Inflammation is a complex biological response of vascular tissue to harmful stimuli such as pathogen,damage cells or irritants (Ryan & Majno, 1983). The urgency generated by increased rate of stroke, atherosclerosis attribute due to prolonged use of cyclooxygenase-1 and Cyclooxygenase- 2 inhibitors have accelerated anti-inflammatory drug research... Continue Reading
Inflammation is a complex biological response of vascular tissue to harmful stimuli such as pathogen,damage cells or irritants. The urgency generated by in increased rate of stroke, atheroselerosis attributed to prolong use of cyclooxygenase-1 and 2 inhibitors have acceralated anti-inflammatory drug research over the last decade while synthetic pha... Continue Reading
Elemental analysis is the qualitative detection and quantitative determination of chemical elements(atoms,ions)in a sample(Fritz Pregl 1923). To detect an ix element, one should fix an appearance of an analytical signal. The formation of precipitate or characteristic crystals, colour change, an isolation of gaseous products, an appearance of ... Continue Reading
This study evaluated "the effects of processing methods on the physicochemical properties of sweet potato and sorghum flour". Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is an important food crop in the tropical and sub-tropical countries and belongs to the family convolvulaceae. Continue Reading
This research investigated how the sweetness of sugar substitute compares to the sweetness of sugar. In this research different percentage solution of sugar, artificial sweetener and natural sweetener (10%, 1%, 0.1% and 0.01%) were prepared. Continue Reading
This study evaluates the cardio protactive effect of N-hexane extract of Desmodium Velutinum stem on albino wister rat. Rats used in this study were grouped into four and each group was fed differentely. Rats in group one, three, and four wre fed with the aid of a syringe without needle with 6ml of the lipoprotein food mixture containing 3.6g o... Continue Reading
This study evaluated the antilipidemic activity of water extracts from leaves of Desmodium velutinum on albino wistar rats. The phytochemical analysis of the leaf extract showed the presence of tannins, saponins, alkaloids, soluble carbohydrates, flavonoids, reducing sugar, steroids, cyanide and terpenoids. Continue Reading
This work was carried out to investigate the effects of Burantashi extract on liver enzymes of albino male and female whistar rats. Burantashi is a popular seasoning agent to barbecued meat (suya) in Nigeria,mostly found in the northern part of the Nigeria. Liver Enzymes are those enzymes that plays important role in the liver both in function ... Continue Reading
This work was carried out to investigate the effects of Burrantashi extracts on the lipoproteins Burantashi is a popular seasoning agent to barbecued meat (Suya) in Nigeria. Found in the northern parts of the country. Lipoproteins are the principal steroid or fat that is synthesized in the liver or intestines of animals. Continue Reading