This research is focused on the effect of transportation cost variation on agricultural produce in Benin city of Edo State. It has been discovered that transportation and socio-economic development are closely related. This is also to introduce students and indigenes of Edo State to the problem and reason for the low standard of socio-economic deve... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Background to the study Statement of problems Research question Objective of study Significance of study Scope of study Limitation of study Definition of terms Continue Reading
This study deals with the production and processing with special reference to Ovia North East Local Government Area of Benin City Centres for the purpose of this investigation two (2) study centres were randomly selected a questionnaire made up of eighteen (18) items was constructed with assistance of my supervisor and administrated. Finally it was... Continue Reading
The purpose of this study was to investigate problem and prospect facing the marketing of poultry product in Orhionmwon Local Government Area of Edo State four research questions formulated and analyzed. The respondents were made up of poultry farmers who were into selling of poultry product like eggs, chicken and turkey in Orhionmwon Local Governm... Continue Reading
This study examined the problems and prospects of oil palm cultivation using Nifor as a case study. In the process of the research questionnaires were administered to farmers and workers, so as to enable the researcher collect the required data which were selected and analyzed using simple percentage. The findings of the study revealed that problem... Continue Reading
The study is to research on the problems and prospect of agriculture in Edo State. The study is to look at the attitude of Edo State people towards the improvement of agriculture, which tend to be a weak attitude and problems to the state at large. These problems are summarized as low level of literacy, poor agricultural implements, inadequate numb... Continue Reading
This project work was carmed out in Ovia North West Local Government Area of edo state to examine the problems of duck farming within the area. 5o questionnaires were distributed among farmers in the local government but there response where only analyzed using simple frequency and percentages. From the analysis it was revealed that 30% the farmers... Continue Reading
Chapter One Background to the study Statement of the study Purpose of the study Significance of the study Research questions Limitations of the study Continue Reading
Background to the study Statement of the study Purpose of the study Significance of the study Research questions Limitations of the study Chapter Two Review of related literature Chapter Three Research design and methodology Sampled area Sample subject Research instruments Administration of the que... Continue Reading
For the purpose of this research work, an opinion survey was made using oral interview and author - constructed questionnaire to examine “the contributions of agriculture to rural development” using Udi Local Government Area of Enugu as a case study Continue Reading
Agricultural credit guarantee scheme fund was established to help farmers who have little or no collateral to get loans from commercial banks by CBN. It was the aim of this research work to find out if CBN has helped in developing cooperative activities in agricultural aspect through their giving of loan, grant, and other farm inputs. Chapter one c... Continue Reading
The importance of fish production and marketing value of fish production in Ughilli North East Local Government Area of Delta State. Fishery industry in Ughelli North East Local Government were randomly selected to find out the importance of fishing. Questionnaires methods and oral interview were used in collection of data. Questionnaires were s... Continue Reading
In this research work the important of appropriate institutional arrangements for the development of in-land fisheries enhancement strategies in Anambra state is emhasined . Chapter one contains a general discussion based on the general trend of fish production in most intend water bodies in Nigeria and high lighted some factors which where th... Continue Reading
Nigeria is by far the world’s largest producer of yams, accounting for over 70�“76 percent of the world production. According to the Food and Agricultural Organization report, in 1985, Nigeria produced 18.3 million tonnes of yam from 1.5 million hectares, representing 73.8 percent of total yam production in Africa. According to 2008 figures, yam... Continue Reading
This project seeks to bring together existing state of knowledge and existing state of practice in agriculture sector new techniques have to be proven before they are adopted in the general practice. Chapter one of this project will deal with the statement of problems rationale of study significance of study and definition of terms. Ch... Continue Reading