Two feeding trials were conducted to investigate the growth and physiological response of sheep fed forage with and without supplementary bambara nut waste or brewers spent grain. First trial (Experiment I) assesed the effects of dry season supplementation of bambara nut waste or dry brewers spent grain on growth performance and blood metabolit... Continue Reading
The work was carried out to determine the effectiveness of smoking and oven drying on the shelf stability and sensory characteristics of Atlantic mackerel fish fillets during storage. In the study, mackerel fish was eviscerated and cut into fillets, weighed and measured, cleaned and dipped in 75% saturated brine for 1 minute. It was smoked at... Continue Reading
The survival of rural poultry industry in developing countries depends to a large extent on the type of rearing methods employed and seasonal changes in weather conditions. In nearly all African countries, poultry production in rural areas is predominantly based on a free-range system utilizing indigenous types of fowl, (Kitalyi, 1998; Horst, 1988)... Continue Reading
Acid rain is a wide spread term used to describe all forms of acid precipitation (rain, snow, hail and fog) Atmospheric pollutants particularly oxides of sulphur, oxides of Nitrogen and carbonic acid can cause precipitation to become more acidic when converted to sulphuric and Nitric acids hence the term acid rain. Acid deposition, acid rain and... Continue Reading
This study was designed to determine the integration of rice markets in Enugu state. Factors considered include: socio-economic characteristics, existing market structure and channels, integration of rice markets, structural factors that affect the integration of rice markets and the problems affecting rice traders in the state. Forty wholesaler... Continue Reading
Economic study of the use of organic manure in yellow pepper production in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State was carried out. The study was aimed at; describing the socio economic characteristics of yellow pepper farmers, identifying factors that motivate the use of organic manure by yellow pepper farmers Continue Reading
This research was designed to determine and compare the technical efficiency and input levels used in rice production under farmer managed irrigation systems (FMIS) and rain fed systems (RFS) in Kogi State. It also compared the effects of socioeconomic characteristics on the technical efficiency of farmers in the FMIS and RFS. Four null hypothes... Continue Reading
Four varieties of cassava, namely: 91/02324, 97/4779, 98/2101 and NR87184 were processed into chips (30 x 2.0 x3.0 mm), ‘abacha shreds (0.80, 1.0, 1.6 mm thick) ‘abacha’ slices (0.5 mm x 60 mm) and gari. Part of the chips was processed into ‘abacha’ slices and gari to compare the products with those made from fresh roots. The mechanic... Continue Reading
In mechanized operations, these post harvest processes are supposed to be carried out with machines and equipment. The engineering design and efficient operation of the post harvest processing machines and equipment require adequate knowledge of engineering properties of the bio-materials. Knowledge of engineering properties such as physical and me... Continue Reading
The study examines the role of commercial banks in Agricultural development in Nigeria, spanning from 1986-2010. The methodology used is ordinary least squares (OLS), using P.C give 8.00 package. The findings from the study support the view that commercial bank loans are not getting to red farmers. The commercial banks loan to Agricultural sector i... Continue Reading
One of the important objectives of macroeconomic policy in has been the rapid economic growth of an economy. Economic growth is defined as "the process whereby the real per capita income of a country over a long period of time." Economic growth is measured by the increase in the amount of goods and services produced in a country. A growing econom... Continue Reading
The studies on characterization of different type of adsorbent such as coconut shell activated carbon, activated carbon from groundnut and activated carbon from corncob has been performed. The characterization of the adsorbents includes estimation of various parameters such as bulk density, BET surface area, SEM, porosity, pH, iodine number and met... Continue Reading
The research works on the "socio-economic importance of increasing agricultural output through the activities of cooperative societies" a case study of selected agricultural cooperatives in Anambra state. The study was carried out to survey the past programmes and policies constituted by government to mobilize peasant farmers into agricultural co... Continue Reading
This research work will dwell on agriculture and the changes that has taken place in Itak clan in Ikono Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State from the pre-colonial to the colonial era. The project will also focus attention on the impact of agriculture on the economy of Itak clan in the colonial era Continue Reading
This study was conducted to investigate the economics of cassava processing into garri and pellets in Kogi State. Data were collected from 100 cassava processors (22 males and 78 females) and analysed to describe socio-economic characteristics, identify and describe various technologies used in cassava processing, ascertain gender roles, estimat... Continue Reading