I investigated the factors that contributed to pollution in Enugu metropolis. The aim of this research was to find out the effects of pollution to the life of the society and also to view the possible causes of this pollution, and make recommendations for eliminating the problems from all its roots and branches. Continue Reading
Business Organization is facing shift competition and as a result are adopting every strategy for their survival. One of these strategy is by budgeting the operations. The writer decided to find out wages in which budgeting affects organization and contribute to the profitability of their operation and management efficiency, thus the topic. Continue Reading
In the course of this research work, productivity is taken to mean the relationship between the quantities of goods produced to the quantity of resources used. A more fruitful way to understand productivity is to consider it a process. Thus Brech (1975) was of the view that productivity can loosely thought of as the continuing improvement of the fi... Continue Reading