

Presented To

Department of Marketing


Effective marketing strategies in Road Transport Service (A case study of Peace Mass Transit).

Transportation being mention earlier as a means by which goods are moved from one point to the other in order to create time and place utilities.

Therefore in Peace Mass Transit we found out that pricing strategies was applied which happens as reduction from what other transporters collecting. It is the traditional variable in marketing of all the variable. If beings in revenue while others constitute areas of expenditure are cost.

Some observations were made by the researcher (us) that with transportation there were made by the positive effect on the operations in peace mass.

It is revealed that low pricing is known as their main task for their ability to attract and retain customers patronage. It was confirmed that Peace Transport created the urge for customers patronized their company repeatedly than other transporters.

Based on the finding we also made recommendation among them including the following.

That they should revisit the pricing system to make it comparable with others in the transport industry.

To set up their promotional strategies for increased customers patronage and they should acquire more buses that will cover unexploded market.

Therefore transportation have motivated the customers to make more demand usually and have it helped the effective enterprises on whatever their immediate profitability and their forces on positive contributions to the safety of the society.

Their effect has creates the role of retaining loyalty hence the transport company (PEACE) is offering the society of the required services, which are technically perfect reliable long lasting and appealing the basic assumptions that influence the adoption of this type of philosophy.



Transportation is the means by which goods are moved from one point to the other in order to create time and place utilities.

It helps to bridges the gap between producer or suppliers and the consumer or industries users of their products.

The mobility of people and materials has today become one of the greatest needs that have to be adequately satisfied in our economy, without a good transport system, the economy would suffer stagnation hence transportation is popularly referred to as the engine of the economy.

It is as a result of the great importance attached to transportation that man has over the years developed various modes of transportation in other to facilitate the evacuation of people and material.

These include road, water, air and pipeline. Inspite of the importance of transportation, the guest for a goods transport system remains as illusion. This is as a result of ineffective marketing strategies adopted by its operators.

According to Adirika in his handout, marketing strategies is set of determination that guides or directs the manager of an enterprise to reach there devised long-term markets positions.

It comprises the objective that are sought and the strategies idea or strategies that are to sought and accomplish it.

In the view of Kotler (1984, P19) stated that firms must market themselves in a way that the customer will not just be satisfied with their product and services infact be delighted. Therefore it is necessary for transport operator within the nation and Enugu metropolis in particular to seek and understand customer preferences, habits, must research into these thing that will reduce the effect of ineffective marketing practices.

Also in the view of Kotler, the task of the organization is to determine the needs, want and value of target market and adopt the organization delivering the desire satisfaction more efficiently than its competitors.

Peace Mass Transmit Limited has made a giant stride in transport industry. The company within a few years of operation has left no one in doubts as to their capacity and reliability to perform in transport industry. The company has branches span all over the country and that of Enugu is located at Holy Ghost, the company has fleet of (4) setter computer Higher Buses and their services is second to none. It has a workforce of about (20) twenty in Enugu branch alone.

Mr. Frank Nnaji is the Managing Director, the minister of state for external affairs in official speech in commissioning of Abuja branch noted, that transport can now be define as means of conveyance of goods and services from one place to the other in comfort and safety. The peace mass, has revolutionized the transport sector giving most people a choice between land and air transport, but for some time now, the company is battling with marketing problem and staff competition and others.

In other to counter this, the company introduced accident scheme, on board entertainment children’s subsidiaries fare etc.

But these increase the operation cost and without increasing profit. One may then ask how can this company better their operation through effective marketing strategies.

It is in the light of importance attached to marketing that the researcher seek to find out how to improve its effectiveness with regard to use by transport operation. With particular interest in peace mass transmit limited Enugu.


The peace mass transport Nigeria limited is one of the leading transport companies operating in the country now.

But it is no exaggeration to say that some transport companies in Enugu are performing below expectation. That is to say that they do not meet the required patronage by numerous travelers and peace mass transport is no exception.

One may be inclined to suggest that the reason for the low performance is non-application of effective marketing strategies. Peace Mass Transport Nigeria Limited in an attempt to increase the rate of patronage by customers offers good services, engages in promotional activities. These promotional activities increase the profitability of the company.

More so, the industry is now highly attractive and competitive, these are a lot of big timer’s like favour transport, Udele, Izuchukwu and host of others. The activities of these transporter have effected negatively he profitability of the company improves has operation through effective marketing strategies, there are many others from the focus of this research work.


- The following objectives were formulated

- To determine the impact of marketing strategies used by peace mass transmit.

- To determine the impact of quality of service offered by peace transport Nigeria limited on customer patronage.

- To determine the impact of the fare charged in peace transport Nigeria Limited on customers patronage.

- To determine if Peace Transport Nigeria Limited distribution strategies leads to easy available.

- To determine the impact of marketing strategies used by peace transport company on their operation.

- To determine the impact of marketing strategies used by peace transport limited on its profit.

- To make recommendation on how to improve their marketing operation.

- To determine impact of promotion adopted by peace mass Nigeria limited in creating customers awareness.


The managerial efficiency of peace mass transport Nigeria limited will increase if this research recommendation are judicial implement equally, they will have more customers.

The research work will help operators of transport service not only in Enugu Metropolis but Nigeria in general. It will help the customers transport services.

Lastly, the researcher should also gain experience from the work in carrying out research work.


This work which is on the effective marketing strategies for road transport service concentrated on four major areas of marketing strategies which are product, price, place and promotion.

With regards to the area to be covered, the research work concentrated on the case study of peace mass transport Nigeria limited Enugu.


Some problems were encountered during the course of this research work. The problems are uncooperative. Attitude of the respondents, the work of this nature involving the use of case study does not always receive the blessing of the management of companies.

They Feel hesitant of offering information needed, some see it as an attempt to expose the inefficiency in they system and as an attempt to obtain information for letting the secret of their business out to competitors.


The researcher’s work involved a lot of money, repeated calls on the respondents were made with enormous finance cost on respondents. Equally building photocopying and other cost were included.


The researcher was a student, time was essence, attending class work a limited factor that affected the research work.


It is consisted appropriate and feasible set of principles through which a particular company helps to actions its long-run customer profit objectives in a particular competitive environment.


The amount of money charge for a product or services, or the sum of the value consumer exchange for the benefits of having or using the product.

Promotional strategies

It is controlled integrated programmed of communication method and material designed to present a company and its product to prospective customer’s.


It is the transferring of a title of goods and it moves from the producer to the final consumer.


A social and management process by which individual and group obtain what angling product of value with other’s

Time utility

It’s creates principally to make products available when needed.

All this is all about marketing strategies.

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