Mal-administration of justice and the decay of the law enforcement institutions in Nigeria have resulted into serious moral, social and security decadence in the country. The inability of the National Government and the judiciary as an arm of government to seek redress on the impending situation has invariably resulted into a frustrating and ineffe... Continue Reading
It is generally accepted that banks are inevitable component of an economic system and that the capital of a bank is the foundation on which it stands. This foundation has continued to witness dynamic changes leading to crisis that often threaten to rock the foundation of our banking system. At each of the point the crisis the depositors had always... Continue Reading
Any country’s economic score sheet is influenced by the events within and from abroad. The reality of globalization has come to mean that the former speaks louder now than in the days past when domestic measures dictated matters. The passion being expressed by the Nigerian government for foreign investments needs to be examined in the context of ... Continue Reading
The effect of war has far gone beyond human suffering. Armed conflict has devastating effect on the environment. It is on record that some battlefields of the World War I and II are still unfit for human habitation and cultivation. Consequently, environmental law of war exists to provide protection to the environment during armed conflicts. This th... Continue Reading
Dispute or disagreements are unarguably and necessarily an inevitable part of human existence, flowing directly from communication, inter reaction and relationships. This can occur at individual, and commercial level, but even at international level in view of current trend of globalization, which pose some threat to international commercial transa... Continue Reading
The idea of a strong standing tribunal to try serious violations of international law has been around since the end of World War II. After WWII, the Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunals were set of ad-hoc by the Allies, the victors of the World War II to try the principals of the loosing axis power. While the Nuremberg was regarded as more successful and ... Continue Reading
Nigeria's federal system of government has experienced various challenges since its establishment in 1954. While the 1999 Constitution reaffirms Nigeria as a federation, its implementation often conflicts with the core principles of federalism, raising concerns about centralization and the erosion of state autonomy. This thesis focuses on the juris... Continue Reading
This study examined the role of the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice (ECCJ) in the protection of human rights in the West African sub-region specifically, under the ECOWAS Treaties of 1975 and the Revised Treaty of 1993. The research focused on the ECOWAS treaties, Conventions and Protocols. However, references were made to similar international, ... Continue Reading
In its 50 year history as an independent nation, Nigeria has experienced over two hundred recorded violent ethno-religious disturbances. The first major ethno-religious disturbance exploded in 1966 as a direct result of political crisis in one of the regions that spiraled out of hand and led to the fall of the federal government. A civil war ensued... Continue Reading
This is an attempt to look at the corporations liability for its own acts and those of Its organs or agents and servants. The purpose, then, is to look into the criminal liabilities of Companies for such things as breach of statutory duties, such as failure to make returns and to keep books of accounts or to hold annual general meetings and fraudul... Continue Reading
Where a dispute arises from the breach of a term or terms of a contract between 'A' a Nigerian and 'B' an Italian, the court which entertains the action will employ an objective test in order to determine the law to govern the resolution of this dispute. Before arriving at this law, the court considers the intention of the parties regarding their c... Continue Reading
Islamic Criminal Justice System i.e. the Hudud is an aspect of the Sharia which has been villified and misrepresented as archaic, inhuman, harsh, cruel and barbaric etc and above all outmoded. This aspect of the sharia has been unceremoniously ousted from the Islamic Legal System, because of ignorant and the grotesque manner of its presentation. Th... Continue Reading
This research focuses on the assessment of Petroleum Profit Tax (PPT) within the upstream oil sector in Nigeria, addressing key issues in its administration and calculation. Despite its economic significance, the Petroleum Profit Tax Act (PPTA) and other Nigerian tax laws lack precise definitions for terms such as tax and assessment of tax, creatin... Continue Reading
The research is aimed at creating awareness or acquainting readers, (non lawyers) with prerogative remedies; viz: certiorari, mandamus, prohibition and habeas corpus. These, were prerogative writs in England and were used for many purposes. For example, certiorari was used in Commanding an inferior court of record to certify to the Queen in the Hig... Continue Reading
The aim of this then is is to make a comparative study of the defence of provocation in Nigeria and the Sudan. Provocation as a defence attracted criticism by many writers directed to the concept of a reasonable man and the doctrine of proportionality. In this comparative study I examined the differences between the Criminal Code which is applicabl... Continue Reading