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english words of arabic origin: an etymological survey

This research work discusses the sociolinguistic phenomenon of borrowing among languages whenever they come into contact. It provides an insight into the notion of language borrowing and how it affects the vocabulary build-up of a given language. This research investigates the roots of some English words of Arabic origin and how they made their way... Continue Reading


note-taking errors and their effects in the learning of english language among secondary school students in gusau

This study is a research work on the note-taking errors of some selected secondary school students in Gusau. It is the analysis of these errors that arise from the written efforts of students in the course of teaching and learning encounters. Notes from two hundred and sixteen (216) students which cuts across four (4) secondary schools randomly sel... Continue Reading


writing, representation, and narrativity in exploration literature: a literary approach to heinrich barth's travels and discoveries

This study presents a literary critical paradigm for the study of Heinrich Barth's monumental exploration (or travel) narrative of the Western Sudan. The literary approach is intended to fill in a missing gap in the canonical historical approaches to Barth's narrative. The study argues that Barth's empirical - descriptive technique is, in the last ... Continue Reading


an ethnoarchaeological study of large pots in dawakin tofa, kano state.

Archaeological researches in Kano State in the last 3 decades that tried to infer the use to which some excavated large pots must have been put, faced problems. These include incomplete analysis and correlated study of the vessels, lack of wide circulation of reports of past researches and changes associated with cultural contexts as well as techn... Continue Reading


secretarial job-tasks required in modern business offices and implication on secretarial education curriculum in tertiary institutions in the north-central nigeria

The study was carried out to assess Secretarial Job-Tasks Required in Modern Business Offices and Implications in Secretarial Education Curriculum in the North-Central Nigeria. Descriptive design was adopted for the study, and also four research questions and four null hypotheses were posited. The population of the Executives and Secretaries in bot... Continue Reading


firm attributes and financial information quality of listed deposit money banks in nigeria

TThhiiss ssttuuddyy eexxaammiinneess tthhee iinnfflluueennccee ooff FFiirrmm AAttttrriibbuutteess oonn FFiinnaanncciiaall IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn QQuuaalliittyy ooff lliisstteedd DDeeppoossiitt MMoonneeyy BBaannkk iinn NNiiggeerriiaa.. FFiirrmm AAttttrriibbuutteess wweerree pprrooxxiieedd wwiitthh EEccoonnoommiicc PPrrooffiitt,, FFiirrmm SSiizzee,, ... Continue Reading


takaicin mata a fina-finan hausa

Tun zamani mai tsawon gaske, an sami mata da suka yi rubuce-rubuce, suka bayyana yadda matsayin mace yake tun a wancan lokaci. Ire-iren waxannan mata sun dubi matsayin mace ta fuskar al’ada da addini da siyasa da ilimi da tattalin arziki da zamantakewa da sauransu vangarorin rayuwa, inda bayanansu suka fito da cewa duk a waxannan vangarori n... Continue Reading


folk music in contemporary nigeria: continuity and change

One of the greatest challenges facing today‟s global age is its transformational and transitional nature where values and norms are under constant change. As such a developing nation like Nigeria is under high pressure of acculturation problem coming mostly from Western nations to which her citizenry absorb more quickly or succumb to. Consequ... Continue Reading


new media in higher education: a study of social media use among students of ahmadu bello university zaria, nigeria.

This research examines the relationship between Social Media usage and its educational and social influence on the undergraduate students of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. The research explores both the negative and positive dimensions of Social Media within the larger framework of New Media and higher education. Students have generally been using ... Continue Reading


ownership structure and the informativeness of accounting earnings of listed deposit money banks in nigeria.

This study assessed the effect of Ownership Structure on Informativeness of Accounting Earnings of listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria. Ownership structure is proxied with Managerial ownership, Institutional ownership and Ownership concentration, while Informativeness of Accounting Earnings is proxied using Fan and Wong (2002) model. The study us... Continue Reading


audience perception of media coverage and management of the 2011 post election violence in kaduna state,

media can be used as an instrument to build as well as to destroy the human society. This study has tried to establish the inherent nature of conflict and crises in human society as well as the significant role of media and communication in forming and shaping individual or group perception of events or issues, enhancing human interaction and also... Continue Reading


literary and analytic studies of a poem “masarratul khawadir fi tarikh sheikh balarabe bin abdul kadir gusau”

This dissertation literary and Analytic studies of a poem „masarratull khawadir fi tarikh sheikh Balarabe bin Abdulkadir Gusau‟ has an introduction of the work and literature revie and a discusson on the history of the poet and his literarty works in poems and prose. Studies on the poem wich. Comprises of the definition of the poem, its... Continue Reading


le pouvoir de l’argent a travers topaze de marcel pagnol et knock de jules romains

Needless to say that money, as it is seen in the society today, has become the basic source of all social vices throughout the world. The society holds money to the highest esteem, it has become a thin god and it is being worshiped as such. As a result of this, many people have gone astray in search of wealth. Almost everybody wants to make money b... Continue Reading


a critical analysis of communication strategies of selected development projects in the federal capital territory of nigeria, abuja

This study focuses on a ―Critical Analysis of the Communication Strategies of Selected Development Projects in the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria, Abujaâ€�“. The study is basically a qualitative, descriptive research and has Desk Review and Field work as its Primary and Secondary sources of its Data collection. The field work which... Continue Reading


a pragmatic analysis of visual message contents as used in new media advertisements

This work focuses on the pragmatic analysis of the the visual content; being a principal component of nonverbal aspect of the language of communication in advertisements as used in the new media. Features of fifty randomly selected advertisements were sampled and the visual contents were pragmatically analysed. The aspects that were considered are... Continue Reading


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