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comparative study of thermal properties of some common roofing materials in nigeria

Thermal properties refer to characteristics of a material defining the substance and related to temperature dependent. The most important thing in building design is the protection of people who live and work within the environment. The research work identified some common roofing materials used for building design in Nigeria.. The samples in... Continue Reading


somatic and genetic effects of low sar 2.45 ghz microwave radiation on wistar rats

The study is divided into three parts; firstly, the effects of MWR on the anxiolytic and exploratory behaviour of the animals. MWR produced dose-dependent significant decrease in the cumulative time spent in the open arms of maze in the first twelve days after exposure and gradually increased towards the control value before the end of two weeks.... Continue Reading


effect of secondary radioclimatic variables on signal propagation in nsukka, nigeria

This study presents the effects of Radioclimatic variables on signal propagation in Nsukka, Nigeria. The primary Radioclimatic data used in the study include temperature, pressure and humidity or water vapour pressure, while secondary radioclimatic data includes refractivity (N), refractive index (n) and effective earth’s radius (k-factor).... Continue Reading


possible effects of electromagnetic fields (emf) on human health

The Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) has updated the previous opinion on â€Â�Possible effects of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF), Radio Frequency Fields (RF) and Microwave Radiation on human healthâ€Â� by the Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment (CSTEE) from 2001, with resp... Continue Reading


studies of propagation impairments for fixed satellite communication links at the microwave frequencies in nigeria

The study investigates the effect of propagation impairments such as rain, cloud, gases and tropospheric scintillation on fixed satellite communication link on earth-space path for frequencies between 10 and 50 GHz at Ku, Ka and V bands for 37 locations in Nigeria. Two standard elevation angles of 50, 550 as well as some elevation angles for links ... Continue Reading


growth and characterization of ternary chalcogenide thin films for efficient solar cells and possible industrial applications

Ternary thin films of Iron Copper Sulphide (FeCuS), Iron Zinc Sulphide (FeZnS), Lead Silver Sulphide (PbAgS), Copper Silver Sulphide (CuAgS) and Copper Zinc Sulphide (CuZnS) were grown using cheap and simple solution growth technique with EDTA, TEA and NH3 as complexing agents. The deposited films were characterized using PYE-UNICO-UV-2102 ... Continue Reading


appication of geoelectrical resistivity imaging to investigate groundwater potential in atan, ogun state southwestern nigeria

Geoelectrical resistivity imaging using both 2D and Vertical Electrical Sounding (1D) method was carried out in Atan , Ado/Odo Ota Local Government, Ogun State ,Nigeria using the PAS earth resistivity meter. Three profiles was carried out using both Wenner and Schlumberger array configuration. The data was interpreted using RES2DINV for 2D and... Continue Reading


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