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an archaeological investigation of mernyang hill settlements of the southern jos plateau, nigeria

This work entails an archaeological study of five hill settlements occupied by the Mernyang ethnic group in the southern part of the Jos Plateau. The research area was chosen because the Jos Plateau region especially its northern part, presents evidence for a very long period of human antiquity, however for the Qua‟anpan area in the south whi... Continue Reading


a thematic analysis of ben ibebe’s paintings (1990-2010)

Ben Ibebe is an artist who has mastered the impasto technique in painting and has utilized the expressionism style of painting. Ben Ibebe‟s paintings are among several paintings with poignant statements, yet his paintings are not documented through scholarly work. The researcher aims to highlight the issues that Ben Ibebe paintings postulate ... Continue Reading


women and politics in nigeria the role of olufunmilayo ransome-kuti c. 1900 - 1978

The utmost purpose of this research is to examine and reconstruct the role of Olufunmilayo Ransome Kuti as a politician and how she has impacted into the development of Nigeria, bringing to light her political activities in the emancipation of Nigeria for independence. Women have been involved in politics in History. They held leadership positions ... Continue Reading


intertextuality and context: a functional linguistic study of biyi bandele’s the man who came in from the back of beyond and burma boy

This dissertation entitled, Intertextuality and Context: A Functional Linguistic Study of Biyi Bandele‟s The Man Who Came In From The Back Of Beyondand Burma Boy conceptualises the levels of intertextual influx of the two novels via multi-leveled layers of context. It buttresses the linguistic review rather than the literary and examines how... Continue Reading


assessing “noma tushen arziki” television programme for small-scale farming development in du district, jos south local government, plateau state

This dissertation assesses â€�“Noma Tushen Arzikiâ€Â� television programme for small-scale farming development in Du district of Jos South Local Government of Plateau state. Acknowledging the fact that the programme was initiated by Plateau Radio Television Corporation (PRTVC) to help farmers with useful information that will educate them on ... Continue Reading


impact of self-directed learning strategies on the written english performance of selected senior secondary schools in kaduna state

The realizations of educational achievements have been a difficult thing all over the world. This is undoubtedly as a result of the approaches used in teaching and learning. The role of teacher to teach and dictate the pace and mode of learning has been an obstacle towards achieving educational goals at various levels of educational system. Student... Continue Reading


the relationship between african american identity and rap songs: a study of selected rap songs of grandmaster flash and the furious five

Rap music as one of the elements of hip hop culture originated in New York’s South Bronx neighbourhood in the late 1970s. Its lyrics provide a powerful lens through which to view the many dimensions of the African American predicament. As a form, Rap music is for African Americans the means to pen down their history and social circumstances ... Continue Reading


an appraisal of kabulu folk music as an approach tocommunicating development among gbagyi people

Development programmes targeted at rural areas are often communicated predominantly using the mass media and this has led to partial neglect of indigenous communication. In response to the above, this study was to reposition the communicative potentials of Kabulu folk music as a medium for community development among the Gbagyi people of North Cent... Continue Reading


an appraisal of folkloric forms in tiv plays as instrument for cultural education

The artistic portrayal or representation of folkloric forms into plays ought to reflect the crux of such traditional forms or materials in order to underscore their significance. This research examines the use of folkloric forms in a number of Tiv plays: Iyorwuse Hagher‟s Swem Karagbe (1979), Saint Gbilekaa‟s Prized Chickens are Not Tas... Continue Reading


firm attributes and financial information quality of listed deposit money banks in nigeria

TThhiiss ssttuuddyy eexxaammiinneess tthhee iinnfflluueennccee ooff FFiirrmm AAttttrriibbuutteess oonn FFiinnaanncciiaall IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn QQuuaalliittyy ooff lliisstteedd DDeeppoossiitt MMoonneeyy BBaannkk iinn NNiiggeerriiaa.. FFiirrmm AAttttrriibbuutteess wweerree pprrooxxiieedd wwiitthh EEccoonnoommiicc PPrrooffiitt,, FFiirrmm SSiizzee,, ... Continue Reading


media in development: a study of the guardian and vanguard newspapers coverage of the power sector reform in nigeria (from 1st october, 2013 - 31st april, 2014)

This study explores and analyze the various roles the Nigerian newspapers, with specific referenceto the Guardian and the Vanguard newspapers played in the process of government deregulating the power sector by emphasizing the nature of coverage the newspapers gave to the reform. Areas covered in this work include background to the study, review of... Continue Reading


an archaeological study of duhwan hill-top settlement, zangon kataf local government area, kaduna state, nigeria

The absence of any archaeological research carried out on Duhwan hill propelled this survey as the site is already under human and natural threats. This research aimed at reconstructing the past life ways of the people of Duhwan, and was achieved through the consultation of written documents, collection of oral tradition of the people, ethnographic... Continue Reading


the effects of violent movies on adolescent-s in two senior secondary schools in zaria

Watching movies has become a common phenomenon among adolescents due to the technological advancement of media tools which are easily accessible to them. The challenge is that watching violent movies can have detrimental effects on the psychological development of adolescents as well as that of the society at large. This study therefore focused on ... Continue Reading


etude comparative des mouvements syntagmatiques en franã‡ais et en fulfulde

The aim of this study is to contribute to the research on Fulfulde through a scientific approach; hence the decision is to carry out a comparative study on Fulfulde and French syntagmatic movements. This is to facilitate the study of French language for Fulfulde natives. This work also analyses the Fulfulde phrase structure in comparison to that o... Continue Reading


a phonological description of the two-word stage of language acquisition: a case study of an english-hausa bilingual

Human language is primarily characterized by sounds formed and produced by the Organs of Speech. This dissertation entitled; â€�“A Phonological Description of the Two-Word Stage of Language Acquisition: A Case Study of an English-Hausa Bilingualâ€Â� particularly considered the sound development of a child at two-word stage. The area of focus ... Continue Reading


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