Search result(s): 1 - 15 of 24 » Department » Biochemistry

phytochemical analysis and the antiinflammatory activities of methanol extract of crateva adansonii

Inflammation is a complex biological response of vascular tissue to harmful stimuli such as pathogen,damage cells or irritants. The urgency generated by in increased rate of stroke, atheroselerosis attributed to prolong use of cyclooxygenase-1 and 2 inhibitors have acceralated anti-inflammatory drug research over the last decade while synthetic pha... Continue Reading


effects of processing methods on the physicochemical properties of sweet potato and sorghum

This study evaluated "the effects of processing methods on the physicochemical properties of sweet potato and sorghum flour". Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is an important food crop in the tropical and sub-tropical countries and belongs to the family convolvulaceae. Continue Reading


the anti-inflammatory activity of crateva adansonii dichloromethane fraction

Crateva adansonii is a medicinal herb commonly used in parts of Africa because of the side effects of Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAID), like heart diseases and kidney failure. Inflammation is a major public heart issue in the world but treatment is becoming complex because of the side effects of anti - inflammatory pharmaceutical d... Continue Reading


consumption pattern, standardization of recipes and nutrient composition of some foods from lima beans (phaseolus lunatus) in kaduna state

This study was conducted to determine the consumption pattern of lima beans (Phaseolus lunatus) foods and standardization of the commonly consumed foods among 400 households randomly selected from three Local Government Areas, spread within the three senatorial zones of Kaduna State. The standardized foods were then subjected to proximate, mi... Continue Reading


the effect of pterocarpus mildbreadii seed on plasma hdl cholesterol of albino rat

This work was carried out to investigate the effects of pterocarpus mildbreadii seed on the HDL- level of albino rats.High density lipoprotein(HDL) is a fraction of cholesterol,which helps to transport cholesterol from peripheral of cell to the liver.High density lipoprotein is carried out to investigate cardio vascular diseases. Continue Reading


preliminary investigation on effects of burantashi extract on lipoproteins of albino male and female whistar rats

This work was carried out to investigate the effects of Burrantashi extracts on the lipoproteins Burantashi is a popular seasoning agent to barbecued meat (Suya) in Nigeria. Found in the northern parts of the country. Lipoproteins are the principal steroid or fat that is synthesized in the liver or intestines of animals. Continue Reading


cardio protective activities of n-hexane extract of desmodium velutinum stem on albino wister rat

This study evaluates the cardio protactive effect of N-hexane extract of Desmodium Velutinum stem on albino wister rat. Rats used in this study were grouped into four and each group was fed differentely. Rats in group one, three, and four wre fed with the aid of a syringe without needle with 6ml of the lipoprotein food mixture containing 3.6g o... Continue Reading


elemental analysis on pterocarpus mildbreadii (oha)seed

Elemental analysis is the qualitative detection and quantitative determination of chemical elements(atoms,ions)in a sample(Fritz Pregl 1923). To detect an ix element, one should fix an appearance of an analytical signal. The formation of precipitate or characteristic crystals, colour change, an isolation of gaseous products, an appearance of ... Continue Reading


the effect of processing on the nutritional value of finger millet (eleusine coracana) seed

The effect of processing on the proximate composition, anti-nutrient levels and mineral contents of finger millet seed (Eleusine coracana) were analyzed. Diets containing processed finger millet seed (71.4g) per 100g feed were fed to four different groups of weaner rabbit for 56days. Animals’ fed diet containing unprocessed finger mill... Continue Reading


preliminary investigation on effects of burantashi extract on liver enzymes of aibino male and female whistar rats

This work was carried out to investigate the effects of Burantashi extract on liver enzymes of albino male and female whistar rats. Burantashi is a popular seasoning agent to barbecued meat (suya) in Nigeria,mostly found in the northern part of the Nigeria. Liver Enzymes are those enzymes that plays important role in the liver both in function ... Continue Reading


phytochemical analysis and the antiinflammatory activities of dichloromethane fraction of methhanol extract of crateva adansonii

Inflammation is a complex biological response of vascular tissue to harmful stimuli such as pathogen,damage cells or irritants (Ryan & Majno, 1983). The urgency generated by increased rate of stroke, atherosclerosis attribute due to prolonged use of cyclooxygenase-1 and Cyclooxygenase- 2 inhibitors have accelerated anti-inflammatory drug research... Continue Reading


determination of active sweet components of common artificial sweeteners that are used as replacement for sugar

This research investigated how the sweetness of sugar substitute compares to the sweetness of sugar. In this research different percentage solution of sugar, artificial sweetener and natural sweetener (10%, 1%, 0.1% and 0.01%) were prepared. Continue Reading


nutritional evaluation of a potential ready-to-use therapeutic food (rutf) formulated from sesame, wheat and soya beans blend

Ready to-use-therapeutic food (RUTF) is a specially designed product for the nutritional rehabilitation of severe acute malnutrition in children over 6 months of age. The potential of Sesame-Wheat-Soya beans blend (SWS-RUTF) as a candidate for local formulation of RUTF was determined. Three products were formed with varying ratios; SWS-RUTF1 ... Continue Reading


the effect of n-hexane extract of kola nitida bark on liver function test of albino wistar rats fed with high fat from cow‘s brain

Kola bark extract have been widely used in tradition medicine for thousand of year, it improves liver functions and provides protection against high fat fed metabolic rats. Present investigations were carried out on the hepatoprotective role of Kola bark extract meal treatment to high fat fed wistar rat. Continue Reading


antilipidemic effect of water (h20) extract of desmodium velutinum leaves on albino wistar rats

This study evaluated the antilipidemic activity of water extracts from leaves of Desmodium velutinum on albino wistar rats. The phytochemical analysis of the leaf extract showed the presence of tannins, saponins, alkaloids, soluble carbohydrates, flavonoids, reducing sugar, steroids, cyanide and terpenoids. Continue Reading


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