

Presented To

Department of Marketing


There are so many problems facing international marketing in both the industrialized and developing countries, from the recent happening, he can see that these problems have been preventing international marketing from optimizing its goals of earning sufficient foreign exchange which enhances for capital income and national reserve of the country.

It is due to the full recognition of the fact that there are problems ------- in international marketing activities in Enugu – State that the researcher undertake this work (study) which sets out t o investigate the objectives, role and application of public relations (PR) to international marketing and extent by which exporting companies which constitute a significant part of business in both industrialized and developing countries.

The research objectives of this study include:

1. To determine the level of awareness among exporters in Enugu – State of the International Public Relation (IPR) strategies and practices.

2. To determine the attitude of these exporters towards the application of IPR international marketing.

3. To determine the extent of their knowledge and application of IPR in their marketing activities.

4. Also to determine the problems by them in their application of IPR techniques and strategies in international marketing.

5. To make appropriate recommendations. To achieve these objectives, the researcher tested three (3) null hypothesis (Ho) and three (3) alternative hypothesis (Hi), also there were some constraining factors during the course of this research would prominet among them was the problem encountered during distribution and collection of questionnaires.

The method the research adopted in the finding include primary and secondary data collection system in the primary data collection, questionnaires were designed and distributed to marketing executives in five exporting companies. Some respondents were interviewed to get information not available in the questionnaires administered to them while the secondary data collection was stained through related literatures, such as books, journals, magazines etc. About 150 marketing executives and public relations practitioners were interviewed. This number was selected after a pilot survey of 100 marketing officers in 5 exporting companies, and the sample size which is 150 was determined by applying Frend and Williams 1970 sample size determination model which

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(l2) and test of proportion were used in testing of hypothesis.

The major findings in this study include among others that only about 305 of the exporting companies investigated upon engage in exporting, that about 85% if the company investigated uses PR in their business activities, the IPR awareness rate of the importance, strategies and techniques which is also contained in the first hypothesis which was accepted fall, below 42 again, about 43% of the companies investigated considered using PR the major market communication means of expanding htier marketing activities, 2 nd hypothesis which test fell the attitudes of exporters towards IPR was rejected while the 3rd hypothesis which tested the necessity of IPR in solving international political problems, was accepted.

Thus, it is recommended that exporters in Enugu State should practice and apply the techniques and strategic in their international marketing activities, they should engage in the use of corporate relation or institutional advertising to project their various organizations image, they should recruit better qualified still whose learning and experience have bearing on PR or marketing recourse, also they should adopt well planned IPR management engage in research to enable them select the best course of action, and evaluation their activities from time to time.


Title Page

Approval Page




Table of Contents


1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.4 Formulation of Hypothesis

1.5 Significance of the Study

1.6 Scope of the Study

1.7 Definition of terms


2.1 Overview of Public Relations

2.2 Objectives of PR Campaign

2.3 Functions of the PR Practitioner

2.4 PR and the Marketing Concept

2.5 What is International Marketing

2.6 The International Marketing Environment

2.7 Deciding on How to go International

2.8 The Role of PR in International Marketing


3.1 Research Methodology

3.2 Sources of Data Collection

3.3 Population of the Study

3.4 Sampling Sizes Determination

3.5 Sampling Technique

3.6 Research Instrument

3.7 Data Treatment and Analysis

3.8 Allocation and Administration Question


4.1 Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis of Data

4.2 Presentation and Analysis of Data

4.3 Tests of Hypothesis

4.4 Limitation of the Study


5.1 Summary of Findings, Recommendations and Conclusions

5.2 Summary of findings

5.3 Recommendations

5.4 Conclusions


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