The judicial powers of the Federation and of States are vested in courts established by section 6 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended) and other courts established for the Federation by an Act of the National Assembly or in case of states, law made by the relevant State House of Assembly. The judicial powers grad... Continue Reading
It is undisputable fact that nowadays, the Muslim world in particular has realized the dire need to write, translate and produce many books and articles on the topic of maqasid due to its importance in addressing and solving modern issues challenging the Muslim Ummah. It is in this regard that this topic entitled “Assessment of the Objectives of ... Continue Reading
INVESTIGATE A SURVEY ON THE AFTERCARE SERVICE AND REINTEGRATION OF EX-CONVICTS IN NIGERIA CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study Laws are made in every society to regulate the behaviour of people and to ensure that individual live according to expectation of the society. However, crimes are committed in the society daily... Continue Reading
CRIMINOLOGY: SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECT OF GENDER, RACE AND RELIGION ON CRIME BY ABSTRACT The essence of this topic is to explain in details what criminology entails, the study, methodology, etiology, scope amongst others, it also describes why crime is committed, who defines or determines crime and what constitutes crime. The topic covers... Continue Reading
AN APPRAISAL OF THE COURTS AND CONSTITUTIONALISM IN NIGERIA A DECADE OF DEMOCRATICE GOVERNANCE ABSTRACT Democracy is undoubtedly the commonest system of government mostly practiced in virtually all the countries of the world because it ensures the observance of people‟s rights and freedom. It is however basically characterized by three ... Continue Reading
WILL A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS UNDER COMMON AND ISLAMIC LAWS ABSTRACT The conceptual divergence in respect of the formation of a valid will under both Islamic and common laws will be examined and discussed. Starting from introduction which will introduce us to the general message of the work. The chapters therein have been divided into five. Continue Reading
The challenge identified by this research was the manner of collaterisation of credits by financial institutions. It was discovered that due to the volume of funds available at the disposal of financial institutions as a result of the consolidation exercise and stiff competition towards making substantial margin of profits, some financial instituti... Continue Reading
Bank lending transactions deal solely with matters that are related with security for advancement. The importance of security in bank lending can not be over-emphasised in business relationship between both banker and customers, in present day Nigeira. The economy has virtually collapsed or has reached a point of total collapse. Many banks are dist... Continue Reading
Under the Charter of the United Nations, intervention is absolutely prohibited in matters that are purely domestic to states. However, notwithstanding this general rule of non-intervention, there are happenings that though purely internal to states, have the capability to threaten international peace and security. The United Nations Charter has rec... Continue Reading
Clinical Legal Education (CLE) is an experiential learning process of teaching law that was introduced with the major aim of producing lawyers with community consciousness, ethical skills and competence to handle legal issues in accordance with the global best practice. This research examined the role of CLE in promoting legal practice in Nigeria b... Continue Reading
The partitioning and subsequent introduction of European colonial governance in West Af-rica with its policy of legitimate trade in one or two cash crops to serve Europe‘s industrial needs eroded indigenous industrial skills and the basis for development of sustainable interac-tive economic activities in West Africa. As a result, by the time most... Continue Reading
Every individual is entitled to the full protection of their rights because they are human beings. Men and women also experience health challenges but because women go through some biological and social processes that carry health risks like pregnancy and child birth they require adequate health care to be able to fulfil these roles. The research a... Continue Reading
Differing is inevitable among people, because of individual natural differences regarding thinking, understanding, power of assimilation, intellect, etc. Thus, differences and contradictions are a natural outcome. Incidentally people have grossly misconceived differences of opinion among the jurists either due to their ignorance or lack of understa... Continue Reading
The wave of globalisation accompanied by its neo-liberal economic policy has effectuated economic growth and national development in developed countries. However, the application of these policies in developing countries such as Nigeria led to an increased level of socio-economic disparity and a stagnated process of national development. This thesi... Continue Reading
This work is prompted by the shortage of revenue accruing to the federating units in Nigeria. It exposes the potential of taxation as an alternative and or additional revenue source to the federating states in Nigeria. Using the doctrinal method of research, this work espouses the potentials of taxation as a viable means of generating revenue for t... Continue Reading