Search result(s): 736 - 750 of 1302 » Department » Computer Science

automated course registration system for tertiary institutions

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction Most tertiary institutions, the process of registering all students as members of the institution and the courses they are to offer is largely concentrated into a very short period of time. The registration period takes some time to complete. The purpose of the registration process is to determine ... Continue Reading

Computer Science

development of a credit facility calculator

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction Attracting and retaining profitable customers, and increasing revenue from those customers, is a priority of the managers of all firms in today’s globalised marketplace. It is particularly important in the highly competitive retail financial services market, where the core business of banking con... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of criminal record management system

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction A computer based crime control record system is a system that enables the police force to utilize the computer system (hardware and software) to record crime information and also to investigate or to find out the perpetrators of a given crime based on past criminal records, or by the examination of... Continue Reading

Computer Science

customer billing system for hotel industry

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Introduction Billing is a financial accounting concept for business organizations such as hotel industry to bill their customers for services rendered and the billing report is utilized by management to know the income generated. Hotel billing record system is used to capture the bill record of customers to come up w... Continue Reading

Computer Science

financial software for cyber-cafe management

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction This chapter presents the introduction to financial software for cyber-café management it discusses the theoretical background, statement of the problem, aim and objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, organization of the research and definition of terms. Continue Reading

Computer Science

designed to encrypt data and decrypt court data only by the authorized user

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction Since times immemorial, the major issue in data communication are security of data to maintain its confidentiality, proper access control, integrity and availability of data. As soon as a sensitive message was etched on a clay tablet or written on the royal walls, then it must have been foremost in... Continue Reading

Computer Science

effect of poor management strategy in small and medium scale enterprises

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.0 Introduction Building strong debt management institutions, developing clearly defined procedures and creating the capacity for rigorous analysis can help countries to manage these risks effectively, minimising the cost of borrowing and ensuring a sustainable debt position into the future... Continue Reading

Computer Science

decision supporting system for inventory management

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction Inventory Management Systems is a key instrument for businesses when tracking their inventory. Typically, Inventory Management Systems are used by firms that either sell a product or manufacture a product for purposes of accounting for all the tangible goods that allow for a sale of a finished prod... Continue Reading

Computer Science

support system for software evaluation

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction This chapter introduces the decision support system for software evaluation. It is the first chapter in this research work and is specifically focused on the theoretical background as well as the statement of the problem, aim and objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope of the stud... Continue Reading

Computer Science

designed by encrypt court data and decrypt court data only by the authorized user

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction Since times immemorial, the major issue in data communication are security of data to maintain its confidentiality, proper access control, integrity and availability of data. As soon as a sensitive message was etched on a clay tablet or written on the royal walls, then it must have been foremost in... Continue Reading

Computer Science

drug checklist management record system

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction This chapter presents the introduction to the study, statement of the problem, aim and objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, organization of the research and definition of terms. Continue Reading

Computer Science

automated duty processing system for secondary school

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction Education is seen as the backbone of development in any nation. It improves the quality of life of a society through refinement of its potentials. Education is a tool for building a united, independent, wealthy and egalitarian society that can maintain its’ tradition and values. In the past howev... Continue Reading

Computer Science

development and design of a database driven electrical power distribution information system

CHAPTER ONE GENERAL INTRODUCTION Introduction This chapter presents the introduction to the study. It presents that theoretical background, statement of the problem, aim and objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, organization of the research and definition of terms. Continue Reading

Computer Science

role of electronic banking on the growth of nigerian economy

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Before the emergence of modern banking system, banking operation was manually done which lead to a slowdown in settlement of transactions. This manual system involves posting transactions from one ledger to another which human handles. Figures or counting of money which should be don... Continue Reading

Computer Science

employee data mining information system

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction Data Mining (DM) really gained a lot of prominence in the society as it helped make prediction methodologies easier in various fields. Data mining may be viewed as the extraction of patterns and models from observed data. Data mining tools aid the discovery of patterns in data. Gartner, the global ... Continue Reading

Computer Science

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