HOLDING CHARGE SYNDROME; A CHALLENGE IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN NIGERIA ABSTRACT The criminal justice system revolves around three cardinal institutions: the police, court and prison. These institutions are partners in our failing criminal justice system, due to some practices that are inimical to the interest of society. Continue Reading
CUSTOMARY SUCCESSION LAW IN MODERN IBO LAND; JUDICIAL AND LEGISLATIVE DIMENSION IN FOCUS ABSTRACT Right from the beginning there has always been a transition from one generation to another generation and whatever assets or liabilities that were owned or used by one generation is usually passed or transferred to the succeeding generation. Continue Reading
ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION AND OIL SPILLAGES: AN INDICTMENT TO HUMAN RIGHT AND ENVIRONMENTAL LAW BY TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page �“ �“ �“ �“ �“ �“ i Certification �“ �“ �“ �“ �“ �“ ii Approval �“ �“ �“ �“ �“ �“ iii Dedication �“ �“ �“ �“ �“ �“ iv Acknowledgement �“ �“ �“ �“ �“ �“ v Table of Contents �“ �“ ... Continue Reading
THE NIGERIA AND ARGENTINA CRIMINAL LAW: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS 1.0 INTRODUCTION Criminality is one of the most discussed issues in the law departments, chambers and other legislator. For the legislator, the comparative criminal law can be a source of possible approach to specific issues or even to the enterprise of criminal law. But this is d... Continue Reading
An Appraisal Of The Application Of Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods To Marriage Disputes ABSTRACT Marriage is a union entered into by two parties in every jurisdiction i. e, marriage is a universal occurrence. Although the legal process involved (either in formality or requirement) varies from one jurisdiction to another, marriage is often ... Continue Reading
Issue of gender equality (men and women) are equal in all ranks, which also includes politics, which is aimed at women rather than men, these debates degenerate and disintegrate into discordant posturing, grandstanding, sweeping, generalizations and misrepresentation. I do not intend to throw my hat into the ring. I only wish to add my voiced to th... Continue Reading
Provocation As A Defence To Criminal Liability: The Nigerian Perspective ABSTRACT One of the defences open to an accused which may exculpate or mitigate him from criminal liability is provocation. The law recognizes that human beings are prone to losing their control under extreme rage and should they react violently, justice demands that accoun... Continue Reading
Provocation As A Defence To Criminal Liability: The Nigerian Perspective ABSTRACT One of the defences open to an accused which may exculpate or mitigate him from criminal liability is provocation. The law recognizes that human beings are prone to losing their control under extreme rage and should they react violently, justice demands that accoun... Continue Reading
ANALYSIS OF THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF INSURANCE UNDER THE NIGERIAN LAW OF INSURANCE CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.0.0 INTRODUCTION Due to the high level of illiteracy in the Nigerian society, many people are unaware of insurance policies. However, with the enactment of Insurance Decree[1], the awareness of insurance policies was ... Continue Reading
AN APPRAISAL OF THE LIABILITIES OF A COMPANY FOR THE ACTS OF ITS DIRECTORS ABSTRACT A company can be described as a legal entity or a body corporate, having perpetual succession and also a common seal, as well as the ability to sue and be sued in its own corporate name Continue Reading
AN APPRAISAL OF THE LIABILITIES OF A COMPANY FOR THE ACTS OF ITS DIRECTORS ABSTRACT A company can be described as a legal entity or a body corporate, having perpetual succession and also a common seal, as well as the ability to sue and be sued in its own corporate name Continue Reading
TRUST PROPERTY: A LEGAL LINK BETWEEN TRUST PROPERTY AND TRUSTEE UNDER THE NIGERIAN LEGAL SYSTEM ABSTRACT According to the Blacks law dictionary, 6th edition trust property is defined as any money or property set aside as a trust for the benefit of another and held by a trustee. The trustee is the person vested with the right to hold property ... Continue Reading
A Critical Appraisal Of Legitimacy And Legitimation Under Nigerian Family Law Abstract This long essay is concerned with the concept of legitimacy, which is an important concept, as it determines the status of a child in relation to the society, while a legitimate child is conferred with the rights and duties of a legitimate child, which inclu... Continue Reading
EXCESS OF INJUNCTION IN NIGERIA JUDICIAL SYSTEM ABSTRACT Injunction serves as an order of equitable nature restraining the person to whom it is directed from performing a specified act or in certain exceptional circumstances cases requiring him to perform a specified act. Continue Reading
EXCESS OF INJUNCTION IN NIGERIA JUDICIAL SYSTEM ABSTRACT Injunction serves as an order of equitable nature restraining the person to whom it is directed from performing a specified act or in certain exceptional circumstances cases requiring him to perform a specified act. Continue Reading