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in-vitro and molecular studies on the resistance of p. falciparum to antimalarial drugs in ogun state,southwestern nigeria

The widespread of drug resistant Plasmodium falciparum has led to a rise in malariaassociated mortality most especially in sub-Saharan Africa. In-vitro and molecular studies were carried out in order to determine the resistant pattern of P. falciparum to antimalarial drugs and some local antimalarial herbs in Ogun State, Southwestern Nigeria. Preva... Continue Reading

Biological Science

adsorption and inhibitive effect of carica papaya and azadirachta indica extracts on corrosion of aluminium in hydrochloric acid

The inhibition of aluminium metal from corrosion in 1.85M hydrochloric acid solutions by crude extract of Azadirachta indica and Carica papaya leaves was studied using gasometric technique. Aluminium coupons were immersed in test solutions of uninhibited 1.85 M HCl and those containing extract concentrations of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% (v/v) at r... Continue Reading

Biological Science

improvement of lycopene extraction with polygalacturonase and cellulase from tomato fruits(lycopersicon esculentum mill) deteriorated by aspergillus niger

Lycopene is the carotenoid which gives tomatoes and other red fruits their characteristic colour. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants and singlet oxygen-quenching agents. Lycopene has been found to be of great medical importance, having various anticancer effects and it is able to ameliorate several other medical conditions. Lycopene had al... Continue Reading

Biological Science

isolation and characterisation of microorganisms associated with rot diseases of fruit, stem and leaf of carica papaya j

Fruit, stem and leaf rot is a major constraint to Carica papaya production. Twenty-one papaya plant samples showing soft rot symptoms and comprising of fruits, stems and leaves were collected from the Covenant University Papaya Research Plantation for microbial investigation. The back, first layer after the back, inner layer and the seeds from ... Continue Reading

Biological Science

molecular characterization and antibiotic susceptibility pattern of staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical and environmental sources

Staphylococcus aureus is an important pathogen causing skin and soft-tissue infections, systemic infections and toxemic syndromes. In order to have adequate information for treatment of S. aureus infections, it is important to understand trends in the antibiotic-resistance patterns as well as clonal identities across geographical regions. A total o... Continue Reading

Biological Science

determination of the physico-chemical and biological parameters of sabuwa reservoir, katsina state, niria

Studies on some aspects of physic-chemical parameters, phytoplankton and zooplankton composition were carried out for a period of twelve months in Sabuwa reservoir. Five sampling stations were selected for the research using standard methods of experimental analysis. Water depth, temperature, pH, transparency and electrical conductivity, rang... Continue Reading

Biological Science

determination of physico-chemical parameters and plankton composition of wawan-rafi lake in kazaure, nigeria

This study evaluated the Physico-Chemical parameters and plankton composition of Wawan- Rafi Lake in Kazaure, Nigeria. Monthly variation and composition of Physico-Chemical and biological (plankton) parameters of Wawan-rafi Lake were studied for a period of six months (July – December 2013). Result showed monthly variations of Physico-C... Continue Reading

Biological Science

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