Advances in Artificial Intelligence are credited to have given the world computers that can defeat people at chess as well as drive cars and manage calendars. However, despite the progress made, scientists are still unable to develop machines that are capable of replacing human beings. Cyberspace, credited to be network of interdependent informatio... Continue Reading
From the inception of modern taxation in Nigeria in the first decade of the 20th century the problem of poor tax administration has been the cankerworms that militate against an optimum revenue generation which affect negatively the government ability to render essential services to the citizenry. With the above problems in mind, various reforms we... Continue Reading
With the advent of computer age, legislatures have been struggling to redefine the law to fit crimes perpetuated by computer criminals. The rise of technology and online communication has not only produced a dramatic increase in the incidence of criminal activity, it has also resulted in the emergence of what appears to be some new varieties of cri... Continue Reading
In Nigeria, in spite of the statutory mechanisms put in place to mitigate disputes, the phenomenon has been on the increase and on a consistent basis. The statutory dispute settlement procedure has not fostered industrial harmony to a large extent. Consequently, how to achieve effective settlement of trade disputes has, over the years, posed great ... Continue Reading
The thesis explores environmental rights protection in Nigeria and South Africa. The research questions are: Are the identified elements of environmental rights reflected in the law and policy of Nigeria? What role has regulatory bodies, the judiciary and civil society played in promoting and protecting the right to a healthy environment in Nigeria... Continue Reading
Certain reforms had been put in place to address Nigeria’s quest towards an efficient administration of justice in the country. The reason for this quest is because there is the problem of undue delay in determining cases as a result of the legal processes being usually very slow and complex. Two major reforms carried out with the aim of addressi... Continue Reading
This research work titled “critical analysis of the regulatory regimes of the petroleum industry in Nigeria” is centred on the legal and institutional frameworks of the regulatory regimes of the petroleum industry in Nigeria. The work attempted to trace the development, growth and evolution of the regulatory regimes in the petroleum industry pr... Continue Reading
This thesis examined why the prices of petroleum products continues to be priced differently in Nigeria despite the existence of uniform pricing law on petroleum products. The study also examined the principle of deregulation of downstream petroleum sector in Nigeria in order to posit the key argument of how the policy affects economic activities i... Continue Reading
Broadcasting Organisations are not perceived as watch-dogs of the society promoting transparency, accountability and good governance for socio-economic and infrastructural development. Works of Broadcasting Organisations are generally construed in narrow term confining its works to the propagation of government policies and programmes. This problem... Continue Reading
Nigeria has a land area of 923,768.64 square kilometers, with a coastline of over 823 kilometres and navigable inland waterways of about 4,000 kilometres. These confer on Nigeria great potentials. To what extent these potentials have been tapped for productivity and nation building would be appraised considering the attendant issues and challenges ... Continue Reading
Principles of taxation, especially international taxation, are one of the instruments through which Foreign Direct Investment, (FDI), is usually attracted to a country. These principles are invariably contained in bilateral or multilateral tax treaties signed between the host countries and the investor countries. The issue for consideration is whet... Continue Reading
Finance is the key to investment and growth hence the need for efficient financial systems to help development. Nigeria’s financial system comprises the money and capital markets that serve it. These two sub-sectors create financial assets and liabilities by intermediating between surplus and deficit units in the economy. While the money market i... Continue Reading
This dissertation is entitled Appraisal of Collective Bargaining Process as a Mode of Settlement of Labour Disputes in Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects. The study examines Collective Bargaining process as a preferred means of settlement of Labour disputes in Nigeria. It is an established fact that the coming in of Industrialization and creation of... Continue Reading
Treaties represent an important instrument by which States undertake and accept responsibilities in the international arena. Nigeria has in furtherance of its international relations entered into a number of multi-lateral and bilateral treaties. Nigeria has by its constitution expressly provided for the treaty making procedure and how treaties can ... Continue Reading
The Teaching of Islamic Law of Tort in most of our Law Faculties is often hindered by certain difficulties of a technical nature, chiefly to do with the availability of materials in English Language. This is for the simple reason that the main sources of the subject are in Arabic language. Islamic Law of Tort therefore does not receive proper atten... Continue Reading