

Presented To

Department of Physics


The study investigates the effect of propagation impairments such as rain, cloud, gases
and tropospheric scintillation on fixed satellite communication link on earth-space path for
frequencies between 10 and 50 GHz at Ku, Ka and V bands for 37 locations in Nigeria. Two
standard elevation angles of 50, 550 as well as some elevation angles for links to recently
launched Nigeria Communication Satellite, (NigComsat-1) were used in the computation of the
propagation impairments for the 37 locations. Linearly and circularly polarized waves were
considered. The International Telecommunication Union Radiowave Propagation models (ITURP) were used in the investigation of the propagation impairments. The study is divided into three parts; firstly, the collection and analysis of meteorological data from Tropical Rain
Measurement Mission (TRMM) and Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) satellites such as rain accumulation, profiles of temperature, pressure, and relative humidity, surface temperature and pressure were validated with the available ground data in Nigeria to form statistics on monthly and annual basis. These are reprocessed to derive propagation parameters, such as; one-minute rainfall rate, water vapour density, total cloud liquid water content, and integrated water vapour content. Secondly, an appropriate ITU-RP propagation model was selected for each of the propagation impairment and was used to calculate each attenuation distribution for a percentage of time unavailability. Thirdly, the attenuation due to all impairments were combined based on the annual cumulative distribution and percentage of time unavailability between 0.01 to 10%. The calculation of the propagation parameters are based on the measured mean annual data in each location for the period of 4 to 9 years. Propagation impairments were also computed at Ku, Ka and V bands for links to NigComsat-1 at 0.01 to 10% of time unavailability in an average year. The results of all impairment were compared on regional basis by using a colour chart for all the 37 locations in Nigeria. The results of the predicted propagation impairments are as follows: rain attenuation is highly severe in Abakaliki the South-East (SE) region followed, in descending order, by Yenagoa the South-South (SS), Ibadan South-West (SW), Jos Middle-Belt (MB), Damaturu North-East (NE), and Kastina North-West (NW) regions. Cloud attenuation is highly severe in Abakaliki the SE region followed, in descending order, by Jos (MB), Gombe (NE), Dutse (NW), Ikeja (SW), and Calabar (SS) regions. Gaseous attenuation is highly severe in Calabar the (SS regions) followed, in descending order, by Ikeja (SW), Abakaliki (SE), Abuja(MB), Dutse the (NE) and Kastina (NW) regions. Tropospheric scintillation is very high in Calabar (the SS region) followed, in descending order, by Ikeja (SW), Owerri (SE), Abuja (MB), Dutse (NE) and Kastina (NW) regions. Combined impairments due to multiple sources of simultaneously occurring atmospheric attenuation is highly severe in Abakaliki the (SE region)
followed, in descending order, by Uyo (SS), Ikeja the (SW), Markudi (MB), Maiduguri (NE) and Katsina (NW) regions. For links to NigComsat-1 the combined impairments due to multiple sources of simultaneously occurring atmospheric attenuation is highly severe in Yenagoa the (SS region ) followed, in descending order, by Owerri (SE), Ibadan (SW), Jos (MB), Damaturu the (NE), and Katsina (NW) regions. Overall, Sokoto and Katsina appear as good locations to site fixed satellite earth stations (operating at Ku band and above) for deep space exploration as the results obtained showed consistently that the two locations are less affected by all propagation impairments investigated.
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgements iv
Table of contents v
List of Figures x
List of Tables xii
Abstract xvi

11 Introduction 1
12 Statement of the Problem 2
13 Rationale for the study 3
14 Aim and Objectives of the study 4

21 Scattering and Absorption by Single Particles 6
211 Cross section and Scattering Amplitude 7
22 Propagation Impairment Mechanisms 8
23 Impairment by Rain 9
231 Characteristics of rainfall in tropical region 9
232 Types of Cloud 10
233 Stratiform and Convective Rain 12
234 Raindrop size and shape 13
235 Raindrop size distribution models 14
236 Models of Rain Attenuation Statistics 16
237 Methods of rain attenuation measurements 18
238 Rain Data Source 19
239 Processing of Rain Data 20
240 Computer program to compute one minute rainfall rate 21
241 Station height above mean sea Level 21
242 00C Isotherm height and Rain height 22
243 Calculation of long-term rain attenuation statistics from point rainfall rate 24
244 Empirical scaling formula 27
245 Some Geometrical Parameters Relevant to the Study of Rain Attenuation at
Selected 37 stations in Nigeria 27
251 Impairment by Clouds 29
252 Cloud Data sources 30
253 Cloud Data processing 31
254 Procedure for evaluation of SVD, TCC and IWVC 31
255 Surface Water Vapour Density, ÏÂ� (SVD) 31
25 6 Total columnar content of liquid water in clouds (TCC) 32
257 Integrated Water Vapour Content (IWVC) 33
258 Computer Program to Evaluate SVD, TCC and IWVC 34
259 Procedure for Evaluation of Cloud Attenuation 36
2591 Specific Cloud attenuation coefficient 36
2592 Computer Program for Attenuation due to Cloud 37
26 Impairment by Atmospheric Gases 38
261 Gaseous Specific Attenuation 39
262 Input Data sources for Gaseous Attenuation 39
263 Procedure for the Computation of Gaseous Attenuation 41
264 Gaseous Attenuation along Slant Paths 44
265 Computer program for evaluating evaluate gaseous attenuation 46
27 Tropospheric Scintillation 47
271 Amplitude Scintillation Prediction Models 47
272 Input Data Sources for Evaluation of Tropospheric Scintillation 48
273 Procedure for evaluating the input parameters 49
274 Calculation of monthly and long-term statistics of amplitude
Scintillations at elevation angles greater than 4° 49
275 Computer program for the Evaluation of Tropospheric Scintillation 51
28 Methods of Combining Propagation impairments 54
281 Combination of Different Attenuation Effects 54
282 Equiprobability Summing 54
283 Convolution method 54
284 Disjoint summing 55
285 Root-sum-square addition 55
286 Coherent summing 56
287 Prediction of Combined Propagation Effects 56
288 Estimation of Total Attenuation due to Multiple Sources of Simultaneously
Occurring Atmospheric Attenuation 57

30 Validation of TRMM Data with Measured Rainguage data in Nigeria 59
31 Nine-year Results of Rain Events as Recorded by TRMM Satellite at
37-Locations in Nigeria 62
311 Year to Year Variation of the derived one-minute Rain rate from TRMM Data 65
312 Cumulative Distribution of Rainfall rates in Six regions 68
313 Comparison with Other Works 69
32 Results of Rain Attenuation 73
321 Rain Attenuation at Ku, Ka and V-Bands for Horizontally polarized Wave Unavailability
for 001% in an Average year at the 37-locations in Nigeria 76
322 Application of Rain Attenuation to NigComSat-1 at Ku and Ka for 001-1%
unavailability at the 37-Locations in Nigeria 80
323 Rain Attenuation Results for Links to NigComSat-1 at Ku, Ka and V Downlink
Frequencies for a VSAT at 001 to 10% Unavailability of an Average at the 37-
locations in Nigeria 82
33 Results of Cloud attenuations for 1% Unavailability of an Average Year 87
331 Cloud Attenuations Results at Ku, Ka and V bands for 1% Unavailability of an
Average Year at the 37 Locations in Nigeria 90
332 Cloud Attenuation for Links to NigComSat-1 at Ku, Ka and V-band for
001-10% Unavailability of an Average Year 93
34 Gaseous Attenuation for 1% unavailability of an average year at the 37 Locations
In Nigeria 97
341 Gaseous Attenuations at Ku, Ka and V bands for 1% Unavailability of an Average
Year at the 37 Locations in Nigeria 100
342 Gaseous Attenuation for Links to NigComSat-1 at Ku Ka, and V-bands for
1% Unavailability of an Average at the 37-locations in Nigeria 103
35 Scintillation Fade depth for 001% unavailability at 50 and 550 for the 37-Locations in Nigeria 105
351 Scintillation Fade Depth for the 001% Unavailability at Ku, Ka and V-band at the 37 locations in Nigeria 108
352 Scintillation Fade Depth for Links to NigComSat-1 at Ku and Ka for 001 - 10% Unavailability of an Average at the 37-locations in Nigeria 111
36 Combined Attenuation for 001% Unavailability of an Average Year for Frequencies 10 to 50 GHz at the 37-Locations in Nigeria 115
361 Combined Attenuation at Ku, Ka and V-bands for 001% unavailability in an Average Year at the 37 Locations in Nigeria 118
362 Combined Attenuation at Ku, Ka and V-bands for Downlinks from NigComsat-1 at the 37 Locations in Nigeria from 001 to 10% Unavailability in an Average Year 121

4 Summary and Conclusions 129
411 Rain Attenuation at frequencies between 10 to 50 GHz 129
412 Rain Attenuation Study at Links to NigComSat-1 at Ku and Ka from 001-1%
Unavailability of an Average Year 129
42 Cloud Attenuation at frequencies between 10 to 50 GHz 130
421 Cloud Attenuation Study for Links to NigComSat-1 at Ku and Ka from 001-1%
Unavailability of an Average Year 130
43 Gaseous Attenuation Study at 1% unavailability for frequencies between
10 to 50 GHz 130
431 Gaseous Attenuation Study for Links to NigComSat-1 at Ku and Ka for 1%
Unavailability of an Average year at the 37 locations 130
44 Tropospheric Scintillations Study at 001% unavailability of an Average
Year for Frequencies 10-50GHz at the 37 Locations in Nigeria 130
441 Scintillation fades depth Study for Links to NigComSat-1 at Ku and Ka for
001 to 10% Unavailability of an Average at the 37-locations 131
45 Combined Attenuation Study at 001% Unavailability of an
Average Year for Frequencies between 10 to 50 GHz 131
451 Results of Combined Attenuation Study at Ku, Ka and V-bands for Downlinks
from NigComsat-1 for 001 to 10% Unavailability in an Average Year at the
37-Locations in Nigeria 131
46 Conclusions and Recommendations 132
Appendix 142 

Figure                                                            Title Page
11 Map of Nigeria showing the 37 stations used in the study 5
21 Illustrating a single Scattering process 7
22 Types of Cloud 10
23 The Ten Basic Cloud Types 12
24 Raindrop size and shape 14
25 Schematic presentation of an Earth-space path giving the parameters to be input into the attenuation prediction process 24
26 Illustration of the A-Train Satellites 31
31 Cumulative Distribution of Rainfall rates for the 37-locations in Nigeria 68
3 2 Rain Attenuation in Nigeria for 001% unavailability of an Average Year for Horizontal polarization at 50 elevation 74
33 Rain Attenuation in Nigeria for 001% unavailability of an Average Year for Horizontal polarization at 550 elevation 75
34 Rain Attenuation Cumulative distribution for links to NigComsat-1 at Kuâ€"band (11GHz) 84
35 Rain Attenuation Cumulative distribution for links to NigComsat-1 at Kaâ€"band (20GHz) 85
36 Rain Attenuation Cumulative distribution for links to NigComsat-1 At Vâ€"band (40GHz) 86
37 Cloud Attenuation at the 37 locations for 1% of an Average Year at 50 elevation 88
38 Cloud Attenuation at the 37 locations for 1% of an Average Year at 550 elevation 89
39 Cloud Attenuation Cumulative distribution at Ku (11GHz) downlink Frequency from NigComsat-1 for the 37 locations 94
391 Cloud Attenuation Cumulative distribution at Ka (20GHz) downlink Frequency from NigComsat-1 for the 37 locations 95
392 Cloud Attenuation Cumulative distribution at V (40GHz) downlink Frequency from NigComsat-1 for the 37 locations 96
310 Gaseous Attenuation at the 37 location in Nigeria for 1% Unavailability at 50 Elevation 98
311 Gaseous Attenuation at the 37 location in Nigeria for 1% Unavailability at 550 Elevation 99
312 Tropospheric Scintillation in Nigeria for 001% Unavailability of an Average year at 50 Elevation 106
313 Tropospheric Scintillation in Nigeria for 001% Unavailability of an Average year at 550 Elevation 107
314 Tropospheric Scintillation Cumulative distribution at Ku (11GHz) downlink Frequency from NigComsat-1 for the 37 locations 112
315 Tropospheric Scintillation Cumulative distribution at Ka (20GHz) downlink Frequency from NigComsat-1 for the 37 locations 113
316 Tropospheric Scintillation Cumulative distribution at V (40GHz) downlink Frequency from NigComsat-1 for the 37 locations 114
317 Combined Attenuation due to Cloud, Gases, Scintillation and Rain in Nigeria for Horizontal Polarization at 50 elevation 116
318 Combined Attenuation due to Cloud, Gases, Scintillation and Rain in Nigeria
for Horizontal Polarization at 550 elevation 117
319 Combined Attenuation due to Rain, Cloud, Scintillation and Gases at Ku (11GHz) for links to NigComsat-1 122
320 Combined Attenuation due to Rain, Cloud, Scintillation and Gases at Ka (20GHz) for links to NigComsat-1 123
321 Combined Attenuation due to Rain, Cloud, Scintillation and Gases at V  (40GHz) for links to NigComsat-1 124

Table                                                                       Title Page
11 Frequency Bands used in Satellite Communication 2
20 Particles Responsible for Atmospheric Scattering 6
21 Approximate height ranges at which bases of cloud are found 11
22 List of the input parameters necessary for rain attenuation prediction models 17
23 Topographic data: Heights above Mean sea level (m), Zero degree Isotherm
Height (m) and Rain height (km) for the 37- locations in Nigeria 23
24 Some Geometrical Parameters Relevant to the Study of Rain Attenuation at
5 and 55 degrees elevations for the 37 locations 28
25 Summary of the input Climatic data for Cloud and Gaseous Attenuations
Derived from AIRS Satellite data from AUG 2002-JUL 2006 35
26 Summary of the input Climatic data for Computation of Gaseous Attenuations
Derived from AIRS Satellite data from AUG 2002-JUL 2006 40
27 Summary of Climatic Parameters Needed for the Computation of Tropospheric
Scintillation Derived from AIRS Satellite data, Average value from
Aug 2002- Jul 2006 52
28 Geometrical Parameters Relevant to Scintillation Fade Depth for Downlink
from NigSatcom-1 for the 37-locations 53
31 The Seasonal Variation of Mean Precipitation, Percentage Mean Bias Error and
Overall Correlation Coefficients 61
31b Comparison of the 3-yr mean seasonal rainfall (mm/month) of this work with
other climatic regions in Africa 62
32 Summary of Rain Events in Nigeria derived from TRMM 3B43V6 data
January 1998-December 2006 64
33 Year to Year Variations of One-minute Rainfall rates (in mm/h) Exceeded for
001% of an Average Year Derived from TRMM 3B43V6 Satellite Data:
January 1998 to December 2006 66
34 Statistical Summary of One-minute Derived Rainfall rates Exceeded for 001%
of an Average Year from TRMM 3B43V6 Data: Jan 1998-Dec 2006 67
35 Correlation of the Derived One-minute Rainfall rates with Other Works 70
35b Measured One-minute Rainfall rates for Tropical and Subtropical Locations
around the World Compared with some Tropical and Subtropical Stations in
Nigeria for the Present study 72
36 Calculated Attenuation due to Rain at 5 degrees Elevation for Ku, Ka and
V bands Uplink and Down link Frequencies for Horizontal Polarization for
the State Capitals in Nigeria 78
37 Calculated Attenuation due to Rain at 55 degree Elevations for Ku, Ka and
V bands Uplink and Down link Frequencies for Horizontal Polarization in
the State Capitals in Nigeria 79
38 Some Geometrical Parameters Relevant to NigComSat-1 at Downlink
Frequencies at Ku, Ka, and Extended to V Bands for Future Communication
 Satellite at 001%Unavailability 81
39 Calculated Attenuation due to Cloud at 50 Elevations for Ku, Ka and V Bands
Uplink and Downlink frequency for the State Capitals in Nigeria 91
391 Calculated Attenuation due to cloud at 55
0 Elevations for Ku, Ka and V Bands
Uplink and Downlink frequency for the State Capitals in Nigeria 92
310 Results of Gaseous Attenuation at 5 degree Elevations for Ku, Ka and V Bands
Uplink and Downlink Frequencies for the 37-Locations in Nigeria 101
311 Results of Gaseous Attenuation at 55 degree Elevations for Ku, Ka and V Bands
Uplink and Downlink frequencies for the 37-Locations in Nigeria 102
312 Gaseous Attenuation relevant to link to NigComSat-1 at 1% unavailability at Ku,
Ka and V Satellite Bands 104
313 Results of Tropospheric Scintillation at 5 Degree Elevation for 001%
Unavailability at Ku, Ka and V Bands, Uplink and Downlink, Frequencies, for
the State Capitals in Nigeria 
314 Results of Tropospheric Scintillation at 55 Degree Elevation for 001%
Unavailability at Ku, Ka and V Bands, Uplink and Downlink, Frequencies, for the State Capitals in Nigeria 110
315 Combined Attenuations due to Cloud, Gas, Rain and Scintillation at 50 Elevations for Ku, Ka and V bands Uplink and Downlink Frequencies for Horizontal Polarization in the State capitals in Nigeria 119
316 Combined Attenuations due to Cloud, Gas, Rain and Scintillation at 55
0 Elevations for Ku, Ka and V bands Uplink and Downlink Frequencies for
Horizontal Polarization in the State capitals in Nigeria 120
317 Combined Attenuations due to Cloud, Gas, Rain and Scintillation at Ku-bands
Downlink from NigComsat-1 for Horizontal Polarization for the State capitals in Nigeria 126
318 Combined Attenuations due to Cloud, Gas, Rain and Scintillation at Ka-bands
Downlink from NigComsat-1 for Horizontal Polarization for the State capitals in Nigeria 127
319 Combined Attenuations due to Cloud, Gas, Rain and Scintillation at V-bands Downlink from NigComsat-1 for Horizontal Polarization for the State capitals in Nigeria 128
41 Summary of all propagation impairments in Nigeria by region from 10-50GHz 132
A1 Results of Rain Attenuation (in dB) for 001 % Unavailability for Vertical Polarization at 5 degree elevation 143
A2 Results of Rain Attenuation (in dB) for 001 % Unavailability for Circular Polarization at 5 degree elevation 144
A3 Results of Rain Attenuation (in dB) for 001 % Unavailability for Vertical Polarization at 55 degree elevation 145
A4 Results of Rain Attenuation (in dB) for 001 % Unavailability for Circular Polarization at 55 degree elevation 146
A5 Results of Rain Attenuation (in dB) for links to NigComsat-1 at 001 % Unavailability for Horizontal Polarization 147
A6 Results of Rain Attenuation (in dB) for links to NigComsat-1 at 001 % Unavailability for Vertical Polarization 148
A7 Results of Rain Attenuation (in dB) for links to NigComsat-1 at 001 % Unavailability for Circular Polarization 149
A8 Matlab 70 Functions for the Computation of Climatic input Parameters Needed for Propagation Studies 150
A9 Matlab 70 Functions for the Computation of Attenuations Due to Rain, Gas, Cloud, Tropospheric Scintillation 151
A10 Matlab 70 Programs for the Computation of Climatic input Parameters Needed for Propagation Studies 152
A11 Matlab 70 Programs for the Computation of Attenuations Due to Rain, Gas, Cloud, Tropospheric Scintillation 155
A12 TRMM Instruments and Flight Characteristics 167
A13 NigComsat-1 Characteristics 170

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