

Presented To

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Controlling and improving Quality has become an important business strategy for many 
organizations, because a business that can delight customers by improving and controlling 
quality can dominate its competitors. Hence, this project work focused on the application of 
statistical quality control technique to Habila Food and Beverage Nigeria Limited, in order to 
control and improve the quality of their products so as to remain in the competitive market. 
To achieve the aim and objectives of this project work, quality control data were collected 
through the primary source (i.e. directly from the Quality Control Department of the 
company). Thereafter, the respective statistical parameters such as the Means, Ranges, 
Standard Deviations, Centre Line Control Limit, (CL), Upper Control Limit (UCL) and 
Lower Control Limit (LCL) were developed and analyzed for the company using statistical 
approach. The resulting Control Charts was also constructed using the parameters developed 
for better understanding and visibility. From the results, it was found that most of the process
data collated and analyzed lies within the designed range of specifications, gives values 
implying that the process is capable of producing acceptable product. However, those ones 
out of control which are attributed to assignable causes such as lack of personal training, poor 
mix, mechanical fault, etc, are to be subjected to process monitoring and evaluation so as to 
better their products. 
TITLE PAGE - -- -- -- -- -- - Error! Bookmark not defined
DECLARATION - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ii
CERTIFICATION- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - iii
DEDICATION- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT- -- -- -- -- -- -- - v
ABSTRACT- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - vi
TABLE OF CONTENT - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - vii
LIST OF FIGURES- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - x
LIST OF TABLES- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - xi
CHAPTER ONE - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -1
INTRODUCTION- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -1
11 Background to the Study- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -1
12 Statement of the Problem - -- -- -- -- -- -- -3
13 The Present Research Study - -- -- -- -- -- -3
14 Aim and Objectives of the Study- -- -- -- -- -- -- -4
15 Significance of the Study- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -4
16 Scope of the Study - -- -- -- -- -- -4
17 Limitation of the Study- -- -- -- -- -- -- -5
18 Company Description at a Glance- -- -- -- -- -- -5
CHAPTER TWO - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -7
REVIEW LITERATURE- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -7
21 Review of Related Literature - -- -- -- -- -- -7
22 The Definition and Dimensions of Quality - -- -- -- -- -9
221 Performance: - -- -- -- -- -- -9
222 Reliability- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -9
223 Durability- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -9
224 Serviceability - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -10
225 Aesthetics- -- -- -- -- -- -- -10
226 Features - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -10
227 Perceived Quality - -- -- -- -- -- -10
228 Conformance to Standards- -- -- -- -- -- -10
23 Statistical Thinking for Quality - -- -- -- -- -11
231 Statistical Process Control (SPC) - -- -- -- -- -- -- -12viii
232 The Importance of SPC- -- -- -- -- -- -12
211 The Concept of Quality - -- -- -- -- -- -14
21 2 Quality Control and Quality Assurance- -- -- -- -15
24 The Role of Statistic in Quality - -- -- -- -- -15
241 The Statistical Quality Control Technique- -- -- -- -- -16
242 Types of SQC Tools- -- -- -- -- -- -17
25 Quality Control Charts- -- -- -- -- -- -- -19
251 Types of Control Charts with their Applications- -- -- -- -- -21
252 Control Charts for Variables- -- -- -- -- -- -- -21
253 Control Charts for Attributes: - -- -- -- -- -- -24
26 Distributions of data - -- -- -- -- -- -- -25
27 Types and Causes of Variation in Sqc- -- -- -- -- -26
28 Process Capability (PC)- -- -- -- -- -- -- -27
281 Measuring Process Capability - -- -- -- -- -- -28
282 Process Capability Index (Cpk)- -- -- -- -- -- -29
CHAPTER THREE- -- -- -- -- -- -- -32
METHODOLOGY - -- -- -- -- -- -- -32
31 Preview - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -32
32 Items Used - -- -- -- -- -- -- -32
33 Data Collection- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -32
331 Data extracted for Can filler Machines from appendix A - -- -- -32
332 Data extracted for Bottle filler Machines from appendix B- -- -- -33
34 Establishing the Mean, Range and Standard Deviation (SD) using Excel- -- -- -34
341 The Mean, Range and SD of Can fillers- -- -- -- -- -- -35
342 Establishing Control Limits, Range and Standard Error for Can filler - -- -- -36
343 The Mean, Range and SD of Bottle fillers using excel- -- -- -- -- -37
344 Establishing Control Limits, Range and Standard Error for Bottle filler- -- -38
35 Construction of Control Charts for both Can and Bottle filler- -- -- -- -40
351 The resulting X-bar Control Chart for Can filler - -- -- -40
352 The resulting R-Chart Control for Can filler - -- -- -- -- -41
353 The resulting X-bar Control Chart for Bottle filler- -- -- -- -42
354 The resulting R-Chart Control for Bottle filler- -- -- -- -42
36 Measuring the Process Capability (Cp) Of the Machine Fillers- -- -- -43
361 Determining the process capability for Can Filler:- -- -- -- -43
362 Determining the process capability for Bottle Filler:- -- -- -44
37 Determining the Process Capability Index (Cpk) Of The Machine Fillers- -- -- -- -44ix
371 Cpk for Can fillers- -- -- -- -- -- -- -44
372 Cpk for Bottle fillers - -- -- -- -- -- -45
CHAPTER FOUR - -- -- -- -- -- -- -46
DISCUSSION OF RESULTs- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -46
41 Collected Data- -- -- -- -- -- -- -46
42 Analyzing the Established Parameters- -- -- -- -- -- -46
43 The Control Charts- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -47
44 Analyzing the Process Capability Values- -- -- -- -- -- -48
CHAPTER FIVE - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -49
51 Summary - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -49
52 Conclusion- -- -- -- -- -- -- -49
53 Recommendations- -- -- -- -- -- -50
REFERENCES- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -51
APPENDICES - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -54

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