A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE SECTION 144 OF THE 1999 CONSTITUTION: MUSA YARDUA AS A CASE STUDY ABSTRACT On the 23rd of November, 2009, President Musa Yar’Adua left Nigeria for treatment abroad in an undisclosed country. For the next 80 days, nobody heard from or saw the federal republic of Nigeria. Even the vice-president, Goodluck Jonathan, ... Continue Reading
A CRITICAL APPRAISALOF LEGITIMACY AND LEGITIMATION UNDER NIGERIA FAMILY LAW ABSTRACT This long essay is concerned with the concept of legitimacy, which is an important concept, as it determines the status of a child in relation to the society, while a legitimate child is conferred with the rights and duties of a legitimate child, which includ... Continue Reading
EXCESS OF INJUNCTION IN NIGERIA JUDICIAL SYSTEM ABSTRACT Injunction serves as an order of equitable nature restraining the person to whom it is directed from performing a specified act or in certain exceptional circumstances cases requiring him to perform a specified act. Injunctions are judicial remedy by which a person is ordered to refrai... Continue Reading
DUTY CARE : ITS IMPLICATION TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL IN NIGERIA ABSTRACT The Medical field is one of the most referred and reverenced profession in that it deals with the lives of human beings and in the course of their dealings with patients, these patients go through tests, operations, diagnosis to mention but a few Continue Reading
CRITICAL APPRAISAL OF THE RELEVANCY AND ADMISSABILITY OF ELECTRONICALLY GENERATED EVIDENCE IN NIGERIA ABSTRACT In an attempt to address this fundamental issue regarding the admissibility of electronically generated evidence, recourse shall be paid had to the word evidence itself. Evidence is the means by which facts are proved excluding infer... Continue Reading
CRITICALLY ANALYSIS OF CORROBORATION UNDER THE NIGERIAN LAW OF EVIDENCE ABSTRACT There is no law that says the plaintiff or the prosecution must bring a million witnesses or evidence to court before he can succeed in his case. Continue Reading
A LEGAL APPRAISAL OF THE ELECTRIC POWER SECTOR REFORMS IN NIGERIA ABSTRACT Nigeria’s electric power sector requires substantial reform if the country’s economic development and poverty alleviation programme is to be realized. Currently, the country faces serious energy crisis due to declining electricity generation from domestic power pla... Continue Reading
ATTITUDE OF THE JUDICIARY TOWARDS ADMISSIBILITY OF CONFESSIONAL STATEMENT ABSTRACT A confession is a species of admission. When in the course of an investigation into a criminal offence, a suspect has made a statement to the police tending to show that he has committed that offence, the statement is known as a confession. Confession is govern... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.0.0: INTRODUCTION Public Private Partnership is a contractual arrangement which is formed between public and private sector partners which involve the private sector in the development, financing, ownership, and or operation of a public facility or service. In such a partnership, public and private resour... Continue Reading
A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE CONFLICT SITUATION AND CHOICE OF LAWS IN THE NIGERIAN LEGAL SYSTEM AND OTHER LEGAL SYSTEMS ABSTRACT Private International Law is that part of a law of a country which deals with cases having foreign element and usually comes into operation whenever courts are seized with such cases. Continue Reading
RIGHT OF EXPRESSION UNDER THE NIGERIAN CONSTITUTION: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES ABSTRACT The entrenchment of Right of Expression as a fundamental human right in Nigeria could be traced to the 1960 Independence Constitution and those that followed it. The Independence Constitution of 1960 and the Republican Constitution of 1963 have provisions for ... Continue Reading
THE RIGHT OF AN ACCUSED PERSON UNDER THE NIGERIAN LEGAL SYSTEM ABSTRACT Under the Nigerian criminal justice the constitutional right of an accused person is enshrined in Section 35 and 36 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 such rights include, the right to be informed promptly in the language that he understands, the... Continue Reading
JUDICIAL ATTITUDE TO HOMICIDE IN NIGERIA ABSTRACT Criminal Law in Nigeria is so wide that it applies to a wide range of crimes. a crime is and actatute or by the Common Law to be a public wrong and is therefore punishable by the state in Criminal proceeding. The crime of homicide which can be divided into two namely, lawful homicide which is ... Continue Reading
COMPETENCE AND COMPELLABILITY: IS CHILD EVIDENCE ADMISSIBLE ABSTRACT Determination of lawsuits is highly dependent on these availability of evidence. In law, every person is a competent witness in any judicial proceeding unless otherwise prevented by the law. And every compellable witness is a competent witness as the court will not compel an... Continue Reading
APPRAISAL OF TRESSPASS AS A TORTIOUS ACTION UNDER THE LAW OF TORT ABSTRACT There is no branch of law which transpires the true picture of the society more than the law of tort. The reason being that it is a branch of law that deals with the conduct of the people amongst themselves. Because of the contact people have with themselves in the env... Continue Reading