Acceptable dispute resolution mechanism is a major factor intending investors seek before investing in any viable international contractual relationship. The Nigerian capital market is a major player of wealth creating and improving the Nigerian economy as the market is open to both local and international investors. Disputes being part of human na... Continue Reading
The capital market is the long arm of the financial market through which resources in the form of savings are pooled and channeled to the production of goods and services. Disputes often arise in capital market transactions, which must be resolved speedily, fairly and efficiently in the interest of stability of the market. Notwithstanding the vario... Continue Reading
This dissertation seeks to examine the legal framework for the regulation of telecommunications in Nigeria and highlight the various emerging issues and legal challenge therefrom. With the liberalization of the telecommunications sector and the emergence of the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) in commercial quantity, the Nigerian telec... Continue Reading
The topic of this research is THE SINIFICANCE OF INJUNCTIONS IN THE DISPENSATIN OF JUSTICE IN NIGERIA. Injunctions are court orders prohibiting someone from doing some specified act or commanding someone to undo some wrong or injury. Injunctions are ordinarily and properly elicited from proceedings in courts. The main feature of injunction is the m... Continue Reading
Employer and Employee relationship creates mutual duties and responsibilities which are complimentary. This duty is for the Safety and Health of the employee. The Government, on the other hand, has a complimentary role to play in the discharge of this duty, hence the duty now create a tripartite responsibility which is mutual and complimentary. To ... Continue Reading
It is trite beyound any equivocation that the Nigerian society is made up of people with diverse cultures, behaviours and ways of life. When the British came as colonial masters, they understood this and before they departed in October 1960, they devised ways of accommodating the inherent differences in the cultures of the North and South by ultima... Continue Reading
This research sets out to examine the role of the Nigerian communication commission in regulating the Nigerian telecommunication sector. It further scrutinizes the legal and regulatory framework surrounding the business of telecom industry in Nigeria. It predominantly scrutinizes the provision of the law establishing the National regulator vis a vi... Continue Reading
Insurance scheme is put in place to fall back on in the event of risk or calamity occurrence. Nigerian Statutes require that every motor vehicle owner must possess at least third party insurance policy. However, the conventional insurance contradicts certain elements of Islamic law which make it unlawful and unacceptable. Thus, majority of Muslims ... Continue Reading
This dissertation entitled 'A Critical Analysis of the Means of Proof in Civil Litigation under Islamic law ' primarily examined the principles of Islamic Law applicable to means of proof. In this regard, the essential means of proof have been highlighted, i.e., Shahadah (testimony), al-Iqrar (Confession/Admission), Qarinah (circumstantial evidence... Continue Reading
This study analyzed the Law on Company Meeting in Modern Day Corporate Governance in Nigeria. It principally discussed the concept of Company meeting, its various kinds and practical relevance as a key instrument for the protection of members of the company and a means by which they tame the activities of the overzealous or corrupt directors of the... Continue Reading
This dissertation looks at legal and institutional framework for Islamic banking in Nigeria with a view to identifying the challenges in the laws regulating Islamic banking as a part of the banking sector in Nigeria. Islamic banking unlike conventional banking derives its inspiration and guidance from the religious edicts of Islam. As such, it has ... Continue Reading
Copyright is a property that possesses the essential attributes of ownership and transmissibility. The ownership in copyright is transferrable as movable property by assignment, testamentary disposition or by operation of law. Therefore, the incidence of ownership is subject to contractual agreement that may exist between the author and other perso... Continue Reading
From the inception of modern taxation in Nigeria in the first decade of the 20th century the problem of poor tax administration has been the cankerworms that militate against an optimum revenue generation which affect negatively the government ability to render essential services to the citizenry. The problem of the attitude of most tax payers in N... Continue Reading
The issue of tax can be understood to mean a compulsory and mandatory contribution by way of payment of money made by the citizens of a country to their government for the purpose of financing public activities. Its major objectives are to raise money to finance government or public expenditures on utilities so as to achieve efficient and economic ... Continue Reading
This dissertation appraised legal framework of contributory pension scheme CPS in Nigeria. Doctrinal method was adopted. Thus, the dissertation analyzed material from primary and secondary sources. The primary sources include information from national and international legal instruments on CPS, while the secondary sources include books, articles an... Continue Reading