17
23 Used Oil Recycling and Reuse -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 19
231 Importance of Used Oil Recycling and Reuse -- -- -- -- -- -- 22
232 General Regeneration Scheme -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 23
33 Acid-Clay Process -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 25
3 MATERIALS AND METHODS -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 32
31 Materials -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 32
32 Methods -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 33
321 Characterization of Used Generator Engine Oil -- -- -- -- -- 33
322 Treatment of the Used Oil Sample -- -- -- -- -- -- 37
323 Characterization of Treated Oil Sample -- -- -- -- -- -- 40
33 Experimental Design -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 41
331 Experimental Factors -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 41
332 Response Factors-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 42
4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 44
41 Characterization of Used Lubricating Oil Sample -- -- -- -- -- -- 44
42 Experimental Results of Acid-Clay Treatment -- -- -- -- 45
43 Effects of Experimental Factors on Results -- -- -- -- -- -- 46
431 Effects of Acid Quantity -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 46
432 Effects of Adsorbent Ratio -- -- -- -- -- -- 48
433 Statistical Analysis -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50
44 Properties of Regenerated Base Oil -- -- -- -- -- -- 52
45 Light Fuel Characterization -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 54
46 Cost Analysis Consideration -- -- -- -- -- -- 55
51 Conclusions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 56
52 Recommendations -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 58
BIBLIOGRAPHY-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 60
APPENDIX A: Viscosity Index Evaluation Data -- -- -- -- -- -- 62
APPENDIX B: Experimental Design and Analysis Data -- -- -- -- -- 63
APPENDIX C: Material Balance & Energy requirement -- -- -- -- -- 69
Table 2-1: Typical contaminants found in used oils -- -- -- -- -- 13
Table 2-2: Comparison of fresh base engine oil and used oil -- -- -- -- 16
Table 2-3: Environmental impact assessment of local uses of changed engine oil -- -- -- 17
Table 2-4: Typical levels of contaminants in used oils -- -- -- -- -- -- 19
Table 2-5: Comparison of environmental aspect of treatment technologies -- -- -- -- 21
Table 2-6: Comparison of economic aspect of treatment technologies -- -- -- 21
Table 2-7: Advantages and disadvantages of used oil recycling and reusing methods -- -- 22
Table 3-1 Typical characteristics of RUBIA TIR 7400 oil-- -- -- -- -- -- 32
Table 3-2: List of major equipment and chemicals -- -- -- -- -- -- 33
Table 3-3: Experimental factors and corresponding levels -- -- -- -- -- 42
Table 4-1: Used oil sample characterization results -- -- -- -- -- 44
Table 4-2: Experimental results of acid-clay treatment -- -- -- -- -- -- 45
Table 4-3: Experimental results at different acid ratios -- -- -- -- -- -- 47
Table 4-4: Experimental results at different adsorbent ratios -- -- -- -- 49
Table 4-5: Analysis of variance results summary -- -- -- -- -- 51
Table 4-6: Optimization solution summary -- -- -- -- -- 52
Table 4-7: Comparative properties of used oil, recovered oil and fresh oil -- -- 53
Table 4-8: Chemical and energy costs estimation for recycling one liter of usable oil -- -- 55
Table C-1: Material balance results of the selected optimum experimental run -- -- -- 69
Table C-2: Material balance based on one liter product yield -- -- -- -- 71
Figure 2-1: Waste oil treatment hierarchy -- -- -- -- -- -- 20
Figure 2-2: Typical acid-clay treatment process flow diagram -- -- -- 26
Figure 3-1: Acid treatment setup -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 38
Figure 3-2: Product separation set-up -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 38
Figure 3-3: Atmospheric distillation experimental set-up -- -- -- -- -- -- 39
Figure 3-4: Vacuum distillation experimental set-up -- -- -- -- -- -- 39
Figure 3-5: Clay adsorption set-up -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 40
Figure 4-1: Effects of acid concentration -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 48
Figure 4-2: Effects of adsorbent ratio -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50
Figure B-1: Normal plot of residuals -- -- -- -- -- -- 67
Figure B-2: Plot of residuals vs predicted values -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 68