This research work was carried out to investigate into the effect of industrial training scheme on the training of Office Managers. It was discussed under the following sub headings according to the purpose of the study: Objectives of Industrial Training, benefits derived from Industrial Training, causes and remedies to the poor implementation of Industrial Training programme. It was observed that the management problem of industrial training on the training of Office Managers was on how to achieve the organizational goal, poor visitation of students by supervision staff during training and non payment to students on attachment. This study helps students to achieve the practical aspect of learning, which enable them to perfect on the theoretical training. The population of the study was made up of 253 managerial students both Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Federal Polytechnic Oko and Abia State Polytechnic Aba. Four (4) research questions were formulated which guided the study. Thirty (30) structured questionnaires were used for data collection which was distributed to 165 managerial students from HNDI and HNDII in the selected tertiary institutions. Also, tables, percentile method were used in analysis of data collected and the statistical tool employed in testing the hypothesis wasChi Square. The findings reveals that the programme organized by the industrial training fund is relevant to students involved in skilled courses. It was recommended that the activities of the establishment in which they had their IT exposure are related to their course of study. There should be a line between the industries and schools so that the performance reports of the students would be sent to Industrial Training Fund (ITF) office after each industrial training experience for further assessment.
Table of Content
Title i
Approval ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of Content v
List of Tables vii
List of Figure viii
Abstract ix
11 Background of the Study 1
12 Statement of the Problem 3
13 Objective of the Study 4
14 Research Question 5
15 Research Hypothesis 5
16 Significance of the Study 6
17 Scope of the Study 7
Review of Related Literature
21 The Aims and Objectives of Industrial Training 8
22 Benefits Derived from Industrial Training 12
221 Impact of Information Technologies in Offices 15
222 Information Technology Skills 16
23 Causes of Poor Implementation of IT Programme 17
231 Bodies Involved in the Management of SIWES 20
24 The Remedies to the Poor Implementation of the
Programme 21
241 Industrial Training Fund Services 23
242 Performance Monitoring and Publication 30
243 Grievances and Redress Mechanism 30
244 Obligation and Expectations of ITF 31
25 Summary of Literature Review 33
Research Methodology
31 Design of the Study 35
32 Area of Study 36
33 Population of the Study 36
34 Sample and Sampling Technique 37
35 Method of Data Collection 38
36 Questionnaire Administration 39
37 Validation of the Instrument 39
38 Method of Data Analysis 39
Presentation and Analysis of Data
41 Research Question One 41
42 Testing of Hypothesis 47
43 Discussion of Findings 58
Summary of Findings, Conclusions and
51 Restatement of the Problem 59
52 Summary of Findings 59
53 Conclusions 60
54 Recommendations 61
55 Limitation of Study 63
56 Suggestions for Further Study 63
References 64
Appendix 66
Questionnaire 67
List of Tables
Table I Composition of Population According to the
Institutions 37
Table II Sampling of the Study 38
Table III Research Question One 41
Table IV Research Question Two 43
Table V Research Question Three 44
Table VI Research Question Four 45
Table VII Observed and Expected Frequency for Research
Question One 49
Table VIII Observed and Expected Frequency for Research
Question Two 50
Table IX Observed and Expected Frequency for Research
Question Three 51
Table X Observed and Expected Frequency for Research
Question Four 52
Table XI Chi Square Test Statistics Computation No 1 53
XII Chi SquareTest Statistics Computation No 2 54Table
XIII Chi SquareTest Statistics Computation No 3 55Table
XIV Chi SquareTest Statistics Computation No 4 57List of Figures
Fig 1 Structure of Industrial Training Fund 27
11 Background of the Study
Industrial Training is the training given to the students in tertiary institution in order to know the responsibilities of human resources development and how they will tackle their work/job after their school career
The Industrial Training Funds was set up by (SIWES) Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme programme to help students in tertiary institutions especially those offering practical courses such as Office Technology and Management students, Art and Applied Sciences, Engineering students etc to achieve their required training skills for their professions
This programme has brought about many positive effects on the students As the manager's job is to provide service to the general public, industrial training helps to expose managers to industrial behaviour in order to improve on practical aspect of their course According to Okafor (1993), this type of experience would expose students to the world of work and help them remedy the deficiencies of the classroom in terms of its practical components
Thus, the Industrial Training Fund programs help Office Managers to perfect in their profession For instance, some courses in Office Technology and Management line is Office Management System, Office Practice, Principle of Law, Advance Transcription, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Human Capital Management etc are being taught theoretical in school
In Polytechnics, Office Managers due go to four months Industrial Training (IT), in their first year, in second year another one year Industrial Training making them acquire the necessary skills to perfect in their course of study
Students experience during the course of their training will definitely help them to carry out their managerial work effectively provided that the programme of the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) is a continuous process The experiences gotten by students is a good tool that responds to a certain basic aspect of the students fullest development in the Office Management and Technology course making them acquire the necessary skills
The most serious problem facing the students before the introduction of the Industrial Training (IT) is unemployment Many of them do not possess the relevant and employable skills needed by employers, students are being faced with the problem of acquiring the needed practical knowledge Thereby, making the students to imagine everything that are being taught But the introduction of this IT programme has helped Office Managers to perform well, especially in getting direct contact with some of the new office gazettes that have been taught theoretically in school
The SIWES objectives is to help students to find solution to the problem of unemployment, to take their steps in the journey through their life career with pleasure, confidence, and to prepare students for the world
Taylor (1983) had concluded that students who have benefited from SIWES opportunities pass on to the next level and are ready to accept any challenges of learning skills in their career For this reasons the potential managers that went through the industrial training fund programme benefited from many effects needed for their experiences and exposure
12 Statement of the Problem
The management problem of the industrial training is on how to achieve the organization goal And the effort of well trained managers as Folayan (1998) stated is a sine quo non for the achievement of the organizational corporate goal
Before the introduction of Industrial Training Scheme, the Office Manager's attitude and performance in school and outside school was very discouraging
The Federal Military Government introduced this programme (IT) to guide and direct the Office Manager's learning so that they will carry out their work/job effectively and accurately
Atuenyi (1995), pointed out that "Office Managers need urgent training right from their year one in higher institution in order to meet up with the information technology demand in any organization"
Another problem bordering on this is the problem of how often the supervision staff in Industrial Training Fund (ITF) visits the students on attachment and allowance paid to students on attachment
13 Objective of the Study
The objective of the study is to find out the effect of Industrial Training Scheme on the training of Office Managers
Specifically, the study sought to:
1 Identify the aims and objectives of the Industrial Training
2 Find out the benefits that the entire students derive from Industrial Training (IT) Scheme
3 Examine the causes of the poor implementation of the programme
4 Examine the remedies to the poor implementation of the programme
14 Research Questions
This study sought answers to the following research questions
1 What are the aims and objectives of the Industrial Training?
2 What are the benefits derivable by students from the Industrial Training Scheme?
3 What are the causes of poor implementation of the programme?
4 What are the remedies to the poor implementation of the programme?
15 Research Hypothesis
To guide the study, the following hypothesis has been formulated to enhance authentication of the subject matter
Ho: Industrial Training Scheme has no effect on the training of
Office Managers in selected tertiary institution in South-East zone of Nigeria
H1: Industrial Training Scheme has effect on the training of
Office Managers in selected tertiary institution in South-East zone of Nigeria
16 Significance of the Study
The study of the effect of industrial training scheme on the training of managers will help the students to achieve the practical aspect of learning, which will help them to perfect in the theoretical training
The industrial training will help the students to be more committed to the programme instead of relaxing and forge industrial training letters from any company, since they have known the importance of the programme
It helps the SIWES workers to be more committed to their work by making it compulsory for the students to acquire the necessary practical knowledge and experience required from them during the training period
The study in this training will help students to be cost conscious when dealing with customers or when using companies stationeries in their work place
The study will also help to create awareness to the public especially government establishments on the importance of the training so that the industrial workers will be accepted
17 Scope of the Study
The scope of the study is strictly on the effect of industrial training scheme on the training of Office Managers It focused on the aim and objective of industrial training scheme towards the students that are offering practical courses in tertiary institutions, especially in the training of Office Managers
To evaluate the benefits that the students derive and to find out the problems and solutions towards the training