This project work is carried at the isolation and characterization of pathogenic bacteria from hawked suya meat, were bought in full from the sellers and was collected in raps of aluminum foil. It was then taken to the laboratory for analysis the samples were homogenized and serial dilution of the sample was made out using 5 ml sterile pipette and... Continue Reading
The incidence of the infestation of plasmodium species (P.Falciparum, P. Vivax, P.Ovale, and P. alaria) which causes human malaria in Enugu metropolis was conducted at Parklane Hospital using their patients. Continue Reading
This research work is a detailed study on preparation of cleansing cream. The aim is to prepare cleansing cream of better quality than the available ones in the market. The study explores the work done by some eminent scholars in connection with cream and preparation of cleansing cream. Cream can be defined as an article intended to be rubbed, spri... Continue Reading
The Isolation and Identification of Rhizopus from a Decaying Bread were conducted. The black mould used in the practical was collected from bread. It is allowed to stay in moist environment or at room temperature for 2 to 3 days. The mould is then inoculated in the nutrient egar (N.A.) incubated and was isolated and view under the microscope for... Continue Reading
Tris buffer solution was prepared in the laboratory by dissolving 4.6g of boric acid, 6.5g of EDTA and 60.5g of trisma base in 1000cm3 of distilled water. Comparative study were done on the commercially produced tris buffer solution, using and laboratory produced tris buffer solution, using pH meter for the p H and by carrying out genotype test for... Continue Reading
This work is in such a way as to help the readers understand the role of aspirin in human health and the chemical component of the drug in reaction. It also deals extensively with the definition and background of study, the statement of some problems, the aims and objectives, the limitation and hypothesis. Continue Reading
The prevalence of Trichomonas Vaginalis among adult in �“Osumenyiâ€Â� in Nnewi south local government Area of Anambra state was carried out. This was done using a stotal of one hundred adults from there different clinics viz ;- Health center, family planning and Antenatal Clinic in Osumenyi; in Nnewi South L.G.A of Anambra State. the gen... Continue Reading
The antibacterial activity of sweet orange(citrus smensin) on staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli isolated from would infection was studied. A total number of 100 wound sample were collected form different individual from different age range within 5-8years and examined,. The test organisms S auras and E coli were cultured separately on Nutr... Continue Reading
This project work is aimed at carrying out different microbial staining techniques with strict adherence to the field of microbiology. Most bacteria are transparent and so difficult to be seen under the bright field microscope. Continue Reading
The effects of petroleum by-products (fuel and kerosene) on the hematology of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) was studied. Ten juvenile fishes were introduced in each aquarium, and held for 24hours in the laboratory, inside these aquaria, filled with 10 litres of unchlorinated well water. After 24hours, fuel and kerosene (500ml each) were in... Continue Reading
Two different wine were produced from the must of ripe sweet oranges (citrus spp.) and banana (musa spp.) by fermenting the must wine with a wine yeast strain of saccharomyces cerevisae var ellipsoideus and the other with a locally isolated yeast from well riped oranges. 400 mls of must was obtained separately from the sweet oranges and banana.The ... Continue Reading
The effect of intake of tigernut extract was studied. Doses of 0.2ml and 0.8ml of tigernut (cyperus esculentus) extract as well as the administration of 0.3ml questran (hypolipidemic drug) were orally administered to 6 weeks old male rats for 21 days. The effect of this administration on serum lipid levels such as cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cho... Continue Reading
The growing of commercial sycamore plant(Platanus occidentalis) in SLT centre for agriculture and bioscience research in IMT Enugu was studied. The plant seedlings were obtained from horticulture garden in SLT botanical garden, IMT Enugu was studied. Continue Reading
Soil is the essential ingredient in any farming enterprise. When it is in poor health, plants cannot grow to their full potential. The environmental impact of automobile waste dump assessment on soil in coal camp Enugu metropolis, Enugu state were examined using four soil samples, three were obtained from automobile repair shops and one from non a... Continue Reading
This work was on the effect of potash on microbial activity on cooked brown beans. Two samples: A and B for Beans cooked with potash and without potash respectively were used. Pour plate techniques and Biochemical tests were carried out to isolate and confirmed the presence of Microccus luteus and Entrobacter aerogens in the samples. Continue Reading