Search result(s): 1 - 15 of 89 » Department » Mechanical Engineering

design and fabrication of a dust extractor

Man’s imp act on global environment system especially in the area of dust extraction is now at a scale where it is disrupting. These dust extractors varies in major ways. The environmental degration is, in turn contributing to health threat in this part of the globe. Unfortunately most factories, workshops which suppose to posses these ma... Continue Reading

Mechanical Engineering

the design of a cnc mill for product prototyping

Rapid prototyping is widely used to reduce time to market in product design and development. Today's systems are used by engineers to better understand and communicate their product designs as well as to make rapid tooling to manufacture those products. Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) milling machines are part of this technology. Thi... Continue Reading

Mechanical Engineering

design and construction of baking oven

This project is aimed at producing an oven a purposeful baking oven with temperature regulator, which is economical and very convenient to use. The equipment was designed taking into consideration the case of its production, maintenance and services. Continue Reading

Mechanical Engineering

design of an efficient domestic gas oven

This report basically discuss about the research done and investigations of the propose topic, which is to design an efficient domestic gas oven. The objective of this project is to design an efficient domestic gas oven through heat transfer analysis in order to reduce consumer’s burden because the price of energy increases every day. ... Continue Reading

Mechanical Engineering

construction of a bench shaping machine

Our purpose of embarking on the construction of a project of this kind to present a very vivid and understandable fact that if given the necessary supports that we the youths and engineers in potential can move this country forward as regards to technical know how. Continue Reading

Mechanical Engineering

design and fabrication of a printing i block machine

Parameters on which clear prints depends were comprehensively investigated. The study revealed that clear print depends on the impressed pressure the working temperature and the gold foil print paper life expectancy. Continue Reading

Mechanical Engineering

the construction and fabrication of a candle moulding machine

The candle molding machine is a vital device which cannot be done without, in any nation. This is because of the indispensable role candle plays, especially when there is no either source of light. In order to enhance adequate supply to both urban and rural consumers, the production of a candle molding machine is important. Continue Reading

Mechanical Engineering

the design and fabrication of an electric popcorn frying machine

The electrical popcorn machine is a device for preparing especial popcorn for the human consumption. The device is produced to help the masses to be self valiance in this are of down trodden economy. This project work is divided into five chapters, chapter one; the introduction discusses the relevance of the project work, problems it is meant to a... Continue Reading

Mechanical Engineering

repair of a damaged air conditioner in engr. ayogu and okpe’s office

This project is basically on the repair of a damaged air conditioner. It is intended to provide a break through in the restoration of any damaged air conditioner and thereby curtail the huge expenses incurred in the replacement of the entire unit. Continue Reading

Mechanical Engineering

design and fabrication of 80cm x 70cm x 50cm mobile deep freezer

This report is base on ordinary and advanced level research, in order to aid easy reading and understood for an average person. This report is divided into chapters, which discussed extensively, the introduction of mobile deep freezer, the introduction of mobile deep freezer, the history the practical refrigeration cycle with full attention given... Continue Reading

Mechanical Engineering

the design and fabrication of mechancial lawn mower

Mechanical engineering department of the named institute has many non operational machines sequel to this fact maintenance which resulted to non development and non maintenance of the institute community at large. By this fact the project (mechanical lawn mower) was constructed and design to help in the development and maintenance of institution,... Continue Reading

Mechanical Engineering

repair of a damaged air conditioner in engr. ayogu and okpe’s office

This project is basically on the repair of a damaged air conditioner. It is intended to provide a break through in the restoration of any damaged air conditioner and thereby curtail the huge expenses incurred in the replacement of the entire unit. This report covers an introduction into what an air conditioner is all about, it’s historica... Continue Reading

Mechanical Engineering

design and fabrication of a pilot production plant for paints


The concept of this project is to actualize a practical way of paint production using a locally design mixing machine which is design to meet a low cost and high standard paint. The project cut across all forms of engineering, such as mechanical machine design of a simple industrial mixer, which is driven by an electrically made device, a 3 HP el... Continue Reading

Mechanical Engineering

fabrication of a polythiene bag sealing and cutting machine

This machine is meant for sealing and cutting of nylon bag of different sizes. This machine is operated with electrical system. This machine can cut and seal nylon of different sizes. Continue Reading

Mechanical Engineering

design and construction of a woodlathe machine

This work is an attempt to evolve a quicker and easier method of achieving cylindrical shape object from a work price. This will no double save considerable human labour and time wastage involved in traditional manual method of carving. Continue Reading

Mechanical Engineering

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