The project work is designed to give insight to the effect of branding on product marketing. This is to enable the reader to appreciate the contributions of branding to business and the successful operation of development of such firms and industries. Continue Reading
The success of logistics and distribution can be measured from the extent of market coverage with products availability at reasonable prices, the development of distribution facilities, the management of logistics and distribution resources and the channels as well. However, managing logistics and distribution system entails planning, organizing,... Continue Reading
The study analyzed packaging characteristics and their effects of brand preference for cosmetics products in Abia State of Nigeria. Packaging characteristics considered were packaging size, colour and shape. A sample size of 250 was purposively selected for the study. The samples were drawn from the five (5) major markets in Aba metropolis of the ... Continue Reading
Customer retention management (CRM) is imperative to the success of today’s hotel sector in Donegal, as it is more cost efficient to retain valuable customers than to gain new one’s and in the current economic climate this is of high importance. The Donegal hotel sector currently implements CRM strategies that have been updated since the econo... Continue Reading
In this research work, effort was made to X-ray the marketing of agricultural products in Eastern Nigeria a case study of Alfa Poultry. This is with view to presenting simple general problems in marketing of agricultural products in Eastern Nigeria and to make recommendations where necessary in order to find a lasting solution to these problems. Continue Reading
This research work examined the importance of Branding in the marketing of Unilever products with special reference to Toiletries such as soap and toothpastes. The study made use of primary and secondary data primary data was sourced from questionnaire and oral interview while secondary data came from textbooks, magazines, newspapers and journals.... Continue Reading
This research was designed to apprise â€�“The Effectiveness of Personal Selling in the Marketing of Industrial Products in Enugu Metropolis (A Case Study of Emenite Plc Enugu). The researcher set out with the following objectives: â€Â� To find out the effectiveness of personal selling of Emenite in creating customers awareness of their pro... Continue Reading
This research project is a very crucial study for the entire public that makes use of salon within Enugu metropolis. The researcher in this work tried to find out the extent the application of marketing concept can help in the effective and efficient running of an organization with particular reference to beauty salons. The researcher also tried... Continue Reading
Banks are profit oriented organization. the profit can not be made without the customers. Or it as a result of the services provide by these banks? It is as a result of this research work to find out of banks and financial services can be marketable. Is customer satisfaction what these banks attain to achieve. This research work has five chapters.... Continue Reading
The study on the problems and prospects of marketing petroleum products in Nigeria seeks to find out what causes or generated problems in the oil industry and tries to find a lasting solution to it for the benefit of all the public or consumers. Data on this issue were collected through survey (questionnaire schedules) and that serves as a primary... Continue Reading
This study on the consumer preference for toothpaste brands in Enugu metropolis Enugu state is intended to closely understand how consumers make their brand choice. The objective of the study is as follows: to find out the major factors that influence consumers preference of toothpaste brands. To identify consumers preference for toothpaste bra... Continue Reading
The study focuses on the impact of effective public relations practice in the marketing expansion of banking services in Enugu metropolis. a case study of All State Trust Bank Plc operating in Enugu state. It aims at identifying the areas of potential problems in order to enable corrective measures to be taken. Continue Reading
Places rentals has developed an excellent crop skilled and counteous permanent staff with continuous training in the area of customer service which results in the efficiency and versatility contributes to the successful gosling of clients events. Entertainment services rendering in the ikeja context recently. As a result of this the production and ... Continue Reading
This research work is on the impact of advertising in the marketing of banking services. This work was carried out in order to determine the impact of advertising in the marketing of banking services using Micro Finance Bank Plc Oko as a case study. As a matter of fact, financial industries are banks and other insurance firms. Advertising can be de... Continue Reading
The objective of researcher is to address the following to know the reason of this upward movement of the pricing of goods in Nigeria. To discover only Nigeria dependable on importation to X �“ ray why then is steady rise in the price of imported goods these issues were addressed through theoretical and empirical approach within help of secondary ... Continue Reading