This study was carried out to investigate the effects of modern office automation on the productivity of secretaries. In order to obtain the required information, questionnaire were administered to secretaries. Data collected are presented under discussions and findings in chapter four. From the data collected, the researcher was able to identify t... Continue Reading
The major benefit of this study was to determine the benefits of information technology on the job performance of secretaries employed in polytechnics in Federal Polytechnic Oko. The population of the study consists of 74 secretaries in Federal Polytechnic Oko. Four research questions were formulated which guided the study. Continue Reading
A lot has been written by many authors about new office technologies and how they have immensely affected secretarial performance. This study was therefore conducted to find out the secretary and the effect of new office technologies on record keeping management in institute of management and technology, in Enugu. Continue Reading
This study focused on Continue Reading
It is no longer news that the standard of education in Nigeria has drastically fallen. Different methods and approaches have been adopted severally to savage the situation, but it has yielded no particular positive result. Bad teaching method, poor reading habits, poverty, ill-equipped laboratories and libraries, are among the claims put by scholar... Continue Reading
The major purpose of this study was to determine the management constraints of the office equipment and their contribution to the success of a business organization, as well as the problems and modern office equipment. We have been putting forward the argument that for the need of office machines, but it is important that I equally take of the prob... Continue Reading
This study focused on Continue Reading
This study was survey of physical working conditions and their effects on productivity of the secretaries in some business establishment in Enugu urban. The population of the study consisted of 150 secretaries from the selected business establishments in Enugu urban. Continue Reading
The major purpose of this study is to find out the dearth of technological equipment and effect on secretarial job performance on ministries in Anambra State. The population of the study consisted of 25 secretarial from all the seven ministries selected. Four research questions were formulated which guided the study. (11) Eleven items structured qu... Continue Reading
The deterioration of the moral life of children who grow into youthful age and then into adulthood in the face of immoralities has become an issue which needs urgent action in today's Nigerian society. This can be attributed to a lot of reasons but the mass media with us Persuasive messages cannot be exonerated. Television being a viable med... Continue Reading
This research work was done to find out the Role of Data Preservation in Enhancing the Efficiency of Secretarial Function in the Banking Sector in Aguata Local Government Area. In doing this, the researcher evaluated the various methods of data preservation, their advantages and disadvantages, and the functions of a secretary in an organization. It... Continue Reading
This research work was carried out to investigate into the effect of industrial training scheme on the training of Office Managers. It was discussed under the following sub headings according to the purpose of the study: Objectives of Industrial Training, benefits derived from Industrial Training, causes and remedies to the poor implementation of ... Continue Reading
The title of this research work is management of pension scheme in Enugu public service (a case study of the department of pensioner/establishment Enugu north) the purpose of this study was to investigate how government regulate and manage pension scheme in Enugu public service and to find out why the pensioners are not receiving their pension at a... Continue Reading
The major purpose of this research is to find out the causes of conflict between Secretaries and Bosses in Anambra State owned Establishments. The population of the study consists of 58 Secretaries in Anambra State Owned Companies. The sample for the study was the total population of the Secretaries which is 58. Three research questions were formul... Continue Reading
The contribution of the Business Establishment to the economic development of any nation cannot be over emphasized. Computer have also contributed greatly to ease the functions performed by this industries to meet its economic obligations to the nation. The computer as a very necessary tool has not been adopted by all business establishments. So ma... Continue Reading