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terrorism and the contemporary american novel: a postmodernist appraisal of don dellilo’s falling man (2007) and john updike’s terrorist (2006)

Terrorism centres on both the tactic and strategy to commit acts of violence. It is viewed as a method of combat. It is a means to achieve certain targets. Terrorist acts aim to induce a state of fear in the victims which are not necessarily the actual targets of the terrorists. The terrorist events on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in the... Continue Reading


the place and expression of oral tradition in toni morrison’s beloved, song of solomon and ralph ellison’s invisible man

The place and expression of Oral tradition in selected novels of Toni Morrison and Ralph Ellison shows how oral tradition is able to link the past and present in terms of family origins and cultural identity at the same time. Since Africans were transported as slaves to America, they have nurtured and created a dynamic culture within a climate of i... Continue Reading


the relationship between african american identity and rap songs: a study of selected rap songs of grandmaster flash and the furious five

Rap music as one of the elements of hip hop culture originated in New York’s South Bronx neighbourhood in the late 1970s. Its lyrics provide a powerful lens through which to view the many dimensions of the African American predicament. As a form, Rap music is for African Americans the means to pen down their history and social circumstances ... Continue Reading


projection of the girl-child in nigerian children’s literature: a study of selected works of akachi adimora-ezeigbo and mabel segun

The thrust of this dissertation examines the projection of the girl-child in Nigerian children‟s literature, using Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo‟s The Prize and Seyi’s Strong Voice alongside Mabel Segun‟s My Father’s Daughter and My Mother’s Daughter. The research aims at exploring new ways to reintegrate the girl-ch... Continue Reading


european colonialism in cameroon and its aftermath, with special reference to the southern cameroon, 1884-2014

The study focuses on European Colonialism in Cameroon and its Aftermath, with Special Reference to the Southern Cameroon, 1884-2014. The rationale for this work is based on a variety of reasons namely: the relative exclusion of Southern Cameroon from socio-economic and political scene and the dominance of the French speaking part of Cameroon in the... Continue Reading


media in development: a study of the guardian and vanguard newspapers coverage of the power sector reform in nigeria (from 1st october, 2013 - 31st april, 2014)

This study explores and analyze the various roles the Nigerian newspapers, with specific referenceto the Guardian and the Vanguard newspapers played in the process of government deregulating the power sector by emphasizing the nature of coverage the newspapers gave to the reform. Areas covered in this work include background to the study, review of... Continue Reading


participatory communication in parliament-constituents relations: a study of the voice and accountability mechanisms in the kaduna state house of assembly

Over the years scholars have researched this concept and came to an understanding that democracy is inextricable from communication. Communication enhances democracy, facilitates interaction, inclusiveness and participation engendering representative democracy but this is not the case with Kaduna in particular. Therefore, this study examines the n... Continue Reading


terrorism and the contemporary american novel: a postmodernist appraisal of don dellilo’s falling man (2007) and john updike’s terrorist (2006)

Terrorism centres on both the tactic and strategy to commit acts of violence. It is viewed as a method of combat. It is a means to achieve certain targets. Terrorist acts aim to induce a state of fear in the victims which are not necessarily the actual targets of the terrorists. The terrorist events on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in the... Continue Reading


a pragmatic analysis of compliments in selected nigerian newspapers

ABSTRACT This study is a pragmatic analysis of the use of compliments in selected Nigerian newspapers. Compliments sourced from the feature article sections of the selected newspapersform the data collected for analysis. The selected compliments are analysed highlighting the contexts in which they were used, while applying the Speech Act theory as ... Continue Reading


traduction juridique et exigences linguistiques: tentatif de traduction en franã‡ais de women and the right to inheritance in nigeria

A legal translation is rarely undertaken as a study topic in the Department of French of the Faculty of Arts of most universities among the Anglophone communities. Women and the Right to Inheritance in Nigeria is a legal text compiled by Shelter Rights Initiative (SRI). It is a compilation of four different paper presentations, commentaries made, q... Continue Reading


a pragmatic analysis of compliments in selected nigerian newspapers

ABSTRACT This study is a pragmatic analysis of the use of compliments in selected Nigerian newspapers. Compliments sourced from the feature article sections of the selected newspapersform the data collected for analysis. The selected compliments are analysed highlighting the contexts in which they were used, while applying the Speech Act theory as ... Continue Reading


politics in contemporary nigerian novel: a case of wale okediran’s tenants of the house and richard ali’s city of memories

Abstract Literature overtime has always served the purpose of projecting the political realities of societies around the world. The African writer has been very much influenced by politics because the African intellectual is a part of the political elite. Thus, African literature has tended to reflect the political phases of the continent. This stu... Continue Reading


satire in ngugi wa thiong’o’s matigariand wizard of the crow

Abstract This study, â€�“Satire in Ngugi wa Thiong‟o‟s Wizard of the Crow and Matigari focuses attention on the marginalised members of the society whose expressions of dissatisfaction satirise the various activities of their leaders meant to pauperise them perpetually. This work uses Socialist Realism of Marxism to focus on how thro... Continue Reading


a critical study of theatrical performance as an instrument for addressing students’ anti-social behaviour in two nigerian universities

Theatrical performance is one of the tools deployed to address social issues in Nigeria. However, the trend in the university today shows that the university community is not fully benefitting from the efficacy of theatrical performances to address anti-social behaviours among students. Continue Reading


a pedagogical assessment of literature-in-english in some selected government and private secondary schools in bauchi state

This thesis assesses the teaching and learning process of Literature-in-English in some selected secondary schools in Bauchi state. The research is based on the assumption that Literature-in-English, like any other subject in the secondary school, is expected to be taught in such a way that it will be interesting to both the teacher and the learner... Continue Reading


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